Article 2 - Free camping is prohibited in all the territory of the Autonomous Community of Aragon. It may exercise modalities camping or outdoor housing governed by this Regulation.
Article 7. - Prohibitions.
In no case may fall campsites, campgrounds or camping in the following fields:
1. - In areas in which the General Land Use Plan or Planning Subsidiary Rules to the prohibition.
2. - In land in beds or dry beds of rivers or streams, and the power that can be flooded, and in those areas that are dangerous for any reason.
The appreciation of such extremes will be based on technical reports of the competent authority.
3. - At less than 150 meters from footage catchment population for consumption. This distance should be at least 300 meters to the point of waste water disposal camping. If the discharge takes place upstream channel this distance is 1 km. minimum.
4. - In the vicinity of industries annoying, unhealthy, harmful or dangerous, according to Decree 2414/61 of 30 November.
5. - In land located within 500 meters of monuments or historic-artistic, legally declared or they have been initiated in the declaration file date of application and archaeological sites.
6. - In land surrounding the perimeter of the maximum level of the reservoirs and the defining line the banks of lakes and ponds in a distance of 50 meters.
7. - In fields that pass by overhead power lines, except if the following conditions are met simultaneously:
a) that the line voltage is lower than 30 KV.
b) The height of the line is greater than 7 meters in the worst conditions.
c) That the line characteristics comply with the provisions of crosses reinforced, as Article 35 of the Rules of High Voltage Overhead Lines.
d) There should be an area of prohibition of use under the projection of the line, 5 feet on each side of the wire ends, setting a beacon through fence, landmarks or any procedure that effectively prevent vehicle access to the area prohibition of use, which will also be assembling tents, caravans or other forms of accommodation. Permission interior roads that cross movement of people and vehicles.
If the airline stranded outside the closed area isolated may be reduced to 2 meters on each side.
e) That the supports located inside the enclosure have ground ring with ohmic resistance corresponding to traffic areas and are surrounded with fence 2 meters high situated 2 meters or outside support.
f) In the case of high voltage lines must camp into two zones exclusively by one or more vials under the line. The heights and characteristics of crosses shall be consistent in the regulation of high voltage overhead lines.
There will be a closing fence on both sides of the line height of 2 meters, located at least 10 meters of conductors measured in horizontal projection ends and the sides of roads crossing the form to ensure inaccessibility of people and vehicles to the area under the line.
8. - The situated at a distance less than 500 meters radius of those lands dedicated to storage of waste and solid waste and wastewater treatment facilities or industrial others.
9. - The sited more than 50 meters on either side of the railway counted from the outside edges of the excavation. Regarding roads are subject to the provisions in each case by the competent body, in any case prohibited the installation within 10 meters from the outer edge of excavation.
10. - In those lands or places, at the demand of military, industrial, commercial, tourism or protection of natural or other interests or public easements expressly established by law or regulation.