
Camino de Invierno


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A few well cared-for and maybe dozens of cats. Natural spring fountain, tasty and cold. No services.

You walk through the abandoned houses village of Nogueira, mainly in ruins. Some signs have been placed to welcome you, and a statue of Mary is a recent addition. Several local women told me they walked to say a few prayers there every morning.

The Road:

On the way from Pumares into Sobradelo, you will be walking for quite a long time on a high path that has shale cliffs and wildflowers on the right side, and a very long way down to tree tops, railroad tracks, and the río Sil on the left side. It is a wide path, though, and is not likely to cause anxiety to any but those with very extreme issues with heights. You will pass a pile of ruins, the village of Nogueiras, along the way.

The arrows may disappear coming into Sobradelo. Enter town on Camino Regueiros de Aguas.

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