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A Bit of a Crisis

  • Thread starter Deleted member 67185
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Deleted member 67185

As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot predict when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Sorry to hear @davebugg . Hopefully it will turn up very soon.
My wife is always losing stuff so I just go to where I know she has been around the house and find where she might have dropped it.
If all else fails. You won't need the drivers licence till you get home.
Emergency passports in most countries can be done in a day or two.

Hope your next post says we found it!!!
As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot predict when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.
abra kadabra kaboom... just wanted u to know, your one of my idol!
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Oooof, Dave. I'm sorry. I hate it when stuff like this happens. (And I bet it has for many of are not alone...)
Just don't forget to breathe, and please give yourself a break.
You know how when you try really hard to remember an elusive word or name you can't remember and it refuses to come out of hiding? Like is somewhere.
May you find it PDQ!!! (Maybe you packed it already while sleepwalking?;))
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3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Oooof, Dave. I hate it when stuff like this happens. (And I bet it has for many of are not alone...)
Just don't forget to breathe, and please give yourself a break.
You know how when you try really hard to remember an elusive word or name you can't remember and it refuses to come out of hiding? Like is somewhere.
May you find it PDQ!!! (Maybe you packed it already while sleepwalking?;))
It is a crisis Dave. You are spot on @VNwalking
It does happen to many of us. Usually because we get everything out of its safe storage spot in readiness.. I’ve created a mess in my place prior to a few travel trips too.
I’m trying so hard @davebugg to think of where it might be. I’m thinking maybe look through every inch of your pack and even your boots? through any bags you carried back from shopping ?
Good luck.
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out.

Brilliant news! What I was hoping to hear :)
Well....Buen Camino !:)
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed. sorry to hear this Dave, I hope you have found it by now.

perhaps something in your normal routine was interrupted and you then without thinking or making a mental marker left it in a spot you would never put it. Trying rehashing in your head the event that interrupted your normal routine..doesn't have to be a big thing and is probably a little thing. You'll never remember misplacing it (until you find it) but you might remember the routine interruption.

and check the obvious spots...i've lost my glasses a few times in the last year and finally found them...once propped up on my head and once recently...I hate to admit this...I was wearing them. So check your pockets of pants and jackets it couldn't possibly be in...even the ones you are wearing.

check the stupid places, refrigerator, freezer, wastebaskets, kitchen cupboards, furniture cushions, between the refrigerator and counter top...places it could have slid off into an area or behind something so it's out of view. Good luck, wish I could be more helpful
Great news, I'll up date the other thread.

EDIT: interesting...when I saw this thread I posted a response above. I then left this thread and immediately saw a newer different thread by dave with the same title but in bold letters after the title it said UPDATED. I read through it and it was all different posts from the one I had just commented on. So I made this post, saying I'd up date the other thread. Today when I came back here it all seems to be merged into one...explaining why a few people continued to post with tips or laments after his "found it" message
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Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot prediI ct when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.

I know how stressful that is. Last year two days before I left for the Camino I left my cards somewhere, I guess they fell out of my wallet. They included my drivers license, so I had a mad flurry to replace them. They never turned up, lost for ever.
I got a temporary license, with the promise the new one would be there when I returned. It never did, so I had another flurry when I got home.
I hope you find them, I'm sure they will turn up.
I lose my keys and my phone regularly. They are almost always in my coat pocket from the day before. Why it is that I never look there first is a mystery.
My thoughts are with you
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Now that you have your passport, Dave, we can all open up and share our dumb stories of near disasters like that so that your don't think you're the only one who has things like this happen.;)
Once 2 days before an international trip, I realized that I'd lost my passport. So I flew a day early to the nearest city where there was a passport office (and where my flight was leaving from) - in a panic and praying that the passport office could replace it. They could, which was good luck that I didn't feel I deserved.

The passport never turned up - who knows where it went? I guess to the same paradise that single socks go when they disappear in the laundry. Your stuff was probably trying to sneak off there, @davebugg . Good thing you caught it before it managed to vanish. ;)
Great news! So enjoy your Camino, once you are out there walking, all will slow and calm down.
Somehow setting off for a Camino means there is so much do do before I can leave, that its not until I'm sitting in the seat on the plane that I can take a breath and feel excited rather than stressed
Buen Camino, you deserve it.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot predict when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.
sorry to hear that an what a disappointment. you should have prayed to St. Anthony patron of lost articles he always comes through. again sorry.
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
pam param pam pam... :)
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Genuinely heart-in-mouth feeling as I read your posting. Having recently lost my passport and, more importantly my credential in SdC I kind of knew how you felt! Buen Suerte!

Back to the humourous side of things:

my mother always use to say "You'll find it in the last place you look" - took me years to fathom THAT one out.

recently lost my cash card, had been shopping in the garden centre just down the road so rushed back to see if it was in the store or car park - no. Came home, cancelled the card and checked nobody had used it in the past hour or so. Had to go down to the local branch the next day to draw some cash and there was the card in my shoe right down by the toe! I must have kicked my shoes off as I entered and dropped the card. If it had landed on the hardwood flooring I would have heard it but in the shoe?

A good place to search is under the driver's seat!
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
WHEW.....SUCH A RELIEF for you Davebugg....Oh, how I Did empathise with you and, my heart was well and truly beating 10,000 to the dozen.....I almost did not keep reading through the posts but, so glad that I did. This same scenario has been the 'bedfellow' of so many of us here, but, All is well that ends Well. Safe Travels and Buen Camino...:)
Lost passport stories:

I live in the sticky out bit of England nearest to France and my local hiking group has ties to a similar one over there so we do trips to meet up and walk together.

At present we have both the French and British border controls on both sides of the Channel so, when leaving France you're checked out by the French first then the British - this means when you get to the other side you just drive away.

On one return journey I had three passengers in my car. We successfully negotiated the French post but when we got to the British one the agent held up one of the passports and asked whose it was. My friend Penny put her hand up.

"Do you know this passport has been reported lost or stolen?"

"Yes, but I found it again"

"But it's been cancelled, you can't travel on a cancelled passport!"

"But it has a nicer photograph!"

Border Agent, with eyes bulging: "Step out of the car please madam!"

Now this is not a stupid person, she worked at a local university and made regular trips to France to talk to students about studying in the UK. It turns out she'd moved house, lost her passport, got a new one, found the old one and had been travelling on that for nearly THREE years and nobody had noticed!

He gave her a letter in case she was stopped entering the UK and her final words were: "Can I have my passport back please?"

"NO! It's been confiscated! GO!"

We went.
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A selection of Camino Jewellery
The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
@Jeff Crawley ....hahahahahaaaaa! I can imagine the poor border agent - these all-powerful people are not used to people who think their rules are less important than the more critical things like whether the photo looks good or not.:p:p:p

This could be a Monty Python skit.
(Some people hate it if you have the nerve to make a joke about their precious conventions. I don't (not out loud anyway) - but admit to being sorely tempted sometimes, when faced with a particularly officious agent. )
Weird. As I was reading it struck me as strange that my heart should be racing for you. The disappointment was palpable. Then I read on and discovered others were the same and I realised (again) that although we mostly do not have face-to-face interactions, it is nonetheless REAL, this is a genuine community. The English language needs a new word to denote “this guy/girl I met online but it’s not weird” - not a colleague, more than an acquaintance but friend is not quite right.... Then we’ll need some guidelines for if we do meet in real life. Do we hug? Or tap our shells together? Secret handshake?

May you have an uneventful two days before you leave!! So glad it worked out well. And as a bonus, you now have a perfectly tidy house!
Some people hate it if you have the nerve to make a joke about their precious conventions. I don't (not out loud anyway) - but admit to being sorely tempted sometimes, when faced with a particularly officious agent.

The one time when my mouth was quicker than my mind was when I joined my brother-in-law and his band for a short tour in Spain almost four years ago. I was the designated driver, fixer, roadie and all that. When we crossed the border between Belgium and France in our van (packed to the brim with the four of us and all the instruments and luggage), we were stopped by serious looking, and heavily armed, border police. Grim looking guys, and all business.
"Drugs?", one of them asked me? "No, thank you!" I blurted out without thinking first. My brother-in-law next to me sagged a bit and held his face in his hands, and in the back I could hear nothing but stunned silence from the rest of the band. All of us had sudden visions of impending strip search, including the cavity option. Not to mention unpacking the van. The officer motioned me to step out and open the rear of the van. He had a quick look, looked at me for a bit longer and then ordered us to move on.
Once back at the wheel, it was quiet for a while. I was afraid to look the others in the eye, but after the silence had lasted long enough, the drummer mumbled something like 'blithering idiot' which broke the tension. We had a good laugh after that. I vowed, however, never to joke with border police again.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
@Jeff Crawley ....hahahahahaaaaa! I can imagine the poor border agent - these all-powerful people are not used to people who think their rules are less important than the more critical things like whether the photo looks good or not.:p:p:p

This could be a Monty Python skit.
(Some people hate it if you have the nerve to make a joke about their precious conventions. I don't (not out loud anyway) - but admit to being sorely tempted sometimes, when faced with a particularly officious agent. )
When I lost my passport in SdC back in June the Spanish authorities were really cool about it - scanned copy on my phone (and tablet) plus my UK driving licence - Adios and away we go.
Arriving at London Gatwick I explained the situation to some spotty faced schoolkid. I was a bit tired and stressed so when he said "they shouldn't have let you on the plane, how did you get on the plane" my innocent response of "up the steps like everybody else" did not go down too well :)
Weird. As I was reading it struck me as strange that my heart should be racing for you. The disappointment was palpable. Then I read on and discovered others were the same and I realised (again) that although we mostly do not have face-to-face interactions, it is nonetheless REAL, this is a genuine community. The English language needs a new word to denote “this guy/girl I met online but it’s not weird” - not a colleague, more than an acquaintance but friend is not quite right.... Then we’ll need some guidelines for if we do meet in real life. Do we hug? Or tap our shells together? Secret handshake?

May you have an uneventful two days before you leave!! So glad it worked out well. And as a bonus, you now have a perfectly tidy house!
Wear the forum patch, whistle "We are family" under your breath? Wave a handkerchief? Or be terrible discreet and English about it?
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
So very glad you found it.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
Great! But looks what happens when we reach out to others for help, you find what you are looking for.
that´s it,
- no more touching or rearranging husbands stratified layers of organised mess...thing...
How many times have I heard of this calamity..?
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Now that you have your passport, Dave, we can all open up and share our dumb stories of near disasters like that so that your don't think you're the only one who has things like this happen.
One year Peg and I decided to go to Canada to camp and tour for a week. We stopped in Maine to spend a few days with friends first and had such a good time we spent the vacation there. The next year I wanted to do a quick visit to a town in Quebec during a camping trip to New Hampshire. I was positive we had brought our passports back from Maine but we absolutely could not find them, even in the box with our camping gear. We postponed the visit to Quebec for another year. The passports showed up afterwards in the vinyl bag we had them in for the Maine visit. On the way home the heat had caused the vinyl to stick to the tent's nylon stuff sack. During our search for the passports when we had lifted the tent to see if they were underneath, the passports, still stuck to the sack, were moved out of our sight. We used a different tent for the New Hampshire trip so they didn't show up then. We finally found the still stuck passports when we packed for yet another camping trip. The next time we renew our driver's licenses the state will be issuing a new type that can be used for North American land transit in lieu of passports.
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As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot predict when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.
Dave - this is no joke, but here in Austria I've always been told to pray to Saint Anthony to find something I've lost. I've often had to do so and you have nothing to lose - ask Saint Anthony, ask your relatives to pray too, as I say, it doesn't cost anything to ask Saint Anthony, and I have faith in him as does many. Good luck.
this happens to me way too often.
It happens in albergues all the time, too. Pilgrims sometimes panic when they can't find their wallets. Can't tell you how many times I've helped a scared pilgrim empty out their backpack piece by piece, only the find the needed item somewhere among their things... sometimes right under their nose.

(I won't tell you how unpleasant it is to be accused of theft...)
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot predict when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.

Pray this prayer to St. Anthony:
As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot predict when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.
Anger is silly. Feeling stupid isn't justified. You are a human being. Learn to laugh at your boo boos.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah!!!! My heart sunk when I read your initial post and I am so happy for you that you're on route now. Buen Camino!
this happens to me way too often.
It happens in albergues all the time, too. Pilgrims sometimes panic when they can't find their wallets. Can't tell you how many times I've helped a scared pilgrim empty out their backpack piece by piece, only the find the needed item somewhere among their things... sometimes right under their nose.

(I won't tell you how unpleasant it is to be accused of theft...)
Yep - I was once accused. Its a vile accusation. Cuts deep.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Found it.
You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.
. :)
WOW! So happy you found it and I agree with putting things back in the same location... This practice is definately important on the camino. I felt the same rush of anxiety when my phone went missing in Zubiri. I did no put it where I normally do and not only did I forget it but subsequently when I returned to look for it the hospitelero and I discovered someone pilfered it. 2 villages later while I was climbing up a small hill , the hospitelero located it then sent someone in a car to return it to me .

I suspect your prayers helped . Safe travels and Buen Camino!
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
That’s fabulous news! The older I get, the more I follow the mantra of always putting things back in the same place. I can’t count the times I’ve set something down someplace and said to myself that I really shouldn’t be setting it there, to come up later wondering where in the heck I put the darned thing. Every time a forehead slap ensues. So glad you found your docs.
Awesome! I had a similar experience this morning. Getting my wife to treatment for an injured knee, sorting out taxi, cancellations, new accommodation, insurance, hotels and got to the hospital and had lost credit cards.
Searched the path through the hospital grounds (Taxi dropped us at the wrong part), rechecked pockets 7 times, called hotel to check, asked them to call taxi company....not sure she understood the request, sorted out my wife, stressed about how to get cash for the rest of the trip, got back to the room..... In the safe still.
WORST 3 hours of the trip.
Beun Camino!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
It is a crisis Dave. You are spot on @VNwalking
It does happen to many of us. Usually because we get everything out of its safe storage spot in readiness.. I’ve created a mess in my place prior to a few travel trips too.
I’m trying so hard @davebugg to think of where it might be. I’m thinking maybe look through every inch of your pack and even your boots? through any bags you carried back from shopping ?
Good luck.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)

Yes!! What a day. Buen Camino, Dave!
I lost all my credentials when I got home from the Camino in June and was sure that it they were in my backpack. After looking everywhere I decided to take apart my backpack. It is a North Face and I pulled up the sheet of hard plastic from the back of the pack and squeezed my arm down to the.
bottom and ... voila... my passport and credentials. I feel for you and hope that this may help. You must be frantic!
I lost all my credentials when I got home from the Camino in June and was sure that it they were in my backpack. After looking everywhere I decided to take apart my backpack. It is a North Face and I pulled up the sheet of hard plastic from the back of the pack and squeezed my arm down to the.
bottom and ... voila... my passport and credentials. I feel for you and hope that this may help. You must be frantic!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot predict when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.
Dave, so happy to read that your affairs are in order and you are back on track to commence your Camino. As you are the only person on this forum that I came across that is starting the same day as me, I found it profoundly upsetting that you, you of all people, might not be able to make it! I say that because I have so admired your posts as you seem to be quite knowledgeable and uber organized!

So I am breathing a sigh of relief with you. If our paths should cross please know I will gladly buy you a beer and toast to your successfully making it to the Camino!!!
I'm so glad you found it, and look forward to following your Camino.

Funny, I recently had a nightmare about this very thing. I was driving to the airport (I will be re-visiting the CF this coming spring) and worried that I misplaced my airplane ticket. I looked over to the messy passenger seat and found the ticket sticking out of the massive pile.

However, my passport was missing. I had to turn around and go back home.

I will remember your experience when I get to final packing next April!
Buen Camino, for sure!
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I'm so glad you can go on your journey as planned, Davebugg!

Here is what happened to my husband a few months ago:
I flew off to Europe and he was to join me a few days later. The day before his departure, his passport was nowhere to be found. He was desperately looking everywhere and was almost certain he would have to cancel his trip, when he finally remembered that I – trying to be helpful – had made a photocopy of his passport to be stored elsewhere in his luggage. And there ist was, under the lid of the printer on my desk!
I felt terrible that I had made him go through this anguish when I heard about it!
I'm so happy you found it. I like living in an orderly universe & when things go astray, it's very upsetting. I'd be having a big fat margarita at the airport to celebrate. Happy travels to you-
it got shuffled off of the table
A place for everything, and everything in its place!! My passport is in its box at home, my front zipped pants pocket while traveling, or in a specific pocket of my pack. No exceptions. Ever. I am too old; I am at the stage where I can spend a day searching my body and my pack for a pen if it does not go back from whence it came. Ah, to be twenty and indestructible again...
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
VERY good to hear!

Women do these sort of things: Moving one's belongings to a more "appropriate" place, without saying anything. Happens to me often. Frustrating.

You know, we men are often accused of messing up the house. But so do women too. Only thing is, they call it "decorating".
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Great relief, Dave, and wish you all the best on your Camino!

My passport story: When I left home for my first Camino 2 years ago, my husband told me, “Don’t carry your passport in the back pocket of your jeans.” Bah humbug — that was the most convenient place for it, so of course I did. Stopover at Atlanta airport, in the ladies’ room — As I stood up from the toilet, my passport caught on the edge of the toilet seat and with a SPLASH! my passport fell into the toilet! An automatic flush toilet, which began to flush!!... I don’t think I’ve ever moved so fast, purely out of instinct, to snatch my passport from the swirling waters. Just couldn’t bear to watch my first Camino go down the toilet.

Needless to say, I never carry my passport in the back pocket of my jeans anymore...

Buen Camino to all!
Great relief, Dave, and wish you all the best on your Camino!

My passport story: When I left home for my first Camino 2 years ago, my husband told me, “Don’t carry your passport in the back pocket of your jeans.” Bah humbug — that was the most convenient place for it, so of course I did. Stopover at Atlanta airport, in the ladies’ room — As I stood up from the toilet, my passport caught on the edge of the toilet seat and with a SPLASH! my passport fell into the toilet! An automatic flush toilet, which began to flush!!... I don’t think I’ve ever moved so fast, purely out of instinct, to snatch my passport from the swirling waters. Just couldn’t bear to watch my first Camino go down the toilet.

Needless to say, I never carry my passport in the back pocket of my jeans anymore...

Buen Camino to all!
Hope you didn't tell your husband that story. They don't need to know everything. :cool:
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
As I went to grab my document and wallet pouch to put with my pack for tomorrow -- the one with passport, license, credit cards, debit cards, etc -- I couldn't locate it. My family has torn apart the house, car, garage and it can't be located. I am just venting right now, taking a break to try and recall anything. I have used it as my wallet for the last week, but I haven't gone but to a couple of places and neither has the travel pouch in their lost and found.

I have until midnight Seattle time to make a flight change in order not to lose my airfare. But I cannot predict when my driver's license will be replaced as it could take up to 15 days, much less my passport. And booking next year is not an option, as my wife has pointed out that it is her turn to travel abroad and my turn to stay at home to take care of property and animals.

And this also messes up my son's plan to meet me when I was to arrive in Leon.

Not really looking for suggestions, I am just feeling so stupid and so very angry at myself.
Gosh, I hope you found it. Did you check your pack?
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)
Oh I am sooo glad to hear this... Buen Camino Dave!! And breath!
Weird. As I was reading it struck me as strange that my heart should be racing for you. The disappointment was palpable. Then I read on and discovered others were the same and I realised (again) that although we mostly do not have face-to-face interactions, it is nonetheless REAL, this is a genuine community. The English language needs a new word to denote “this guy/girl I met online but it’s not weird” - not a colleague, more than an acquaintance but friend is not quite right.... Then we’ll need some guidelines for if we do meet in real life. Do we hug? Or tap our shells together? Secret handshake?

May you have an uneventful two days before you leave!! So glad it worked out well. And as a bonus, you now have a perfectly tidy house!
Kiwi Family what you write is so true. "not a colleague, more than an acquaintance but a friend is not quite right"....That's exactly how I feel!! Thank you.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Found it.

It was sorta where I thought it was; but my wife was organizing stuff and it got shuffled off of the table and onto the floor amongst a pile of material. Jill and I had prayed a bit about it, mainly for calm and acceptance and I went to that room for a last look around. I don't know how, but I managed to spot the pouch sort of snuggled down a bit in the fabric on the floor.

You know how you just don't believe what your eyes might be telling you? That was me. I actually had to pick it up and hold it in order to allow myself the reality of having found it. Jill had tears, I had a round of forehead slapping and vows to not deviate from my normal practice of always putting things back in the same location so that i can find them.

On to Camino. And thank you all for thoughts and wishes. Boy, am I worn out. :)

Someone said that the Camino starts when you walk out your door, but I reckon your's started a bit earlier this time! Hope you enjoy the rest of it.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Great relief, Dave, and wish you all the best on your Camino!

My passport story: When I left home for my first Camino 2 years ago, my husband told me, “Don’t carry your passport in the back pocket of your jeans.” Bah humbug — that was the most convenient place for it, so of course I did. Stopover at Atlanta airport, in the ladies’ room — As I stood up from the toilet, my passport caught on the edge of the toilet seat and with a SPLASH! my passport fell into the toilet! An automatic flush toilet, which began to flush!!... I don’t think I’ve ever moved so fast, purely out of instinct, to snatch my passport from the swirling waters. Just couldn’t bear to watch my first Camino go down the toilet.

Needless to say, I never carry my passport in the back pocket of my jeans anymore...

Buen Camino to all!
Firstly - yeeeeeeeew! Secondly - amazing reflexes! ;)
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
A place for everything, and everything in its place!! My passport is in its box at home, my front zipped pants pocket while traveling, or in a specific pocket of my pack. No exceptions. Ever. I am too old; I am at the stage where I can spend a day searching my body and my pack for a pen if it does not go back from whence it came. Ah, to be twenty and indestructible again...
I quite enjoy doing the Pilgrim Macarena each day:

Start with both arms extended out, palms downward.

Turn palms facing up, bewildered look on face, scream “Where’s my Credential?”

Right hand up to left chest pocket

Left hand up to right chest pocket

Scream “Where’s my Credential?”

Right hand up to right ear

Left hand up to left ear

Scream “Who’s seen my Credential?”

Right hand down to right cargo pocket

Left hand down to left cargo pocket

Scream “Where’s my Credential?”

Jump up, turn and look behind you.

Sob “Where’s my Credential?”

Right hand down to right rear pocket

Left hand down to left rear pocket

Shout “THERE’s my Credential!”

There's a similar dance for those searching for their passport/wallet/cellphone/hiking pole/boots . . . .

Repeat at every refugio, albergue and hostal before you set out each morning.
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
sorry to hear that an what a disappointment. you should have prayed to St. Anthony patron of lost articles he always comes through. again sorry.
"Dear St. Anthony, please come around. There's something lost that must be found!" I usually remember this when I'm at my wits end looking for something. Seems to work every time :)
I had a little card and sealed it in and hung it on my bag with questions like:
Walking poles ?
Sheet ?
Charger phone ?
ID cards credential?
Hat/Jacket ?
So before I set out I did that check and hopefully I had my bag pack on and and my shoes on my feet. 😜
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.

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Official Camino Passport (Credential) | 2024 Camino Guides