A question for couples of different sexes: do you sleep separately in the albergues? Do you pay more, and/or is it more complicated to book, to sleep in the same dorm (in separate bunk beds, of...
A Stolperstein is a ten-centimetre (3.9 in) concrete cube bearing a brass plate inscribed with the name and life dates of victims of Nazi extermination or persecution. Literally, it means...
A friend just told me about a Netflix series called Gangs of Galicia, and I started watching. Haven’t got the nuances of the plot yet, but so far there are scenes in Combarro, Arousa and...
I know there are those who struggle to get going in the morning without a coffee.
And sometimes on Camino a coffee is not always available at the start of your day.
This idea might work?
I drink...
Hola. I’m in Logroño and my body needs a day of rest so I’m taking the bus to my next accommodation. Just wondering if it’s ok to get stamps today? I like getting them but don’t want to get if...
This is my first time in spain. It seems that I will be arriving in Santiago with several days, almost a week, to spare before you touch my plane home. If you were in my shoes where would you...
Profile maps of all 34 stages of the Camino Frances
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