O Camiño Grande

Camino de Invierno


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Casa Rural Torre Vilariño. http://www.torrevilarino.com/ Very highly recommended, with Camino-friendly staff; pilgrim price for room is 20€ each. Swimming pool; menú del día 15€, pilgrim menú, 10€. Also would be a good lunch or coffee break for pilgrims doing the entire Monforte-Chantada stage. Tel. 982 45 22 60. You can also WhatsApp Susana at 640 10 46 27. Restaurant closed on Wednesdays, except in summer (mid-June through mid-September).

From the Torre Vilariño, there is a marvelous 6 km circle walk that takes you to some amazing viewing spots of bends in the Miño River. Unfortunately the view from the lookout point “Mirador do Cabodomundo” has been obscured by growing trees and bushes. But a few kms on, near the Adegas Moure, the views are open and spectacular. This loop takes you past the Igrexia Monacal de San Martiño da Coba, also perched up high with a view of the Minho.

Although plans had been announced for an albergue in an old school in O Saviñao (about 3 minutes walk from Torre Vilariño), neighbors have filed a lawsuit, which means that nothing is currently happening.

The Road:

From the mojón in Camiño Grande, you enter a new concello of O Savinao. Then at a cross-roads with numerous signs, the Camino goes on the LU-P-5807 straight ahead to Fión. You will see the road marker for km 0, indicating that this is the start of that road. There is a turn for Escairón to the right (you don’t take it, unless you plan to take the alternative route described below). At this point there is also an option to take a 400 meter detour to the left to another Casa Rural, the Torre Vilariño.

The Camino stays on the side of the road (virtually no traffic) and passes through a number of small hamlets – Fontela, Vilaravides, Vilatinosa, A Madredauga, Sobrado, O Cerdeiro, A Vendanova, Outeiro, Montecelo, and finally Diomondi. You will actually enter the “parroquia” of Diomondi about 2 km before arriving at the church itself.


Splitting the Monforte to Chantada stage with a detour to Escairón. The town of Escairón is about four kilometers from the crossroads described above (where you go left to the Torre Vilariño and straight ahead to stay on the Camino). But if you know you are going to sleep in Escairón, and don’t mind getting slightly off the Camino, you can go there straight from Monforte de Lemos. Cross the Puente Romano and keep going straight on Rúa Chantada until you get to the roundabout with a hórreo (old stone Galician granary). Keep going straight, you will be on the LU-617, which is the road that goes straight into Escairón. There are a few bars on the way, and at least one restaurant. Google maps shows this as almost 14 km.

A Pobra do Brollón is about 26 km from Escairón, which is a do-able stage for most. The next day from Escairón to Chantada would be approximately 17 km.

In Escairón the 2** Hotel O Ruso is recommended. Large modern room, 37 € includes individual room, main meal, and breakfast. Tel. 982 452 134. Excellent tapas bars include O Noso Lar, El Candíl and Avenida. Stamp available in Casa de Concello and Hotel.

The next day, continue on the LU-617. Turn left by the cheese factory, onto LU-P-5806. There is a sign indicating you are 4 km from Diomondi church, and when you arrive there you will be back on the Camino, and ready to start the descent to Belesar.


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