This may sound odd, but it may also be because so many of us (me) on the Camino these days are considerably older than pilgrims used to be--and we are very conscious of what we CANNOT do and make an effort to take good care of ourselves on the...
Thank you, @David, for all you have done over the years being a First Aid Angel on the Camino Frances.🤗😇
Yes, the Camino is changing and evolving into something "else" it seems, especially the Frances.
We all will eventually "hang up our boots"...
I am done. My mission ended ... I spent hours at the main refugio in Estella - no casualties ... I have lurked at the Irache wine fountain, I have been to all the places I can think of where pilgrims pass and stop for a break and, no, those days...
Well this is strange .. am I come to the end here? Have been doing this since 2006 but this year all has changed, radically changed.
In the spring I walked some days on the Meseta and thought that the lack of casualties was because I was in the...
Well ... Robo interviewed me a couple of times - the rascal, he knows how to get people talking! Proper friendly journalist (nice bloke too). But I think they are known as Robo's videos.
I think the one that gets mentioned is a docufilm made by...
David, I would love to watch your Youtube video/documentary as it was mentioned in post #5. Would you please share the link here?
How wonderful you are finding a creative way to continue helping pilgrims, not only with their minor injuries, but...
A friend just told me about a Netflix series called Gangs of Galicia, and I started watching. Haven’t got the nuances of the plot yet, but so far there are scenes in Combarro, Arousa and Pontevedra. It’s dubbed in, nice to have even a weak...
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