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  • October the 12th 2004 I posted the first post here on this forum. 20 years have passed. Thank you for being such a good group of people and for hanging around. More here in this thread. All the best from Santiago, Ivar

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    • msconduct10
      msconduct10 replied to the thread Shoes ... Large toe box.
      Another vote for Altras. I’ve had huge issues with plantar fasciitis and my Altras don’t trigger it at all. I do also make sure to roll my feet on a cork ball and stretch my calves and hamstrings regularly but I love my Lone Peaks for shorter day...
    • msconduct10
      Maybe don't stay in Muni's? (Edit: Or any Albergue) There are other options. Sometimes as 'experts' we are not great at taking advice about things we are expert in. I include myself in this of course. I recall meeting a Nurse on my first...
    • msconduct10
      Well it’s only a pound and sits at the bottom of my pack nicely (link below). I probably could get a sleeping bag but I don’t like the idea of zippers touching me if I have to leave a thermostat leg out. Ick. But I’m more worried about it being...
    • msconduct10
      Have you thought about unpicking the bottom so you can stick your feet out if you get hot? I just take a liner and if I think I'm in for a cold night layer up clothes wise. Works for me, but I get that it may not be everyone's MO
    • msconduct10
      Right but I was thinking of leaving the liner home per the OPs experience. Always trying to shave weight!
    • msconduct10
      You’ve made me rethink my sleeping stuff. I was going to bring a liner and a camping quilt but I think the quilt has buttons or something to sleeping-bagify it. My only fear is that I sleep very hot, but I’ll be there in April so it should be...
    • msconduct10
      @CamisMors It may seem like a silly question (but consider the source)... Why take both Tevas and flip flops? It is probably just me, but I don't mind wearing my Tevas from the shower and then out/about. BTW, what sleeping bag did you decide...
    • msconduct10
      msconduct10 replied to the thread Cushioned Compression Socks.
      You might look into calf compression sleeves instead of socks so that you can treat your feet differently than your calves. Thats always been my setup for endurance walks and runs and I get a fair bit of swelling in my ankles and feet if I’m on...
    • msconduct10
      msconduct10 reacted to rvhelmondt's post in the thread What if your backpack gets lost? with Like Like.
      UPDATE: My bag has been found and dropped of at my hotel! Starting my camino as we speak. Thank you for all your comments and words!
    • msconduct10
      I Like to carry water and immediate/common use items in front to prevent having to awkwardly access back pack. I used these (or similar) : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085QDPMK1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 I attach the...
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