Except for those of us who can't take it.
Then, try 650 mg Arthritis strength Tylenol. Does the same thing.
Because of a chronic condition, I too, am not permitted anything but acetaminophen. In Europe, it is called Paracetamol.
When on Camino, the trick I found it to take the dosage BEFORE I start walking in the morning. I KNOW my knees and ankles will start to ache after an hour or so. Curiously, that is about the time needed for the medicine to hit my system. It seems to work well, for me at least.
The 6 -8 hours efficacy works for my walking day. If I need more to sleep, I take it. however, if I can stay to the one, morning dose, that permits me to enjoy vino tinto later in the day.
As regards CBD oil and other hemp or marijuana derivative products, BUY IT AFTER YOU ARRIVE on the ground. Nations have the right to establish their own laws. As a guest / visitor in that country, you are bound to obey the local laws, not argue with them or try to circumvent them. By definition, that makes you a criminal under local laws. Please do not go there.
In SOME countries, individual states have the authority to set laws for use WITHIN THEIR STATE. One state cannot regulate or enact laws affecting other states. However, just because something is legal in one US state, DOES NOT mean it will be legal anywhere else.
In the US, that is what federalism means. Specifically, rights and authorities not specifically enumerated in our Constitution as being inherently federal, are reserved to the various states. Certainly, a law permitting use of any product cannot be assumed to be effective outside that jurisdiction.
Hope this helps.