Kia ora - me again
Good ol' Howie and his notorious tuppence...
...Why have the caminos to Santiago become so popular...
Many pilgrims on the Camino francès -
The one and only Camino for germans - are of german nationality (or from german speaking countries like Austria, and Switzerland, there are numerous swiss websites about the Caminos). I will try - from my point of view - to explain why
they are interested so much in the Camino francès and the Camino francès only:
There were three incidents which influenced the potential german CF pilgrims:
Paolo Coelho's pilgrimage and consequential book (1987)
For the not faint at heart (demons etc.) and esoteric people.
Esoteric ideas in those days just took off in Germany.
Had some influence on german pilgrims, but not a lot.
But that's when it all started.
Shirley Maclaine's pilgrimage and consequential book (translated in german 2001)
Shirley is a very popular and famous actor in Germany and her films are almost classics in german movie history. So everybody got exited when she did the Camino (francès of course). Shirley has been involved in esoteric stuff of all sorts for a long time. The book is about exactly that: the Camino francès under an esoteric view of things, about invisible "power lines", "magent or force fields", "earth power" and "parallels to the Milky Way, the Universe" and so on. Hugely popular things in Germany - many people need that for orientation in life.
That was the real big push for german pilgrims to do what Shirley did. And to get "esoteric insights".
HaPe Kerkeling's pilgrimage and consequential book (2006)
A german TV entertainer and comedian.
His book was #1 on the german hit list for over a year and still sells extremely well.
This book brought an enormous interest and increase in german pilgrims for the CF - and the CF only. Things took really off then. I dont know why - it's not even esoteric, it's not about the path, it's not a guide of any sorts - it's mainly about the author himself.
After that book everyone in Germany wanted to do the Camino francès. Or at least started talking about it...
I have read all three books. Didn't like either.
Coelho is sort of aloof and very hard to digest.
MacLaine is pure esoteric stuff. If you like that - ok...
Kerkeling is admiring his own belly button.
But without any doubt the combination of the three has created an enormous public interest in Germany for the Camino francès. And according to the way germans think they walk the path "to get inspiration". Which, alas, doesn't come when ordered or expected to come...
Spain is not very far from Germany and can be reached by car within 8 to 18 hours, depending where you live. Spain is a very common holiday destination for germans. Spain is part of the EU and there are no border controls. That all makes it very easy to get there. Spain is sort of "next door" - so is southern France where the CF starts. To most german people I know or talk to about that the Camino francès ist just an other, although unusal, holiday destination. Simple as that.
So. My tuppence. And an attempt to explain why so many
german pilgrims are on the Camino francès.
Thank you for reading my waffle...