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Death on the trail today


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Sept 2024
We were about 45 minutes from O Cebreiro today and we came upon a group performing CPR. We called emergency but no ambulance came and over an hour later a helicopter showed up but it was too late. I don’t have any details beyond that but it shook all of us. It occurred a few hundred meters from La Laguna de Castilla.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Topochines....you all, they all, did your best.

Depending upon the age of the victim and the reason for the arrest, the percentages of people saved by CPR are much less than 50%. And that's even when advanced life support shows up within minutes.

The reason we do CPR is because, sometimes, you can catch lightning in a bottle. Any chance is usually better than no chance. But those of us who've had to do it more than once know that we get very few back.

Feel free to PM me if talking will help you.
Before the Camino: Your Pocket Guide to Prepare Your Body and Mind for the Camino
If I end my life on the Camino, I will at least have left this life while doing something spectacular and close to my heart. Much preferred to a lonely deteriorated life in a nursing home.

Not bad.

JMHO and my 0.02 €.

Other than that, I am of course very sorry for the fate of the deceased pilgrim.
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.
Thank you for trying to save our dear friend Michael's life today. I think it is him you are referring to. We are in shock and will miss him massively. He was a remarkable man.
And he died doing what he loved. Rest in peace dear Michael.
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your friend, Michael. May St James greet him and God's mercy envelope him.
Before the Camino: Your Pocket Guide to Prepare Your Body and Mind for the Camino
My condolences to you and all who are experiencing Michael's loss. I praise to God for carrying Michael on his journey to the Father. This is our Journey too whether our goal is Santiago or simply to enjoy cafe con leche, our journey is to be with our Father in heaven through Jesus Christ Who is El Camino, La Verdad y La Vida! Ultreia et Suseia
It is a sad (for the loved ones left behind) fact of our lives that all lives will have an end to this existence. Most of us don’t get to choose when or how that occurs, so whatever you might believe about what happens next, we all can take comfort when someone leaves while doing something they love.

RIP, Peregrino…Buen Camino.
Topochines....you all, they all, did your best.

Depending upon the age of the victim and the reason for the arrest, the percentages of people saved by CPR are much less than 50%. And that's even when advanced life support shows up within minutes.

The reason we do CPR is because, sometimes, you can catch lightning in a bottle. Any chance is usually better than no chance. But those of us who've had to do it more than once know that we get very few back.

Feel free to PM me if talking will help you.
I have read 3%. I cannot think of a better way to go than on the Camino.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Topochines....you all, they all, did your best.

Depending upon the age of the victim and the reason for the arrest, the percentages of people saved by CPR are much less than 50%. And that's even when advanced life support shows up within minutes.

The reason we do CPR is because, sometimes, you can catch lightning in a bottle. Any chance is usually better than no chance. But those of us who've had to do it more than once know that we get very few back.

Feel free to PM me if talking will help you.
Well said. As a one who has also performed CPR numerous times it is exhausting physically and mentally.
I have revived people only for paramedics to have lost them eventually. Key to survival is prompt modern medial intervention.

Well done to those that attempted to work on the now deceased.
We were about 45 minutes from O Cebreiro today and we came upon a group performing CPR. We called emergency but no ambulance came and over an hour later a helicopter showed up but it was too late. I don’t have any details beyond that but it shook all of us. It occurred a few hundred meters from La Laguna de Castilla.
Sincere condolences on the loss of your friend
Give back to the Camino. Join us from Logroño to Burgos May 30 to June 8.
Topochines....you all, they all, did your best.

Depending upon the age of the victim and the reason for the arrest, the percentages of people saved by CPR are much less than 50%. And that's even when advanced life support shows up within minutes.

The reason we do CPR is because, sometimes, you can catch lightning in a bottle. Any chance is usually better than no chance. But those of us who've had to do it more than once know that we get very few back.

Feel free to PM me if talking will help you.
Many parts of the Way are remote and vehicle-inaccessible. I've imagined how difficult it would be for emergency help to get to someone who fell or had a heart attack. Say the Rosary while walking for that departed soul.
Thank you dear Pilgrims for your many kind and loving thoughts and messages. They bring great comfort. I will impart them to all who loved Michael here in the community Findhorn, Scotland, where he lived. At the time of his cremation that will happen in Spain today or tomorrow, his dear friend JL and four pilgrims (who were present at the time of his passing) will sing Taize songs, and we will join them here in the community. Michael loved to sing. Thank you for somehow through this thread bringing his experience of walking the Camino and the last chapter of his life closer.
Thank you for trying to save our dear friend Michael's life today. I think it is him you are referring to. We are in shock and will miss him massively. He was a remarkable man.
And he died doing what he loved. Rest in peace dear Michael.
So sorry Sushumna, had you guys started in Sarrià? So so sorry.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
We were about 45 minutes from O Cebreiro today and we came upon a group performing CPR. We called emergency but no ambulance came and over an hour later a helicopter showed up but it was too late. I don’t have any details beyond that but it shook all of us. It occurred a few hundred meters from La Laguna de Castilla.
Hi Friend,
Sorry for your experience. We share a similar event from 2023; I can let you know from our experience that the presence of God along the Camino has a way of healing even our most traumatic moments. Right now, you are moving a pace (3 miles an hour, I suppose?) that promotes healing and restoration. Treasure life.
Thank you to those of you expressing their condolences, and for those who stopped to help Michael and Jean Luc yesterday. My own deepest condolences to those of Michael's friends and family back home. I have only known him a few short weeks but he was an incredible soul and will truly be missed.

It was a tragic moment, but the love shown by so many, both strangers and acquaintances, is appreciated by all.

I am currently with Jean Luc in Ponferrada and we are arranging for a short service to be held before the cremation tomorrow, between 10:00-12:00, if anyone would like to take a moment for Michael during their walk tomorrow.
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.
Topochines....you all, they all, did your best.

Depending upon the age of the victim and the reason for the arrest, the percentages of people saved by CPR are much less than 50%. And that's even when advanced life support shows up within minutes.

The reason we do CPR is because, sometimes, you can catch lightning in a bottle. Any chance is usually better than no chance. But those of us who've had to do it more than once know that we get very few back.

Feel free to PM me if talking will help you.
Thank you for this statistic. I had no clue previously. Chuck
Thank you for this statistic. I had no clue previously. Chuck
Your implied point is appreciated. Sometimes, when death is encountered, it is as if a person, "What's going on here? I am shocked." When the fact of the matter is that death is as common as birth and is just an integral and important part of life as birth. One might say that death is even miraculous as birth as life without death would be hell magnified a thousand times over.
This is not to make light of death or to ignore the effects and repurcussions of death, especially when loved ones are involved. Medical people deal with this day in and day out and do not go crazy or go insane. Death, from one perspective, is to be treasured and welcomed. It has always been with mankind and always will be; therefore, one might say the appropriate thing to do is to learn how to put death in the proper perspective.
Sorry, too much babbling and I have no idea where I am going with this.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Topochines....you all, they all, did your best.

Depending upon the age of the victim and the reason for the arrest, the percentages of people saved by CPR are much less than 50%. And that's even when advanced life support shows up within minutes.

The reason we do CPR is because, sometimes, you can catch lightning in a bottle. Any chance is usually better than no chance. But those of us who've had to do it more than once know that we get very few back.

Feel free to PM me if talking will help you.
My partner and I were among those who first arrived and tried to help. My deepest condolences for all who knew and loved peregrino Michael. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you to everyone who commented with the kind words and personal experiences, they are helping us through difficult thoughts and feelings.
We will continue our walk to Santiago, and with Michael’s spirit in our minds.
Thank you for trying to save our dear friend Michael's life today. I think it is him you are referring to. We are in shock and will miss him massively. He was a remarkable man.
And he died doing what he loved. Rest in peace dear Michael.
Extremely sad news. A loss of a loved one or friend is hard to bare. I know exactly how you feel, I’ve lost my two brothers within four months of each other this year and I’m still trying to come to terms with it. I am walking the vdlp next June in his memory as my last pilgrimage. At least Michael died doing something that touched his heart and soul.
Farewell Michael our thoughts and prayers with you.
3rd Edition. Vital content training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I echo those who pass on condolences and those offering comfort the pilgrims who were there. As an EMT, I can confirm that even in the very best of circumstances, CPR without an AED or a Lucas device immediately available is rarely effective. Bystander CPR alone is effective in less than 5% of the cases; even in a hospital setting with all available equipment it is only 25%, and even fewer than those survive to discharge. We do what we can hoping that each time is one of the rare ones, but recognize that it usually is not.

I also encourage those who were there and participated in those efforts to recognize their own trauma and to seek help if they feel the need.
Topochines....you all, they all, did your best.

Depending upon the age of the victim and the reason for the arrest, the percentages of people saved by CPR are much less than 50%. And that's even when advanced life support shows up within minutes.

The reason we do CPR is because, sometimes, you can catch lightning in a bottle. Any chance is usually better than no chance. But those of us who've had to do it more than once know that we get very few back.

Feel free to PM me if talking will help you.
A good bit less than 10% success rate for CPR in all but a few very rare circumstances (such as lightning strikes). Always worth attempting, but so hard on the responders, especially when help is slow in arriving!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Thank you dear Pilgrims for your many kind and loving thoughts and messages. They bring great comfort. I will impart them to all who loved Michael here in the community Findhorn, Scotland, where he lived. At the time of his cremation that will happen in Spain today or tomorrow, his dear friend JL and four pilgrims (who were present at the time of his passing) will sing Taize songs, and we will join them here in the community. Michael loved to sing. Thank you for somehow through this thread bringing his experience of walking the Camino and the last chapter of his life closer.
Buen Camino, Michael.
And for his family and friends: I wish you all a lot of strength to carry your loss.
May the memories of him ease your pain.
A good bit less than 10% success rate for CPR in all but a few very rare circumstances (such as lightning strikes). Always worth attempting, but so hard on the responders, especially when help is slow in arriving!
So glad that people are posting these cautions...
I recall a thousand years ago learning in grad school (medical anthro) that unless the reason for sudden heart stoppage was truly accidental and without a precursor (lightening is a very good example; some forms of blunt trauma or sudden shock might apply), then CPR will not work.
Worth trying... but nothing to feel one "failed" at if resuscitation does not work. Odds were not in favour of success.
Tonight, I will say a prayer for this pilgrim and for those who helped him.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).

I hope that some people may see this who were there yesterday on O Cebreiro..

If anybody has the names and contact details of those who were there with Michael, please write to me directly if you feel comfortable

Lots of love to everyone hurting right now

Sushumna, bcamino, Mindy, topo and all....

I've sung some Taize in choir before. I'm not with that choir now, but will sing for Michael tomorrow. Also, at least in the US, Be Not Afraid is a common choice.

For those of you that will complete your Camino, *if you wish,* you can write the words In Vicarie Pro and Michael's name on a piece of paper, and give it to the volunteer who's preparing your Compostela. Most of them know to add that phrase to the bottom of your Compostela. It means that you walked it for him, since he couldn't complete it for himself.

Buen Camino.
Thank you for trying to save our dear friend Michael's life today. I think it is him you are referring to. We are in shock and will miss him massively. He was a remarkable man.
And he died doing what he loved. Rest in peace dear Michael.
My condolences, thoughts and prayers are with you Sushumna and friends.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Thank you for trying to save our dear friend Michael's life today. I think it is him you are referring to. We are in shock and will miss him massively. He was a remarkable man.
And he died doing what he loved. Rest in peace dear Michael.
May he walk the final Camino with his head held high and his feet carrying him to the Compostela in the sky, where there is always a bed and the pilgrims meet forever.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Give back to the Camino. Join us from Logroño to Burgos May 30 to June 8.
@bcamino it is heart warming to read your message, and that you were/are with Jean Luc and held a service before the cremation.

We here in Findhorn were so touched and grateful to be able to be part of the cremation service today on zoom, to see the coffin, to connect and sing with Jean Luc and some of you. It brought us much solace and peace. For me our togetherness opened the door to my grief, to come out of disbelief and finally shed tears.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of you who looked after Michael in his last hours - @bcamino, @topochines2012 , @mindytu, and I know there are more - and for all you've been holding in these last days. We honour you.

I received a video of Michael's walking stick reaching Santiago de Compostella this evening, brought by Louis (I'm not sure I heard the name correctly). It is very very moving to see.

We were about 45 minutes from O Cebreiro today and we came upon a group performing CPR. We called emergency but no ambulance came and over an hour later a helicopter showed up but it was too late. I don’t have any details beyond that but it shook all of us. It occurred a few hundred meters from La Laguna de Castilla.
The souls of the just are in the hands of God and no torment can touch them. Today’s reading. RIP pilgrim, and peace to all who were on the scene of his transition.
If I end my life on the Camino, I will at least have left this life while doing something spectacular and close to my heart. Much preferred to a lonely deteriorated life in a nursing home.

Not bad.

JMHO and my 0.02 €.

Other than that, I am of course very sorry for the fate of the deceased pilgrim.
I agree 100% to go that way doing something you loved doing, is a lot better that sitting in your Armchair watching TV
Train for your next Camino on California's Santa Catalina Island March 30 to April 2
We were about 45 minutes from O Cebreiro today and we came upon a group performing CPR. We called emergency but no ambulance came and over an hour later a helicopter showed up but it was too late. I don’t have any details beyond that but it shook all of us. It occurred a few hundred meters from La Laguna de Castilla.
My thoughts go to those left behind. Remember him well.
We were about 45 minutes from O Cebreiro today and we came upon a group performing CPR. We called emergency but no ambulance came and over an hour later a helicopter showed up but it was too late. I don’t have any details beyond that but it shook all of us. It occurred a few hundred meters from La Laguna de Castilla.
A subject I'm unfortunately very familiar with. I survived an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in 2011, and another in 2019. Both times in a gym setting, both times was lucky that people gave me CPR and I was close to a defibrillator.
Thoughts to family and those affected by what they witnessed x
Tears are in my eyes as I read the messages of love and care to those pilgrims who helped and those who loved this lost pilgrim. As someone upthread mentioned, if you were part of the crew that tried to help, please do take the time to recognize your own sorrow and trauma. As someone who was the first on the scene a couple of years ago in a similar situation, I am still recovering from it all. Wishing healing and love to all affected. Omega-Alpha. x
Before the Camino: Your Pocket Guide to Prepare Your Body and Mind for the Camino
We were about 45 minutes from O Cebreiro today and we came upon a group performing CPR. We called emergency but no ambulance came and over an hour later a helicopter showed up but it was too late. I don’t have any details beyond that but it shook all of us. It occurred a few hundred meters from La Laguna de Castilla.
That is a tough, tough hill. Did it in June just about gave up.
We were about 45 minutes from O Cebreiro today and we came upon a group performing CPR. We called emergency but no ambulance came and over an hour later a helicopter showed up but it was too late. I don’t have any details beyond that but it shook all of us. It occurred a few hundred meters from La Laguna de Castilla.
Wow, I am so sorry to hear it. A big virtual hug to you and all those affected. <3
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I struggled up that hill the day before this sad loss happened, carrying my heavy pack and desperate to get to the bar at La Laguna. When I heard the sad news I thought that perhaps an emergency defibrillator kept at La Laguna would be a good idea as that is the steepest few yards after a long uphill walk.
Well...they're not the panacea you might think.

1, and most important, not all cardiac arrests will respond to a shock, or even to several shocks. Very briefly, there are 4 main heart rhythms we see during cardiac arrest. Only 2 of 4 respond to shocks AT ALL

Go back to my earlier posts....even with an AED on hand, we get back less than 50%. Depending on age and reason for the arrest, sometimes we're down in low double digits.

NOTE: American AEDs will state, shock advised, or shock not advised. (BTW, if there are AEDS in Spain, they're probably talking in Spanish).

2. AEDs In the US are *expensive,* and require regular calibration and servicing. There's a reason why even the most equipped of us out of hospital responders don't invest un personal AEDs.

3. Please remember that there is no one overarching agency that funds Camino maintenance or improvements.

BL. If a group like APoC or the Confraternity of St James were to ask their grant receivers if they wanted an AED, my personal bet is no. But bring the topic up with your local chapter.
Train for your next Camino on California's Santa Catalina Island March 30 to April 2
Well...they're not the panacea you might think.

1, and most important, not all cardiac arrests will respond to a shock, or even to several shocks. Very briefly, there are 4 main heart rhythms we see during cardiac arrest. Only 2 of 4 respond to shocks AT ALL

Go back to my earlier posts....even with an AED on hand, we get back less than 50%. Depending on age and reason for the arrest, sometimes we're down in low double digits.

NOTE: American AEDs will state, shock advised, or shock not advised. (BTW, if there are AEDS in Spain, they're probably talking in Spanish).

2. AEDs In the US are *expensive,* and require regular calibration and servicing. There's a reason why even the most equipped of us out of hospital responders don't invest un personal AEDs.

3. Please remember that there is no one overarching agency that funds Camino maintenance or improvements.

BL. If a group like APoC or the Confraternity of St James were to ask their grant receivers if they wanted an AED, my personal bet is no. But bring the topic up with your local chapter.
. . . Or shortcut the system and have one implanted like me! 😉😂

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