
Camino Portugués


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The ruins at the entrance to town are from the palace of a former Duke, and although there were several attempts to rebuild it subsequent to the earthquake of 1755 the only thing we are left with today is the open air Museo Arqueológico, which is more like an open park than a formal museum. 

The camino through town hits all of the major highlights, including the Igreja Matriz opposite the museum, the Capela da San Francisco, the Torre do Cimo da Vila (which offers the best view of the city as well as a small handicrafts exhibition), the Igreja do Senhor Bom Jesus da Cruz (constructed at the location where a large earthen cross mysteriously appeared, but 200 years after its 1504 sighting), and the Confraria de Nossa Senhora do Terço with its spectacular wooden ceiling and wall to wall azulejos tiling.

You may notice an abundance of large colorful galos (roosters) around town. A miracle not unlike that of the hanged innocent is set in Barcelos but lacks the element of St. James as savior as the tales told in Santo Domingo and Toulouse do. In any event, the rooster sprang back to life, proof of innocence and ever since the symbol of Barcelos (and often Portugal) in the process.


The Feast of the Cross is held on May 3rd at the Igreja do Bom Jesus.

Market every Thursday in the feria space opposite the Igreja.

The Road:

A fresh set of arrows and signs direct the way through town, past the Igreja Senhor da Cruz and the large market square opposite it (open on Thursdays).

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Accommodation in Barcelos

AHBV Barcelos
@ Donativo