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I have questions about my pack for my first camino?

Sean Deane

New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
This will be my first Camino starting in Sept. 3 2014 I hope to be in SJPDP by Sunday Sept. 7
I'm very excited and I can't wait to get out there and start to meet the Camino family.
I've got a great pack good brand and I have put just my second set of cloths and the basic basic stuff in it and it ways 40 lbs. I've been training with it so I think I'm ok. But I guess I'm wondering if there are thing's I can leave out. So if any one out there with more exp. cam help that would be great.

pack list:

first aid pack
toiletries mini
laundry rope
two par socks
rain poncho
long sleeve shirt
fleece coat
camp set, for, knife, spoon
pocket knife
ear plug's
sun glasses
it's really basic so I guess is 40 lbs right.
Thank you for your help every one.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Hi, not long to go now! I have to admit I am baffled though - 40 lbs is more or less 20 kilos, no? I can't understand what in your pack makes it weigh that much? Most people go with 5-7 kilos, then add water, food etc, taking them to 8-10 kilos depending on the size and weight of the pack and amount of food and drink. Obviously there are folks who do with less and some who take more, but as a bit of a general idea. Your list looks short, sweet and to the point, nothing superfluous there, so why the weight?
That seems like a lot of weight to me...I walked with about 17 lbs when I was loaded with food and water - and I'm working on taking it down to 15 for my next camino. But I have been working on my new pack list while the last one was so fresh in my mind. This is my complete list. As I'm female, I'm sure there are a few things on here you wouldn't need :)


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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
First I would have to ask is what is the material of your clothing ? Forget about utinsels and impliments of distruction. Rope...swap that for a couple huge safety pins. How much does your pack weigh?


Maybe start over.
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First - have a look at what you are taking. Second - get hold of a set of kitchen scales and weigh everything that you are putting in the pack. Also weigh the pack itself - if it's more than 1.7kg/4 lbs then (imho) it's too heavy. There is a rule of thumb that your pack should be not more than 10% of your body weight. Other pilgrims will suggest a pack of not more than 10kg (22 lbs) - plus water (1 litre weighs 1 kg - say 1 US quart about 2 pounds) and food - lunch time snacks - say 500gm (1 lbs). You might also have a look at some of the packing lists (a search will bring up some good ones, some not so good). So now you have a pack - all up that is less than 12.5 kg (27 pounds)
The other rule is for when you are on the Camino - if you have not worn it/used it by Pamplona (about 70km or 3 days, from St Jean) then leave it in the Albergue or post it home. Oh another thing - how much do your boots/walking shoes weigh? Another suggestion here - 1 kg on your feet is equal to 5 kg on your back - so good quality, light weight shoes/boots are recommended - you will find good ones that are less than 1 kg per pair - but make sure that they have good cushioning - add an extra layer if necessary.
Sean, 40 lbs is about 18 kgs, that seems like too much weight to me, I managed about 10 kgs including a Tablet, charger etc. Check what you're carrying in your 1st aid kit, you really only need a few plasters, antiseptic wipes, maybe Compeed or similar and Savlon, numerous pharmacias along the way to top up if you need to. Rather than a fleece coat maybe try a micro fleece top, lighter and more compact and just as effective. See no mention of a 2nd pair of footwear ( sandals etc ) for evenings. No need for the fork, knife, spoon, pocket knife unless you're planning to eat picnic style, plenty of cafe/bars to get light meals along the way. Laundry rope not necessary i.m.h.o. either. You should really be able to get your pack and contents under 25 lbs.

Buen camino

...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Thanks for posting your list. I leave in 3 weeks and need to get my list buttoned down. :)
Ty you every one for your help. I was getting a bit anxious. I also have a sleeping mat and it ways a bit and compact sleeping bag made of the light wait material. I've got a good idea of a few thing I can drop. Should I drop the sleeping mat? all of my clothing are of the light wait quick dry material other than the fleece pull over. I do have a pare of sandals for the end of day. Any other suggestions are welcome I've got two weeks before lift
The discrepancy between your list and the weight of 40 lbs is indeed baffling; perhaps you forgot to mention that 20-lbs. rock that you want to carry to the Cruz de Fierro?.:)
Find my own list attached, it is in grams (1000 gr. = 2.20 US-lbs) and the total of my pack weighs about 6 kg. (= 13 ½ lbs., get used to metric prevailing in Europe and on the camino). The list does not include what I am wearing. In summer (until e/Sep~mid Oct.) you don't need a sleeping bag, a liner will do; no need for a mat either.


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The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
That seems like a lot of weight to me...I walked with about 17 lbs when I was loaded with food and water - and I'm working on taking it down to 15 for my next camino. But I have been working on my new pack list while the last one was so fresh in my mind. This is my complete list. As I'm female, I'm sure there are a few things on here you wouldn't need :)
To further reduce weight, you might consider to eliminate the items in your list marked yellow (attached):
- no need for sleeping bag until mid Oct., liner will do.

- Water bottle, Bladder: Buy 1/2 lt. Mineral water and refill bottles on the way
- Headlamp, Batteries: Download a flashlight-app for your iPhone instead
- Maps, Guidebooks: Use Google-maps, etc.: store PDF's on iCloud and/or email them to yourself before departure. 

- Playing cards, bathing suit: You'll never use them, trust me!

- Shoes: one pair on your feet is enough. For inside of albergues, a pair of flip-flops.

Backup iPhone battery-pack makes sense.
Buen Camino

PS: Don't forget: (Almost-) anything you missed can be bought on the way


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The above are well thought out comments and suggestions. My few cents:
1. Remove anything you think you "might" need.
2. Repack
3. For many personal item such as tooth paste, soap, etc...use travel size. Easy to replenish.
4. Remove anything you think you might need...this time don't hedge.
5. Repack.

Buen Camino,


PS: the day before you depart...repeat the five steps!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I'm no gram counter but that does seem a bit heavy. Then again I haven't weighed my own kit yet.

There's no prize for having the lightest pack. Take what you want to be comfortable but remember you'll be hauling all that weight on your back for a long time.
I just don't understand how the items listed can weighs 40 lbs. Unless you are carrying a large number of heavy batteries, an ambulance size first aid kit and enough toiletries for a luxury hotel! Could your scales perhaps be wrong? Al's list looks good to me.
Don't understand how that gear weighs so much! Nothing wrong with 40 lbs however. Headed to Peru next week and have been advised that some agencies weight packs at trail head now and won't let you walk the Andes trails if pack is more than 25 kilos. I carried 12 kilos on Camino and periodically stopped to put rocks in my pockets. Take whatever you wish as the pack gets easier as you walk further. Wait until you see what the Korean girls carry! 10% rule should be changed to 0.5 kilos for every year of age as we old people don't feel pain.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
If I were you I'd get rid of the pocket knife, laundry rope, spare batteries, and most of the first aid kit.
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
We ditched our first aid kit on Day 3. We kept a few things - a few bandaids, a small amount of ointment and itch cream, a small bottle of allergy meds, a small bottle of ibuprofin, and everything related to blister and foot care - but left the rest behind. We figured that if we needed anything else, we'd buy it and the basics would see us through until we found a store. The only thing we needed to replenish was ibuprofin and foot care supplies.

We had use for the pocket knife, but never used our headlamps. We didn't take any laundry rope and didn't miss it. Our rain ponchos ended up being pretty heavy - they are marine-grade ponchos which we use for camping - I'd buy light weight ones next time since our ponchos ended up being the heaviest item in our packs. I wouldn't take the camp set either unless you are planning to camp out, but it doesn't look like you are.
Amazed how many hikers did NOT have First Aide kit! Gave out lot of band aides, etc. Used my clothes line a lot--even had people hanging their wash on my line while I was still tying it up! Had to buy clothes pins as mine disappeared a lot. And stores are NEVER open in Spain! Took me 4 days to buy a bar of soap! Stores close during siesta and on Sundays plus many small villages do NOT have a store or a bar! Even if you walk through a town, the Camino does NOT generally go on the streets where stores are located. We found that a lot of people telling us that we carried too much were the ones putting their packs on taxis /staying in hotels.
I would like to ask you, does it get very cold this time of year going over the mountains or across the plains?
It will stay warm to hot in September. There may be a morning chill at higher elevations, but you will walk it off in five minutes. A light pair of gloves is always handy.

Buen camino.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Our packing lists for next year are attached.
Note that it excludes our sleeping bags which weigh 750gms each. (We are walking a different Camino next year where we will be using private accomodation and not albergues.)
The wash kit is an elastic rope and 8 pegs, between the 2 of us. Shampoo is used as wash liquid, or a piece of toilet soap.


  • Camino packing list 2015.txt
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Ya Scott I didn't but I figured somethings were kind of a given on the list, I do thank you for your help. I have gone back over all my stuff and have gotten my pack down to the 20-25 lbs, by dropping the mat the fleece and paring down my med kit and dropping the camp set and a few other items. I'm thinking about my walk sticks and pocket knife but I would have to check my pack not sure I want to do that. Your ideas any body......
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I am checking a separate, cheap, give away duffel bag with my trusty swiss army knife and my beautiful Black Diamond trekking poles. I will will carry on the rest of my pack. If worse comes to worst and the give away duffel gets lost in transit, I have already scoped out where to get new trekking poles and a swiss army knife very early in my trip. I cannot live without the trekking poles for saving my knees, nor the swiss army knife for slicing bread, cheese, salame, tomatos, and the occasional avocado for a roadside bocadilla, and more importantly, the corkscrew for opening the bottles of peregrino wine. (I tend to make my own lunches along the way)

I will be donating the cheap duffel bag upon arrival in Spain. I will check all contents in my main pack when departing.
Ya Scott I didn't but I figured somethings were kind of a given on the list, I do thank you for your help. I have gone back over all my stuff and have gotten my pack down to the 20-25 lbs, by dropping the mat the fleece and paring down my med kit and dropping the camp set and a few other items. I'm thinking about my walk sticks and pocket knife but I would have to check my pack not sure I want to do that. Your ideas any body......

Put the knife and walking sticks in a cardboard tube and check it in. It won't cost you any extra, it's included with your plane ticket anyways.
20-25 lbs? Are you packing food from home? How much water are you carrying? That's the only things I can think of that can add extra weight.
I had 3-4lbs of food that I packed on my first Camino, I dumped an unopened jar of peanut butter in Orisson, took over a week to eat it all.
I used two 500ml Nalgene bottles and bought another 500ml bottle of water (€0.23 cents at the supermercado) on the longer sections that didn't have fountains as needed.
As far as a first aid kit goes, I used the items inside the J&J essential first aid from Target for $0.97, the farmacias in Spain are like the ones in Mexico, you can get most items that you would need a prescription in the US.
I started the Camino at 10kg, I was down to 7.5kg at the end, I went with a 46L pack. My new smaller pack is 30L and down to 6.5kg with water.
If you have anything, including a first aid kit that goes into a plastic box then think of transferring it to a ziplock to save weight and room. Ziplocks are more forgiving when packing than boxes.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Our packing lists for next year are attached.
Note that it excludes our sleeping bags which weigh 750gms each. (We are walking a different Camino next year where we will be using private accomodation and not albergues.)
The wash kit is an elastic rope and 8 pegs, between the 2 of us. Shampoo is used as wash liquid, or a piece of toilet soap.
Daysack at 68g? Sounds a familiar weight! SeatoSummit?
Daysack at 68g? Sounds a familiar weight! SeatoSummit?
Yes Al. We like them for walking around but not for walking. If you see what I mean. We like the airflow back system so as not to get too hot and sweaty, but they are great for sightseeing. Useful too once in Santiago for carrying extras home.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
To further reduce weight, you might consider to eliminate the items in your list marked yellow (attached):
- no need for sleeping bag until mid Oct., liner will do.

- Water bottle, Bladder: Buy 1/2 lt. Mineral water and refill bottles on the way
- Headlamp, Batteries: Download a flashlight-app for your iPhone instead
- Maps, Guidebooks: Use Google-maps, etc.: store PDF's on iCloud and/or email them to yourself before departure. 

- Playing cards, bathing suit: You'll never use them, trust me!

- Shoes: one pair on your feet is enough. For inside of albergues, a pair of flip-flops.

Backup iPhone battery-pack makes sense.
Buen Camino

PS: Don't forget: (Almost-) anything you missed can be bought on the way

Actually the swimming suit and playing cards are the two items I really wish I had on the last camino. Several album guess had pools - and I so wish I could have enjoyed the beach at Finnisterre more. I did end up buying some playing cards on the walk, but I looked for more than a week and they were very expensive when I finally found them.
I am checking a separate, cheap, give away duffel bag with my trusty swiss army knife and my beautiful Black Diamond trekking poles. I will will carry on the rest of my pack. If worse comes to worst and the give away duffel gets lost in transit, I have already scoped out where to get new trekking poles and a swiss army knife very early in my trip. I cannot live without the trekking poles for saving my knees, nor the swiss army knife for slicing bread, cheese, salame, tomatos, and the occasional avocado for a roadside bocadilla, and more importantly, the corkscrew for opening the bottles of peregrino wine. (I tend to make my own lunches along the way)

I will be donating the cheap duffel bag upon arrival in Spain. I will check all contents in my main pack when departing.
I thank that is a good idea of checking the questionable stuff in an other bag and keeping the main gear with ya. Thank you
Put the knife and walking sticks in a cardboard tube and check it in. It won't cost you any extra, it's included with your plane ticket anyways.
20-25 lbs? Are you packing food from home? How much water are you carrying? That's the only things I can think of that can add extra weight.
I had 3-4lbs of food that I packed on my first Camino, I dumped an unopened jar of peanut butter in Orisson, took over a week to eat it all.
I used two 500ml Nalgene bottles and bought another 500ml bottle of water (€0.23 cents at the supermercado) on the longer sections that didn't have fountains as needed.
As far as a first aid kit goes, I used the items inside the J&J essential first aid from Target for $0.97, the farmacias in Spain are like the ones in Mexico, you can get most items that you would need a prescription in the US.
I started the Camino at 10kg, I was down to 7.5kg at the end, I went with a 46L pack. My new smaller pack is 30L and down to 6.5kg with water.
All great info and suggestions. I have gone back over my pack and I used my kitchen scale which has given me a much more accurate number. The scale I used before I think was broken. But even with the new scale I still needed to par down some items. My med kit was one of them and now it's done to tape band aids blister buster and ointment so now it's 8oz. I dropped a fleece pull over for a lighter long sleeve. I have a 2 lte. water blat. my pack is 3 lbs. REI. My cloths are light wait quick dry material 4lbs. So in all I'm at 25 lbs. now. I had been training with the higher wait so I should be good to go when I get there. 12 days and counting.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Well done, Sean, on getting that weight down.
In spite of what has been said, you can buy almost anything on the camino - there are stores and shops and bars in almost all the villages and towns along the camino [that's why they're there!]
You're going to have a wonderful time on the camino..... wish I were coming with you ;)
Buen camino, amigo!
25lbs is more like it. Now look again and think about what you can leave out/change. How many sets of clothes have you? Is your towel lightweight? Is there anything you can replace with something lighter? Do you have a torch? If so how heavy is it? What do you have to wear on your feet apart from your boots? How heavy are they? How heavy is the laundry rope? Do you really need one? Maybe a spare pair of bootlaces as a laundry line? Do you have pegs? If so why not nappy pins? How big and heavy is that journal? etc.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
maybe no need for batteries.
the fleece coat--how big is that?
liquids weigh more than solids, often. Those toiletries-- Shampoo? Maybe just shave your head. just a travel size of toothpaste. a little bar of soap instead of shower gel. Or there are those papers to which you add water--they aren't great. If you're bringing liquid detergent, no need. Or even powder, you don't really need. You can just use the bar of soap. It's easier to scrub with anyway. You don't have to pack for all 30 days of toiletries if you don't want. You can pick up more stuff as you walk. Pamplona (about day 3 or 4 ) and Burgos (around one third of the way thru) and Leon (around two thirds of the way thru,) are big cities. You might not need the pocket knife. What were you thinking you'd need to cut? Maybe a small pair of scissors instead? The fork, spoon, knife--maybe one of those plastic all in one things? If you want to bring a swimsuit, you could use it as a pair of underwear. Because it's fast drying, you can wash it and wear it soon.
You may have pared down the contents but now it's time to weigh that pack empty and maybe buy a much lighter one.
The one I used was a day pack weighing 200 grms (half a pound) my total pack weight full was 2.5 Kg (5.5 lbs)
Well done, Sean, on getting that weight down.
In spite of what has been said, you can buy almost anything on the camino - there are stores and shops and bars in almost all the villages and towns along the camino [that's why they're there!]
You're going to have a wonderful time on the camino..... wish I were coming with you ;)
Buen camino, amigo!
Thank you Stephen Buen camino as well
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Ok gang Ty for all the help I have gotten the pack to 20 lbs. and every thing elt's is ready to go. I'm 10 day's out from lift off. I do have one more question. I will be needing to take a train from Paris to SJPDP. Which one? and which one is the cheapest. I've looked up the stations which there are many. I think the one I need is Monparnasse south of paris. If you could please give me a heads up.
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
I've got a great pack good brand and I have put just my second set of cloths and the basic basic stuff in it and it ways 40 lbs. I've been training with it so I think I'm ok. But I guess I'm wondering if there are thing's I can leave out. So if any one out there with more exp. cam help that would be great.

pack list:

first aid pack
toiletries mini
laundry rope
two par socks
rain poncho
long sleeve shirt
fleece coat
camp set, for, knife, spoon
pocket knife
ear plug's
sun glasses
it's really basic so I guess is 40 lbs right.
Thank you for your help every one.
I'm thinking your pack is the culprit - it must weigh a bit empty - good brand or not - try weighing it empty and you'll know
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I just don't see how that packing list can total 40lbs! I think that either there are eight bricks hidden in your pack or there is a problem with your scales. Try popping down to the nearest supermarket and try it on theirs!
I just don't see how that packing list can total 40lbs! I think that either there are eight bricks hidden in your pack or there is a problem with your scales. Try popping down to the nearest supermarket and try it on theirs!
The scale was broken.
7 day and counting to lift off. I wanted to thank every one on the Camino form for your continuing help in calming my nerves and helping me get ready, many blessings to you all and buen camino.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
With the
We all now want to know what it really weighs!!!! :):):)
new scale that work's my pack is 25 lbs. I now know what made my pack so heavy my English Mastiff was hiding in side.......LOL I have gone back over all my stuff and everything is travel size, all the clothing is light wait and one set. My laundry line is para cord 3oz. My torch is LED pocket size 4oz. small journal and guide book. head lamp second set of battery's, towel is sham, my pack it self is 2lbs. A set of sandal's that could be the problem I have gun boat's for feet lol.
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Ok gang Ty for all the help I have gotten the pack to 20 lbs. and every thing elt's is ready to go. I'm 10 day's out from lift off. I do have one more question. I will be needing to take a train from Paris to SJPDP. Which one? and which one is the cheapest. I've looked up the stations which there are many. I think the one I need is Monparnasse south of paris. If you could please give me a heads up.

If you are flying in to Paris CDG airport, there is a train station there at the airport and the train will take you all the way to Bayonne where you can take a bus to St. Jean. I think it is cheaper if you book the train in advance.
As far as the equipment goes, if the fleece pullover you have is lightweight, I would bring that and not bring a long sleeve shirt. Instead bring a couple of lightweight, synthetic short sleeve shirts (workout type they sell everywhere now, cheap) to wear and use the fleece with the shirts when it gets chilly. It just seemed to me the fleece pullover is more versatile and definitely warmer. Can even wear it to sleep at night.
Buen Camino.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Ok gang Ty for all the help I have gotten the pack to 20 lbs. and every thing elt's is ready to go. I'm 10 day's out from lift off. I do have one more question. I will be needing to take a train from Paris to SJPDP. Which one? and which one is the cheapest. I've looked up the stations which there are many. I think the one I need is Monparnasse south of paris. If you could please give me a heads up.

This post discusses travel from Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port.

Caveat. I do not have first hand knowledge of most of the information presented here. The material in this thread was researched using web resources that may be out of date. Information may be incomplete or incorrect. The information presented here is not exhaustive. You are advised to confirm your own travel details.


2101 This section discusses transportation services in Paris.

Index 2100
2102 Paris Airports
2103 Getting around in Paris
2104 Charles de Gaulle Airport to Orly Airport
2105 Charles de Gaulle Airport to Gare d'Austerlitz
2106 Charles de Gaulle Airport to TGV Massy
2107 Charles de Gaulle Airport to Gare Montparnasse
2120 Trains in France
2121 Paris Train Stations
2125 Paris to London by Eurostar
2135 Paris to Barcelona by train
2150 Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port

2102 Paris Airports

Paris has two major airports. Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) is known as Roissy and is located NE of Paris. Orly Airport (ORY) is located to the South of Paris.

CDG and Orly:

2103 Getting around in Paris

Paris Transit Network

Paris RER/Metro route planner - SNCF Transilien

Air France Shuttle Bus with service from CDG to Orly airport (#3) and to Gare Montparnasse (#4)

2104 Charles de Gaulle Airport to Orly Airport

There are two transit options from CDG Airport to Orly Airport.

a. RER Line B (destination B4 Saint Remy les Chevreuse) from CDG airport to Station Antony. Take Orly Val (name of train) from Station Antony to Orly airport Terminal Sud and Terminal Ouest. Allow 1:30 hours.

b. Air France bus from CDG airport direct to Paris Orly airport. Allow 1:15 hours.

2105 CDG Airport to Gare d'Austerlitz

RER Line B (destination B4 Saint Remy les Chevreuse) from CDG airport to Saint Michel Notre Dame RER station. Walk from RER station to Metro. Take Metro line 10 from Cluny la Sorbonne to Gare Austerlitz. Allow 1 hour.

2106 CDG Airport to TGV Massy

RER Line B (destination B4 Saint Remy les Chevreuse) from CDG airport to Massy-Palaiseau RER station. The Massy TGV station is located next to the RER station.

2107 CDG Airport to Gare Montparnasse

There are two transit options from CDG airport to Gare Montparnasse:

a. RER Line B (destination B2 Robinson or B4 Saint Remy les Chevreuse) from CDG airport to Gare du Nord. Paris Metro Line 4 from Gare du Nord to Metro Station Montparnasse Bienvenue. Allow 1:00 hour. Allow an additional 15 minutes to walk from the Metro station to Gare Montparnasse.

~Note there are 3 points where it is possible to transfer from RER B to Metro line 4. A transfer at St Michel may be preferable as Gare du Nord is a large station and will require orientation time.

b. Air France operates a bus service from CDG direct to Gare Montparnasse. Allow 1:15 hours.

2120 Trains in France


SNCF - train schedule and tickets:


SNCF Railway Map

2121 Paris Train Stations

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2 train station

Gare de Massy TGV

Note in additon to CDG 2 and Massy there are 6 major train stations in Paris:

Paris Gare d'Austerlitz

Gare Paris Bercy

Gare Paris Est

Paris Gare de Lyon

Paris Gare Montparnasse

Paris Gare Montparnasse Map

Paris Gare du Nord.

Map of TGV train network in Paris:

2125. Paris to London by Eurostar

Eurostar trains operate between Paris Gare du Nord and London St Pancras International Station

2135 Paris to Barcelona by Train

SNCF and Renfe operate high speed trains between Paris Gare de Lyon and Barcelona Sants.

SNCF - train schedule and tickets:

2150 Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port

2151 This section discusses how to get from Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port.

Index 2150
2152 Executive Summary
2153 Fly from Paris to Biarritz and train to SJPdP
2154 Train from Paris to SJPdP
2155 Train stations between Paris and Bayonne
2156 Saint Jean Pied de Port
2157 Author's Pick

2152 Executive Summary

There are at least two viable options for getting from Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport to Saint Jean Pied de Port (SJPdP):

a. Fly from Paris to Biarritz and take the train from Bayonne to SJPdP.

b. Take the train from Paris to Bayonne and transfer to another train from Bayonne to SJPdP. Stations in Paris with trains to Bayonne include: CDG 2, Gare d'Austerlitz, Gare Montparnasse, and Gare Massy.

Note: The tracks between Bayonne and SJPdP got washed out in Spring 2014. At time of edit (July 2014) the train goes from Bayonne to Cambo les Bains. Passengers to SJPdP transfer to an SNCF operated bus at Cambo les Bains. There is no information as to when the tracks will be repaired. The schedule is changing often.

2153 ~Option 1 Fly from Paris to Biarritz and train to SJPdP

a. Fly from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) to Biarritz Airport (BIQ). Easy Jet provides service; or,

b. Fly from Paris Orly Airport (ORY) to Biarritz Airport (BIQ) Air France provides service.

The Chronoplus urban bus #14 leaves from the doors of Biarritz Airport and goes to Gare de Bayonne. Allow 40 minutes.

The SNCF TER train #62 travels from Bayonne to terminus at SJPdP.

Biarritz Airport (BIQ)


SNCF TER Aquitaine

2154 ~Option 2 - Train from Paris to SJPdP

TGV trains travel towards Bayonne from three train stations in Paris:

a. There is a TGV station located at Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2.

b. There is a TGV station located at Gare Montparnasse in central Paris. There is greater frequency of service from Gare Montparnasse than from CDG 2.

c. The tracks from CDG 2 and Gare Montparnasse converge and TGV trains from both stations stop at Gare Massy.

SNCF TGV trains leave from Paris enroute to Bordeaux or Irun. Often there is a transfer required at Bordeaux. TGV trains from Bordeaux terminate in Irun. TER trains from Bordeaux terminate in Pau or Hendaye. If your train is bound for Pau another transfer is required at Dax. Trains bound for Hendaye or Irun stop in Bayonne.

SNCF Intercites night trains travel from Paris Gare d'Austerlitz to Hendaye and stop in Bayonne.

SNCF TER train #62 travels from Gare Bayonne to terminus at SJPdP.

You will get limited results if you try to find a schedule for a train from Paris to SJPdP. I'd suggest planning your trip from Paris to Bayonne then Bayonne to SJPdP.


SNCF - train schedule and tickets:

SNCF TER Aquitaine

2155 Train Stations between Paris and Bayonne

Gare Bordeaux - Saint Jean (Saint Jean is name of main station in Bordeaux)

Gare Bordeaux - Saint Jean according to Wikipedia

Gare de Dax

Gare de Bayonne

2156 Saint Jean Pied de Port

Saint Jean Pied de Port

2157 Author's pick

If I were traveling to SJPdP by way of Paris I would:

a. Determine if it was cost effective and time effective to fly from Paris to Biarritz. Time effective means arriving in time to catch a train from Bayonne to SJPdP on the same day.

b. If arriving at CDG and taking the train is the better option ... take the train from CDG 2 if the schedule is viable.

c. If CDG 2 schedule doesn't work ... Take the RER train from CDG to Massy and catch the TGV train originating from Montparnasse ... Massy is easier to access than Montparnasse because there are no transit transfers required.

d. If arriving at Orly ... take the Orly Val to station Antony and RER train to Massy. Trains from CDG2 and Montparnasse converge before Massy.
We used long sleeved shirts and carried a fleece - cold is relative. I think anything under +10C is cold :). The year we only had thin fleeces we had to buy extra and they weighed 500gms each!!
Our current fleece jackets are reversible for extra warmth and weigh 400gms :)
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
This post discusses travel from Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port.

Caveat. I do not have first hand knowledge of most of the information presented here. The material in this thread was researched using web resources that may be out of date. Information may be incomplete or incorrect. The information presented here is not exhaustive. You are advised to confirm your own travel details.

Paris This post is great I have been looking for a clean and clear understanding of there system. One more hurtle over come.

2101 This section discusses transportation services in Paris.

Index 2100
2102 Paris Airports
2103 Getting around in Paris
2104 Charles de Gaulle Airport to Orly Airport
2105 Charles de Gaulle Airport to Gare d'Austerlitz
2106 Charles de Gaulle Airport to TGV Massy
2107 Charles de Gaulle Airport to Gare Montparnasse
2120 Trains in France
2121 Paris Train Stations
2125 Paris to London by Eurostar
2135 Paris to Barcelona by train
2150 Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port

2102 Paris Airports

Paris has two major airports. Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) is known as Roissy and is located NE of Paris. Orly Airport (ORY) is located to the South of Paris.

CDG and Orly:

2103 Getting around in Paris

Paris Transit Network

Paris RER/Metro route planner - SNCF Transilien

Air France Shuttle Bus with service from CDG to Orly airport (#3) and to Gare Montparnasse (#4)

2104 Charles de Gaulle Airport to Orly Airport

There are two transit options from CDG Airport to Orly Airport.

a. RER Line B (destination B4 Saint Remy les Chevreuse) from CDG airport to Station Antony. Take Orly Val (name of train) from Station Antony to Orly airport Terminal Sud and Terminal Ouest. Allow 1:30 hours.

b. Air France bus from CDG airport direct to Paris Orly airport. Allow 1:15 hours.

2105 CDG Airport to Gare d'Austerlitz

RER Line B (destination B4 Saint Remy les Chevreuse) from CDG airport to Saint Michel Notre Dame RER station. Walk from RER station to Metro. Take Metro line 10 from Cluny la Sorbonne to Gare Austerlitz. Allow 1 hour.

2106 CDG Airport to TGV Massy

RER Line B (destination B4 Saint Remy les Chevreuse) from CDG airport to Massy-Palaiseau RER station. The Massy TGV station is located next to the RER station.

2107 CDG Airport to Gare Montparnasse

There are two transit options from CDG airport to Gare Montparnasse:

a. RER Line B (destination B2 Robinson or B4 Saint Remy les Chevreuse) from CDG airport to Gare du Nord. Paris Metro Line 4 from Gare du Nord to Metro Station Montparnasse Bienvenue. Allow 1:00 hour. Allow an additional 15 minutes to walk from the Metro station to Gare Montparnasse.

~Note there are 3 points where it is possible to transfer from RER B to Metro line 4. A transfer at St Michel may be preferable as Gare du Nord is a large station and will require orientation time.

b. Air France operates a bus service from CDG direct to Gare Montparnasse. Allow 1:15 hours.

2120 Trains in France


SNCF - train schedule and tickets:


SNCF Railway Map

2121 Paris Train Stations

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2 train station

Gare de Massy TGV

Note in additon to CDG 2 and Massy there are 6 major train stations in Paris:

Paris Gare d'Austerlitz

Gare Paris Bercy

Gare Paris Est

Paris Gare de Lyon

Paris Gare Montparnasse

Paris Gare Montparnasse Map

Paris Gare du Nord.

Map of TGV train network in Paris:

2125. Paris to London by Eurostar

Eurostar trains operate between Paris Gare du Nord and London St Pancras International Station

2135 Paris to Barcelona by Train

SNCF and Renfe operate high speed trains between Paris Gare de Lyon and Barcelona Sants.

SNCF - train schedule and tickets:

2150 Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port

2151 This section discusses how to get from Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port.

Index 2150
2152 Executive Summary
2153 Fly from Paris to Biarritz and train to SJPdP
2154 Train from Paris to SJPdP
2155 Train stations between Paris and Bayonne
2156 Saint Jean Pied de Port
2157 Author's Pick

2152 Executive Summary

There are at least two viable options for getting from Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport to Saint Jean Pied de Port (SJPdP):

a. Fly from Paris to Biarritz and take the train from Bayonne to SJPdP.

b. Take the train from Paris to Bayonne and transfer to another train from Bayonne to SJPdP. Stations in Paris with trains to Bayonne include: CDG 2, Gare d'Austerlitz, Gare Montparnasse, and Gare Massy.

Note: The tracks between Bayonne and SJPdP got washed out in Spring 2014. At time of edit (July 2014) the train goes from Bayonne to Cambo les Bains. Passengers to SJPdP transfer to an SNCF operated bus at Cambo les Bains. There is no information as to when the tracks will be repaired. The schedule is changing often.

2153 ~Option 1 Fly from Paris to Biarritz and train to SJPdP

a. Fly from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) to Biarritz Airport (BIQ). Easy Jet provides service; or,

b. Fly from Paris Orly Airport (ORY) to Biarritz Airport (BIQ) Air France provides service.

The Chronoplus urban bus #14 leaves from the doors of Biarritz Airport and goes to Gare de Bayonne. Allow 40 minutes.

The SNCF TER train #62 travels from Bayonne to terminus at SJPdP.

Biarritz Airport (BIQ)


SNCF TER Aquitaine

2154 ~Option 2 - Train from Paris to SJPdP

TGV trains travel towards Bayonne from three train stations in Paris:

a. There is a TGV station located at Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2.

b. There is a TGV station located at Gare Montparnasse in central Paris. There is greater frequency of service from Gare Montparnasse than from CDG 2.

c. The tracks from CDG 2 and Gare Montparnasse converge and TGV trains from both stations stop at Gare Massy.

SNCF TGV trains leave from Paris enroute to Bordeaux or Irun. Often there is a transfer required at Bordeaux. TGV trains from Bordeaux terminate in Irun. TER trains from Bordeaux terminate in Pau or Hendaye. If your train is bound for Pau another transfer is required at Dax. Trains bound for Hendaye or Irun stop in Bayonne.

SNCF Intercites night trains travel from Paris Gare d'Austerlitz to Hendaye and stop in Bayonne.

SNCF TER train #62 travels from Gare Bayonne to terminus at SJPdP.

You will get limited results if you try to find a schedule for a train from Paris to SJPdP. I'd suggest planning your trip from Paris to Bayonne then Bayonne to SJPdP.


SNCF - train schedule and tickets:

SNCF TER Aquitaine

2155 Train Stations between Paris and Bayonne

Gare Bordeaux - Saint Jean (Saint Jean is name of main station in Bordeaux)

Gare Bordeaux - Saint Jean according to Wikipedia

Gare de Dax

Gare de Bayonne

2156 Saint Jean Pied de Port

Saint Jean Pied de Port

2157 Author's pick

If I were traveling to SJPdP by way of Paris I would:

a. Determine if it was cost effective and time effective to fly from Paris to Biarritz. Time effective means arriving in time to catch a train from Bayonne to SJPdP on the same day.

b. If arriving at CDG and taking the train is the better option ... take the train from CDG 2 if the schedule is viable.

c. If CDG 2 schedule doesn't work ... Take the RER train from CDG to Massy and catch the TGV train originating from Montparnasse ... Massy is easier to access than Montparnasse because there are no transit transfers required.

d. If arriving at Orly ... take the Orly Val to station Antony and RER train to Massy. Trains from CDG2 and Montparnasse converge before Massy.
I've got a great pack good brand and I have put just my second set of cloths and the basic basic stuff in it and it ways 40 lbs. I've been training with it so I think I'm ok. But I guess I'm wondering if there are thing's I can leave out. So if any one out there with more exp. cam help that would be great.

pack list:

first aid pack
toiletries mini
laundry rope
two par socks
rain poncho
long sleeve shirt
fleece coat
camp set, for, knife, spoon
pocket knife
ear plug's
sun glasses
it's really basic so I guess is 40 lbs right.
Thank you for your help every one.
I am carrying 9 kilos which is considered heavy by camino standards. My pack includes 1.5 kilos of diabetic stuff. You should consider cutting your weight in half. Travel light because you can buy all that you require along the way.

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