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22 Sleeps to go - But My Camino has started in earnest ....

The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
All good so far. Made it to Mansilla.

I'm just looking at the maps in the brierley guide for the remaining stages.

Coming down from Cruz De Ferro? Or More To The Point, Alto Altar. ...

I understand it can be quite tricky. Some have suggested using the road.

But I note Brierley suggests a new path by the road.

does this avoid the tricky steep descent?

Just a bit wary having tried the road descent into Zubiri that was scary :-(
It's a trial, no doubt about it. Rocky, long...but different from Zubiri and the descent from the AdP.
I posted a pic here:
I thought the part going down to Acebo was actually worse than the steep bit going into Molinasca, but that's when it's dry. In the wet...errrrrgggg.
There were places above Acebo where the rocky trail parallels the road and I have to admit I hopped over onto the road at that point. It was hugely easier. Others were doing this too. But if you take your time you'll be fine.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Made it to Leon. Just. Feels like shin splints starting.....

Anyone know a good physio in Leon?
No but there's a one in Mazariffe, just a day's walk experience here:
(And a wonderful place to stay, with a delicious communal meal in the evening--OK,'s an albergue..but there are single rooms downstairs that can be booked. The alternative route is quiet and (mostly) beautiful...with the exception of a looooooonnnng straight stretch right after Mazariffe. Easier done first thing in the morning than at 2PM! It's mind-bending...)
Don't know about physios Rob , but you might be able to get a good massage in Leon. Not cheap though. Centros de Masaje is on the main street, Calle Ancha. I've not checked them out myself, but here is their website.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I actually found a fantastic Physio in Leon eventually. SANASPORT.

Very professional and only 30e!

I've made it to Molinaseca. And come to a grinding halt. Shin splints again after the 'killer' descent over the last few kms.

Will try to track down a Physio again.... currently icing. ....
I'm sorry to hear that, Robo!! Sending well-wishes your way today. Yes...that hill was the worst of the entire journey for me. Hands down--especially the stretch above acebo.
Ponferrada must have a physio, surely? And at least the walk to is flat for the next day or so, which should help.
Just inside the final 100 tonight The km 98.

Having to slow right down to 15 kms a day due to increasing foot and leg issues.

But with plenty of strapping tape, compression socks, painkillers and vino tinto I will get there !

Funny how with 100 km to go I feel like I'm almost there :)
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
There are still some decent ups and downs! :D:eek:
(Unhatched chickens and all that...;)...but congratulations, Robo...woo hoo...!)
Hoping you have good weather for the next sweet days...all too soon your (first?) Camino will be just a memory...
There are still some decent ups and downs! :D:eek:
(Unhatched chickens and all that...;)...but congratulations, Robo...woo hoo...!)
Hoping you have good weather for the next sweet days...all too soon your (first?) Camino will be just a memory...
I don't mind the ups.....
Oh, good. The ups are more intense than the downs at this point...and they're nothing like what you've already done!
A selection of Camino Jewellery
6 more days to go :)

I have to say it feels like my Camino is over. At least the emotional and spiritual part.... actually I think that was over a week ago :(

Not sure why. Was discussing this with another pilgrim at lunch and she was feeling the same... fatigue. Landscape. People. We couldn't put our finger on it...

Having had such a high in weeks 2 and 3. It seems the things I came to think about and do......are done.

But I hold out hope that on this final week something else will be revealed :)

Otherwise it's now just become a rather long walk :oops:
6 more days to go :)

I have to say it feels like my Camino is over. At least the emotional and spiritual part.... actually I think that was over a week ago :(

Not sure why. Was discussing this with another pilgrim at lunch and she was feeling the same... fatigue. Landscape. People. We couldn't put our finger on it...

Having had such a high in weeks 2 and 3. It seems the things I came to think about and do......are done.

But I hold out hope that on this final week something else will be revealed :)

Otherwise it's now just become a rather long walk :oops:
Hold your horses, not so fast amigo.....:)
It can't be known what is over yet...emotional or otherwise. Be not hasty.... There is still much ahead.
One small Case in point: last year after four weeks on the camino i arrived in santiago ....lovely, quiet experience. Had re-encountered previous pilgrim friends and then after two fine days there i got REALLY ill and was quite alone, and the pensione had no wifi, so i could not connect with the two pilgrims wanted to meet again. that was an incredible (to me) enforced lesson of trusting, faithing...and take one tiny step at a time to get well enough to leave.
At one point the thought came: if life presents me with this "problem" or challenge/ will also provide the answer/ solution.
And so it was.
Took three long days to get better, and on the last day i went/ wobbled back into to give thanks for the protection experienced, etc.... And that mass was to me mega powerful. And i realized that i was on santiagos timeschedule, not mine...
If you ever can....Be in every moment, in every step.... We do not know what life has in store, what is ahead around the corner, what we will encounter on a long stretch ahead.
Buen camino....
Well done...and best wishes for each moment ahead.
6 more days to go :)

I have to say it feels like my Camino is over. At least the emotional and spiritual part.... actually I think that was over a week ago :(

Not sure why. Was discussing this with another pilgrim at lunch and she was feeling the same... fatigue. Landscape. People. We couldn't put our finger on it...

Having had such a high in weeks 2 and 3. It seems the things I came to think about and do......are done.

But I hold out hope that on this final week something else will be revealed :)

Otherwise it's now just become a rather long walk :oops:
It was really great to meet you today at Mercadoiro, @Robo - you're the first Forum member we have (knowingly) met! I hope you were okay on that downhill into Portomarín - my legs were complaining bitterly but we made it.

(For other readers: @Robo caught us up today - we are walking a very slow Camino indeed and started a couple of weeks before him but now also getting slowly closer to Santiago! )

Buen Camino
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
It was really great to meet you today at Mercadoiro, @Robo - you're the first Forum member we have (knowingly) met! I hope you were okay on that downhill into Portomarín - my legs were complaining bitterly but we made it.

(For other readers: @Robo caught us up today - we are walking a very slow Camino indeed and started a couple of weeks before him but now also getting slowly closer to Santiago! )

Buen Camino

great to meet you too!

I'm in portomarin tonight and ventas tomorrow. Hopefully our paths will cross once more....
Glad all is ok for you Robo! A good spot to have a drink or meal just east of Palas de Rei is La Cabane. Their wide veranda/bar is particularly relaxing. Rooms with private facilities are also available, but I usually stay in the nearby Xunta albergue.

Happy continuation!

Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Robo, we may end up at the same place tomorrow, Wednesday: Ribadiso it will be for me!
Unfortunately I can only walk short days now..... so I'll only be going as far as melide.

But do say hi as you pass me :)

I'm easy to spot! Long pants....long shirt.

Blue pack with a forum patch on the back....
That's too bad. Also doing short days today and tomorrow. Should be in Santiago Friday late afternoon. Go rest your feet in the river in Ribadiso!
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Short days, long days...whatever...buen camino, Robo! And how great that you and GettingThere have met up. Perhaps Anemone too. (Buen Camno to you too, GT and Anemone!)
Ribadiso is a wonderful place to soak--it was like medicine for me.
(And I so loved Amaorfati1's post. So true.)
I've been planning my Camino for over 18 months. And I've been glued to this Forum throughout this period..

The advice I have gained from this Forum has been invaluable, and has shaped my views on the Camino and my personal expectations of the journey.

Particularly over the last few months, I have mellowed in terms of my expectations and on the wise counsel of the experienced Pilgrims here I became far more 'relaxed' about my planning and what I hoped to achieve...

So many times I was told not to plan too much and to take things as they came. That the Camino would throw me curved balls... and I would need to adapt and cope...

Well. my Camino really has started. And my plans are now very fluid. In fact my priorities and expectations are changing by the day...

Some of you may have read that as I increased the intensity of my training, I developed Achilles Tendonitis. With the help of my GP, podiatrist, physio and cortisone injections it looked like my preparations would only be interrupted for a week.

And as advised by the 'old hands' here I was prepared to start off very slow and use the first 7-10 days to ease into my Camino, going easy on my tendons.

Well 4 days ago things came into a different perspective...

I pulled my back and couldn't even walk. With pain killers I am now hobbling with a stick. GP and Physio on hand yet again to try to get me ready to start in 21 days.....

Am I still going? Of course. It might just be an even slower start than planned.... Of course I have Plan B and a Plan C...........involving a later start date. But at this point I aim to be there as planned.

Why did I post this in my rather drug addled state? (some great painkillers)

Merely to thank you all for your support and advice which has enabled me to cope with these curved balls.......

I just take the view that someone above has decided I need a bit of an extra challenge :)

By hook or by crook, I'll be leaving on the 25th :)
I am going in 93 more sleeps can't wait . Will be my second time and I loved it the first time sure second will be great !! buen camino
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
I am going in 93 more sleeps can't wait . Will be my second time and I loved it the first time sure second will be great !! buen camino

Second time huh? How many days did you walk the first time?

Funny, but I wouldn't do it again....

I'll close off my blog with the logic in detail. But mainly this.....

I walked the Camino at a time in my life that I needed a break. Isolation. Solitude. Time to think. Reflect. Re-prioritise.

What i got was a very powerful physical, emotional and spiritual journey. Far above my expectations.

It's job is done. It worked. Any repetition would be meaningless. For Me At Least. I would be constantly comparing it with my first time. ..

Many others I spoke to thought the same....

But I guess it all depends on the reasons we walk the Camino. ..
Right now you are tired and injured and keenly feeling the need for the familiar, for home, for those you love and who love you.

Even if you never go back Robo, it’s guaranteed the time will come when you will think longingly about your camino and yearn for just a few more days of honest effort capped off with your feet up, a café con leche or tinto in front of you, watching the Spanish world go by.

Buen Camino Peregrino.
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Interesting. And surprising. I'm intrigued, Robo, about the finality of that--and how obviously others have the same experience. It's a valid experience, but quite different from mine and from that of people I stay connected to. It just goes to show the world is a bigger place than my little bubble.;)
And just to say ... there's no way of stepping into the same stream twice. Repetition would be impossible. (But your post prompted rich out of interest and curiosity I started a thread elsewhere about 'repeat offending'...)
A selection of Camino Jewellery
It's job is done. It worked. Any repetition would be meaningless
That is a very clear and certain statement that surprises me. Stay open-minded - there's no need to draw a conclusion/judgement. Especially not yet. It's a bit like asking a woman in the final throes of childbirth whether she plans to have more children!
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That is a very clear and certain statement that surprises me. Stay open-minded - there's no need to draw a conclusion/judgement. Especially not yet. It's a bit like asking a woman in the final throes of childbirth whether she plans to have more children!

sorry if it sounded a bit too certain. And I'm trying to keep an open mind.

I guess for me also, the chances of getting away for another 6 weeks are highly unlikely. In fact I simply wouldn't do it. This was a one off.

As you may have gathered from my blog I have been plagued with guilt throughout my Camino, due to leaving others to cope with things that are also my responsibility...

I know many pilgrims are able to totally unplug from the world. I can't. Just a fact of life and circumstances. I did from work, but not from family.

I have often used the childbirth analogy myself :)

But that is a biological mechanism to ensure the survival of our species :)

I think in this case it's also valid and useful (to me) to record my thoughts and emotions as they occur, as I have tried to do on my blog.

In this way. ...If I start to think it might be time to walk another Camino. ...I can remind myself of how I felt during my first one :)
I found a couple of forum members meandering along the way. ..... anyone recognize them? :)

20150604_121616_Unnamed Rd.jpg
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Been thinking of you and hoping you'd check in. Congratulations!! Fantastic accomplishment, especially since your feet weren't totally on board with this from the start.
Enjoy every minute of your stay in Santiago, a pefect place to start processing it all.
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Wonderful news Robo! Now that you have arrived sore but safe do cherish every minute in Santiago. Happy memories!

Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Finally made it.

Thank you all so much for your support and advice over the last 18 months. It was invaluable.

Full blog update on Monday after a day of rest :)
Congratulations Robo!! :) :) We're a couple of days behind you - still plodding very slowly onwards but almost there! Enjoy your well-deserved rest in Santiago!
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
Robo, just so well done.
A triumph.
Throughout your journey, on your brilliant blog, you have worn your heart on your sleeve with such honesty and openness.
It has been a pendulum swing of optimism and sometimes something close to despair.
You have been, for me and I have no doubt others, both an inspiration and a role model.
Thank you.
Robo, just so well done.
A triumph.
Throughout your journey, on your brilliant blog, you have worn your heart on your sleeve with such honesty and openness.
It has been a pendulum swing of optimism and sometimes something close to despair.
You have been, for me and I have no doubt others, both an inspiration and a role model.
Thank you.

It was certainly a bit of an emotional roller coaster! But I wanted to do this with an open mind and an open heart.

And the experience that I got back was tremendous. ...

The Camino is not all a pleasant experience. Not all 'beer and skittles' to use an English expression....

It was probably somewhat therapeutic for me to share it :)
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
When do you think you'll arrive?

It would be great to see you again.
We'll be there on Tuesday all going well, then planning to stay for a few days. How long will you be there? We'd love to see you again too - maybe the Forum meet-up venue if you're still around? Send me a PM if you like and we'll arrange it!
We'll be there on Tuesday all going well, then planning to stay for a few days. How long will you be there? We'd love to see you again too - maybe the Forum meet-up venue if you're still around? Send me a PM if you like and we'll arrange it!

Sadly I fly out Tuesday am....

But I hope you enjoy your last couple of days walking and I know you will enjoy Santiago.....
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Sadly I fly out Tuesday am....

But I hope you enjoy your last couple of days walking and I know you will enjoy Santiago.....
Oh that's a shame! Never mind - enjoy the rest of your time in Santiago, and have a good flight home!
Robo, here's what I treasure about your blog. Everyone says again and again "walk your own pace" but then we also hear again and again "How far did you walk today???" On your blog, on your journey you were a role model for starting slowly, being realistic and listening to your own needs. We need to hear concrete examples of what it means to do what is right for you. Thank you.
Robo, here's what I treasure about your blog. Everyone says again and again "walk your own pace" but then we also hear again and again "How far did you walk today???" On your blog, on your journey you were a role model for starting slowly, being realistic and listening to your own needs. We need to hear concrete examples of what it means to do what is right for you. Thank you.

It was a case of having to walk my own pace. I couldn't physically walk any faster, at least without causing 'Camino ending' damage. And no one walked as slow as me :oops:

It also meant I walked alone most of the time (maybe 70-80 %). Which was my initial intention anyway. I was there to reflect and think more than socialize.

And wow, did that work? My wife is pressing me to add to the blog the more spiritual moments that occurred for me. I might just do that. Though people might think me crazy :(

On the flip side, of course I met some great people along the way. It's impossible not to!

2 or 3 days I walked whole sections with a lady from the US who was actually as slow as me ! That was nice, but I treasured my alone time too. I had a lot to think about :rolleyes:

I always made it clear to people that I had to walk slowly. Many would just keep on going. Quite understandable.

Some would chat for a bit before I suggested I had held them up long enough!

Others would just slow down for an hour or two to chat a while.

On the one occasion that I walked faster to keep up with someone I wanted to chat with. .....I got shin splints.... I guess they were developing anyway. But the Physio advised that over stretching my pace was a sure fire way to cause them. ..

And walking slow you don't lose touch with people. It just means they are on their second or third beer by the time you reach the over night stop :)

I would just make one last point....

If you want to reach Santiago, regardless of where you's a bloody long walk! So use your brain as much as your feet to get there ;)
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Some would chat for a bit before I suggested I had held them up long enough!

I would just make one last point.... If you want to reach Santiago, regardless of where you's a bloody long walk! So use your brain as much as your feet to get there ;)

Robo, LOVE these two statements. The first because being a slow walker I also say that, but it also works when you want to be alone again ;0) As for the second, if there one advice to give about the Camino, this has got to be it!

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