
Camino del Norte


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Like most towns divided by a river, it is sometimes difficult to work up the strength to go exploring “the other side.” Ribadesella is that way, and if you stay on the east side of the river you will miss out on the wonderful Playa de Santa Marina.

On the other hand if you stay in the albergue you will be right on top of it but miss out on the old town with its many old manor homes, the Iglesia de Santa María Magdalena (which also served as a pilgrim hospital) and the Capilla Santa Ana, as well as a nice stroll to the top of Mount Corberu to visit the Ermita de Nuestra Señora de Guía (a 16th century Renaissance chapel).


San Antón is celebrated on the 17th of January, San Juan on the 24th of June, La Virgen de la Guia in July, and Santa Marina on the 25th of August.


When the Romans settled here they divided the population to form a town on each bank. When Alfonso X (the wise) came around in the 13th century he united them. As coastal towns go it was one of great natural wealth. Historically the townspeople have enjoyed the prosperity that comes from the river in the form of whaling (the whales hibernated here), salmon fishing, and logging.

The Road:

The city of Ribadesella is bisected by the Río Sella, on the east back of which is the old town and the west bank its expansion along the beachfront. The camino crosses the river along the road and turns right once across. The arrows point the way along the beach through town.

At the far end of town it climbs slightly and begins to follow a country road as it traverses the hillside. It passes a roundabout and the campsite of Los Sauces and continues to San Pedro.

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Accommodation in Ribadesella
