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Flu on the Camino


Active Member
About 3 years ago, I took a 3 month trip to Europe. On the flight into Amsterdam, the stewardess was sneezing and coughing and wiping her nose... then proceeding to hand out sandwiches. Needless to say, 7 days later I came down with a horrible case of the flu while in Rome. It quickly developed into walking pneumonia, mostly because I did not have any cold medicine and becuase I didn't rest. In the end, the woman I rented the room from in Madrid took me to the druggist at midnight to get some medicine so I could breathe.

I have an OVERactive immune system type of disease. My body senses an invader, attacks, then doesn't know when to quit. It can become quite a production to get the immune system to calm down and in the meantime my lungs are frighteningly congested.

So this time I'm a little paranoid. I'm carrying a mask to wear on the plane.

I want to make my pack as light as possible. But I'm tempted to take cold and flu medicine. At least something like Advil cold & flu decongestant. I'm also taking Airborne during the flight.

My question is, can I purchase cold & flu medicine over the counter in Spain? Something with a good decongestant in it that will knock back the symptoms?

If yes, can you give me the name so I can write it down? can I get it in a grocery market or do I have to go to a pharmacy? Approximate price?


Just four more sleeps and I'm off! YAY!
Give back to the Camino. Join us from Logroño to Burgos May 30 to June 8.
Hi Deborah,

I know you can get cold & flu medicine over the counter at Pharmacies in Spain. I don't think they have it in grocery stores like they do in the states.

To find a pharmacy look for the (often flashing) green neon crosses, there should be plenty on your way. Ask for “Farmacia”.

As for names of these things I am not sure, but if you go into a pharmacy and say "Gripe" (Flue) and point to your throat or nose... and if you have fever say "fievre" and point to your head... they will understand.

When I first moved to Santiago (and did not know any Spanish) and was in this exact situation this is what I did and it worked great.

I hope this helps and buen camino

Thanks Ivar!

Maybe I'll trust St. James and only take one emergency packet of medicine - that way I can at least get to a pharmacy if I need to.

I'm hoping I'll just stay healthy... pray for me :)

Give back to the Camino. Join us from Logroño to Burgos May 30 to June 8.
Deborah, I prefer Emergen-C over Airborne because I could never get the tablets to dissolve. It comes in various flavors (my fave is orange, but lemon is good too) & does the same thing. It also comes in powdered form in one-serving packages, so you can easily take some along. Start dosing up a few weeks before your trip (one pkg/day will do) & take one each day you're on the Camino. :) My tip: pour the powder into a small cup, add water, stir a bit, then slam it back.


Thanks Wolverine,
I already bought the Airborne at Costco (great price) and I don't have any trouble dissolving it. Maybe Portland water has more chemicals in it! :::laughing::: I've been taking it and will continue to do so... but next time I'll try the EmergenC.

The gripe is rampant in France currently. There are some very good granular solutions, Fluimucal and Mucomyst which can wipe out the symptoms in a few days without any negative drug effects. You need to start the treatment the minute you feel you are getting sick.
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