Well.. I think you are brave to start your Camino without a plan!
Will it create problems for you?
It all depends on who you are and what you expect.
As the other posts show, you will be starting with a lot of other people. Many who have planned their Camoino for months if not years.
Some will have their whole Camino booked with places to sleep. Most will have a plan for the first 3-5-7 days after which they will adjust their planning to 1 or 2 days ahead.
And then there will be a few who will be camping out or roughing it (if thats a word?..).
One thing that brings options and sollutions.. as it sometimes is in our world.. is how much funding you have. The more you have the more options you will have.
A lot of pilgrims wants to stay at the budget Albergues (hostals for pilgrims) which cost around 5-12 Euros.
But you have private albergues that charge around 12-20 Euros and of course a lot of hostals and hotels.
Look here at this Spanish site to get an idea about what options there are in the towns and what they cost.
Your first 3-4 days might be hectic where you have to be creative with finding a place to stay.
A lot of pilgrims, strangers to each others, share a room at hotels - 2,3,4,5 persons - be openminded and I believe you will find your way.
So prepare yourself to be adventurous and keep your spirit high.
If you are not a young person then pull out the youth in you
And remember:
Everything flows
Flow with it.
Buen Camino
Oh yes.
It is not a race you are entering unless you make it a race yourself.
Don't listen to much to the people who creates a lot of stress in you by booking far ahead.
There is a lot of stress inducing talk on the Camino.