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Tissue Paper

Bruno Bodnar

Time of past OR future Camino
(2001) (2018)
We made it to Pamplona today.
I have a question about all the tissue paper all over the place along the trail and in the bushes! Some of it is obvious as to why it’s there, disgustingly obvious!!! Some of it is hanging in the bushes and trees and a lot more is just lying on the side of the trail.
What is going on?!
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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Gross disgusting people, mostly WOMEN, leaving their nasty paper on the ground.
End of the season it's horrible.

We have been on many trips; walking, biking, kayaking, canoeing, camping...and always practiced packing out everything.
I just wonder how people think this is ok to leave!
Some of it is obvious as to why it’s there
Most of it is for drippy noses on cold mornings. It would not be hard to carry to the next trash can, but that is not happening, reasons unknown. I tie a bandana to my pack strap for that purpose, and wash it daily.

The toilet paper probably is not what you see on tree branches. It tends to be on the ground behind the tree line, which is actually the delimiting line of a 450 mile latrine...
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I took 12 white cotton new hankies with me on my 2016 Camino. I tied one to the front of my pack strap. Washed it every night with my clothes. The rest I gave away along the Camino. Toileting along the Camino and leaving that mess ....whole other issue. I’m a mother of 5 grand mother of 6 and have Multiple Sclerosis.......never toileted outside on the trail once in the 800 kms.
Falcon is correct. I served as a 'Ditch Pig' in November 2016, cleaning the Camino in Palencia for a week.

TP or other type tissue, seen away from a tree line or hedgerow is typically 'nose-blow' detritus. The really nasty stuff, or "brown tissue' as we came to refer to it, is usually in a sodden pile or wad, behind something that may have provided some privacy during the spring and summer months.

Once otono / fall / autumn arrives, and leaves drop from trees, the spotty white patches become all the more apparent. The curtain is parted and the sins of the pilgrim are revealed...

If you carried it into that location, you should pack it out after use. If that is not doable for any number of reasons, do carry a lightweight 'cat sanitation' trowel, and bury your soiled 'stuff' in a small hole, well covered over before you depart.

The very few times this has occurred to me over six Caminos, I went the added step of burning the paper over the 'stuff' using the small BIC lighter I always carry in my belt pocket. this speeds decomposition, reduces attracting wildlife, and reduces the overall size of 'the deposits.' Of course, I had one or more water bottles ready to immediately douse any flame that threatened to spread. After the fire is well out, I filled in the hole, compressed it with my boot, and covered the area with vegetation.

So, the best advice, IMHO, on this issue is:
  • plan your toilet needs ahead of time, tend to them in a proper place...a bathroom / bano / loo, etc.
  • pack out whatever 'trash' you create, from any source. Leave only memories...
  • properly dispose of and minimize whatever detritus you must leave behind.
  • THINK of others who come after you.
Hope this helps.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Falcon is correct. I served as a 'Ditch Pig' in November 2016, cleaning the Camino in Palencia for a week.

TP or other type tissue, seen away from a tree line or hedgerow is typically 'nose-blow' detritus. The really nasty stuff, or "brown tissue' as we came to refer to it, is usually in a sodden pile or wad, behind something that may have provided some privacy during the spring and summer months.

Once otono / fall / autumn arrives, and leaves drop from trees, the spotty white patches become all the more apparent. The curtain is parted and the sins of the pilgrim are revealed...

If you carried it into that location, you should pack it out after use. If that is not doable for any number of reasons, do carry a lightweight 'cat sanitation' trowel, and bury your soiled 'stuff' in a small hole, well covered over before you depart.

The very few times this has occurred to me over six Caminos, I went the added step of burning the paper over the 'stuff' using the small BIC lighter I always carry in my belt pocket. this speeds decomposition, reduces attracting wildlife, and reduces the overall size of 'the deposits.' Of course, I had one or more water bottles ready to immediately douse any flame that threatened to spread. After the fire is well out, I filled in the hole, compressed it with my boot, and covered the area with vegetation.

So, the best advice, IMHO, on this issue is:
  • plan your toilet needs ahead of time, tend to them in a proper place...a bathroom / bano / loo, etc.
  • pack out whatever 'trash' you create, from any source. Leave only memories...
  • properly dispose of and minimize whatever detritus you must leave behind.
  • THINK of others who come after you.
Hope this helps.
Thank you... Yes, please(!) pack it out, for whatever reason. IMHO we humans, have become much more willing to litter everywhere with our disposables. Please take care of the area, wherever you may be. The Camino is no different, but it is striking to be confronted with litter there and really in most every situation avoidable.
Maybe this is worth considering? The Camino provides. We all know this if we have set foot on any part of it. Is it not worth it to keep it as pristine we we can so others can experience it the same way?

Sorry for the tough love here but on this topic, it is needed. If you take a roll of TP (Gold on the Camino), a few ziplock bags will not add too much to your pack. And, every time you need one to pack out droppings, and TP (used), drop it in the next trash can. It is that easy. And if every one of us did and taught that, there would not be an 80 km latrine left behind.

Sadly, perhaps we are preaching to the choir?
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
No reason for TP all over trails whether here on the trails in other parts of the world. Put soiled paper in plastic bag. Also panty liners are a great way to go. I guess thee are same women who pee on toilet seats and don’t clean up. Yes it is GROSS!
No reason for TP all over trails whether here on the trails in other parts of the world. Put soiled paper in plastic bag. Also panty liners are a great way to go. I guess thee are same women who pee on toilet seats and don’t clean up. Yes it is GROSS!

Unfortunately, there are plenty of panty liners along the route as well :(
As far as the other, I've threatened to put up signs saying "If you're going to stand up and pee like a man, lift the danged toilet seat like a man!"
The seemingly never ending line of tissue paper along the Camino is fast replacing the need for the Yellow Arrow .
Once or twice on the way to Santiago I was less than sure of the correct path , a quick scout around ; mainly behind bushes , for the inevitable tissues allowed me to find the correct path accurately each time .
Along the GR70 in France this May/June I saw only a few incidences of this , it seems that the practice is becoming the norm in Spain , perhaps a question of '' Well everyone else is doing it ''.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I remember being tired and looking for a place to rest. Found this rock and sat. Noticed a horrible smell...looked around and noticed individuals had been using it as a toilet ....right on the gross.
Truly I don’t understand how a person can’t train themselves....6 weeks....800 kms ....carrying all my stuff....never couldn’t make it to a toilet.
Truly just because you can (some think) doesn’t mean you should.564308D2-E9EA-4153-839C-CD5C3627D498.jpeg
Sadly this is a discussion that we have here wiht monotonous regularity.
Everyone asking (more or less) WTF?! ~
How can they...?
What are they thinking...?

Unfortunately there are neither answers nor any easy solutions.
Just don't add to is mostly what any of us who care can do. And ditch pigging, if you are fortunate enough to be free when it happens....

And if you see someone doing that, educate them. Kindly but firmly.
Toilet training is something that takes patience.;)
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Walking out of Melide a woman walking ahead of us threw her tissue right in middle of path. I shouted out “excuse me you dropped your tissue” she either didnt hear or didnt care kept walking. To my utter amazement one of the women i was walking with said” whats the big deal tissues are bio-degradable” just goes to show not everyones brain works the same.
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How many men do you know that wipe their parts when they pee?
I've watched countless women squat and pee on the Camino, and leave their paper laying on the ground.
It's women... sadly.

While I’m well aware that women do more wiping than men do, after four camino trips I’ve never witnessed a woman doing this. This kind of ignorance comes from both sexes. And i haven’t seen anyone male or female taking a whizz or whatever in four years. I know people are doing it. I’m certainly not trying to monitor folks during a private moment like that and I’m not sure anyone should be. In general I have rarely not had access to a bathroom but emergencies occur especially to older folks. I too have wondered why someone would urinate time and again at an obvious resting spot that would be easily visible to passers by. If I have an emergency I go well off trail and do it the right way. I never leave detritus of any kind. I just feel without actual evidence it’s just meaningless to say it’s one group over another
How many men do you know that wipe their parts when they pee?
I've watched countless women squat and pee on the Camino, and leave their paper laying on the ground.
It's women... sadly.

Annie, when men have to poop they are in same state as women on the trail. So just identifying women as the culprits is unfair. It is more difficult for women to urinate on a trail than men and more of a need to clean with tissue. ALL, men and women, should carry out all paper they bring with them, period! We carry dog poop bags. They are relatively cheaper and lighter than zip locks for this purpose. Once used, we have no desire to reopen, anyway.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Annie, when men have to poop they are in same state as women on the trail. So just identifying women as the culprits is unfair. It is more difficult for women to urinate on a trail than men and more of a need to clean with tissue. ALL, men and women, should carry out all paper they bring with them, period! We carry dog poop bags. They are relatively cheaper and lighter than zip locks for this purpose. Once used, we have no desire to reopen, anyway.
No-one needs to ‘poop’ in the wild on the CF! There are enough places to stop, between leaving the albergue and arriving! (unless you are suddenly taken ill of course. )
Surely adults can last more than an hour or so without going to the loo???? How do people manage when they’re at work???
Peeing is a different matter, especially with the amounts of water we drink.... But TAKE your tissue with you!!! ;)
How many men do you know that wipe their parts when they pee?
I've watched countless women squat and pee on the Camino, and leave their paper laying on the ground.
It's women... sadly.
I observed a group of 6 women walk up a drive way to someone's home laughing and all pulled down their pants in plain view squatted and peed.
I witnessed many that seemed to find it a fun ... freeing opportunity. ....I just found it discusting.'s just plain disrespectful
It's women, mostly. Have observed it, many times. Disgusting, disrespectful and offending. We men are more considerate.:)
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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I was appalled at the tissue left on the trail. I carried a plastic baggie with me and put my used tissue in there, then would disposed of it in town.

I don't understand the mentality of just leaving one's trash on such a place as the camino. How can someone do that? How were they raised? It's mind boggling.
Surely adults can last more than an hour or so without going to the loo???? How do people manage when they’re at work???

We walk in off season sometimes. There are days we went 15-17km without finding anything open. Strong head winds and slow going .under poor conditions. I saw both men and women trying to find cover to go. Sometimes it took us four hours to find something open and as I stated when nature calls..that is it!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of panty liners along the route as well :(
As far as the other, I've threatened to put up signs saying "If you're going to stand up and pee like a man, lift the danged toilet seat like a man!"
I use pantylines instead of tp and it whisks away moisture very well. I toss it in the trash at the end of the day. I personally have never seen "used" ones on the trail behind bushes in the spring. I guess I have not walked the Frances enough times. I don't recall other Caminos having the tp problem as fewer pilgrims are on those routes.

And as for the "other", I don't think anyone would "choose" to do their business outdoors for the heck of one time was out of desperation and a nightmare experience I hope to never have to repeat!
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We walk in off season sometimes. There are days we went 15-17km without finding anything open. Strong head winds and slow going .under poor conditions. I saw both men and women trying to find cover to go. Sometimes it took us four hours to find something open and as I stated when nature calls..that is it!
Ah well, I stand corrected.
In my experience, ‘nature calls’ suddenly when something has gone wrong ie you’ve eaten something that doesn’t agree with you or you’ve got a bug or whatever... That can’t be helped.
But - and please correct me if you think I’m wrong - normally, adults can manage four hours, can’t they??? Between leaving the albergue/hostal in the morning to the next stop?
But - and please correct me if you think I’m wrong - normally, adults can manage four hours, can’t they??? Between leaving the albergue/hostal in the morning to the next stop?

Some can't. My dearly beloved is lucky if she can make an hour.......seriously...
Endless doctors later we still don't know why.

But she carries ziplock bags and goes well off the trail.

No excuse for the paper everywhere! But we are preaching to the converted here.

For 'emergencies', I carry one of these. it weighs 17 gms. I might use it once on a Camino.........
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
We have been on many trips; walking, biking, kayaking, canoeing, camping...and always practiced packing out everything.
I just wonder how people think this is ok to leave!
I do not condone littering on the Camino yet when I have seen signs of litter when I was in doubt due to no arrows it gives me hope I am on the right trail.
Annie, when men have to poop they are in same state as women on the trail. So just identifying women as the culprits is unfair. It is more difficult for women to urinate on a trail than men and more of a need to clean with tissue. ALL, men and women, should carry out all paper they bring with them, period! We carry dog poop bags. They are relatively cheaper and lighter than zip locks for this purpose. Once used, we have no desire to reopen, anyway.

Sorry, I disagree.
There's nothing unfair about the truth.
It's simply what it is.

MOST people don't poop along the trail.
But a lot of people do urinate.
And MOST of the paper is left by women.

Men will usually walk off the trail a bit and hit a bush or tree.
They'll give their bits a shake and be done.
Women will squat right along the route and leave their nasty paper behind.
Sorry... it's just a fact.
Sorry, I disagree.
There's nothing unfair about the truth.
It's simply what it is.

MOST people don't poop along the trail.
But a lot of people do urinate.
And MOST of the paper is left by women.

Men will usually walk off the trail a bit and hit a bush or tree.
They'll give their bits a shake and be done.
Women will squat right along the route and leave their nasty paper behind.
Sorry... it's just a fact.
so what do you expect people to do when nature calls? Give some advice? Go back to SJPP?
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
I just feel without actual evidence it’s just meaningless to say it’s one group over another

I don't feel it's meaningless.
I think it's educational.
Women should be taught in forums such as these to take along a bag and carry out their paper.
I'm not sure why you're offended.
I'm a woman, and frankly, the behavior of THOSE women who DO this offends me.
Being PC doesn't help the situation - just puts blinders on the issue, imo.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
It's been a pet peeve of mine since my first Camino - and 13-14 Caminos later (I lose count), it's still a pet peeve.
I try to educate the women who walk in my groups, and hope they "pass it on."
so what do you expect people to do when nature calls? Give some advice? Go back to SJPP?

And as far as advice goes, try to do your morning poop before you leave the albergue.
If you can't and you simply MUST go along the trail, then go OFF the trail and bury it.
Do NOT bury the paper. It will not disintegrate. Put it in a doggy poop bag or baggie and carry it out.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Mostly WOMEN? Where are you getting your stats from?

From WATCHING women do this along the trail since 2006.
And trust me, I've shouted several down and embarrassed them,
to the point that some have sheepishly picked up their paper.

It's simply a truth.

We could take a poll I suppose.
One that asks, "Men, do you WIPE with paper after a pee?"

How many rolls of toilet paper have you ever seen next to a men's urinal?
I've never seen one.
It's women.
I don't feel it's meaningless.
I think it's educational.
Women should be taught in forums such as these to take along a bag and carry out their paper.
I'm not sure why you're offended.
I'm a woman, and frankly, the behavior of THOSE women who DO this offends me.
Being PC doesn't help the situation - just puts blinders on the issue, imo.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
It's been a pet peeve of mine since my first Camino - and 13-14 Caminos later (I lose count), it's still a pet peeve.
I try to educate the women who walk in my groups, and hope they "pass it on."

I’m not “offended” nor “pc”. Yes it’s an educational issue but it looks like the people who need this particular piece of info aren’t here on this forum. A generalization based on observation is a hypothesis, not “truth”. As a woman I’m always concerned about my safety therefore you won’t see me dropping my trousers in the middle of the trail. Why would a man go off trail when he can discreetly whip it out and go? I’m not saying one group always does one thing and the other the opposite. People do all sorts of stuff w tissues wipe noses, wipe sweat. And they shouldn’t leave any of it behind. Anyway I’m off to the trail so buen camino....
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
........I've threatened to put up signs saying "If you're going to stand up and pee like a man, lift the danged toilet seat like a man!"
Actually, I think it's the 'squatters' who splash on the toilet seat. At least that is what I have deduced from the other thread 'The Proper Way to Go.'
A generalization based on observation is a hypothesis, not “truth”.
I'm with @Anniesantiago and @domigee and others on this one: it's largely our fault, ok it's the fault of those sisters who are uninformed or non-thinking or badly educated or culturally conditioned in a path-unfriendly way. You may have noticed that it's mainly women who make this claim about other women's habits, men seem to be surprised about it and prefer to adhere to the gender-neutral dripping noses theory.

I've not observed anyone in the act of using a tissue and disposing of it on the CF and hope I never will. I just couldn't help noticing these items disposed after the act. In my cultural environment, walkers with dripping noses tend to cling on to their tissues for multiple use and when they dispose of them in the appropriate waste bin, it's a sorry mess of a crumpled ball that has lost its initial shape. Whereas the litter along the CF, when still in its pristine state and not yet battered by the forces of wind and rain and sun and displaced, looks like single use items hence my conclusion ... the result of a quick pee and a wipe at the edge of the trail.

The core problem of the TP/tissue complex, and may I add the bikers/bell complex is, however, that there are so many path users now. That's, I guess, the reason why the OP who walked in 2001 and currently in 2018 raised the topic.
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so what do you expect people to do when nature calls? Give some advice? Go back to SJPP?
really? men don't poop along the trail? then you haven't done enough Caminos because I have seen it. futhermore am done with this subject much more to do than this.
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Take a trowel, dig a hole (well away from watercourses), do your business in the hole, refill hole, pack out the toilet paper.
Maybe this is worth considering? The Camino provides. We all know this if we have set foot on any part of it. Is it not worth it to keep it as pristine we we can so others can experience it the same way?

Sorry for the tough love here but on this topic, it is needed. If you take a roll of TP (Gold on the Camino), a few ziplock bags will not add too much to your pack. And, every time you need one to pack out droppings, and TP (used), drop it in the next trash can. It is that easy. And if every one of us did and taught that, there would not be an 80 km latrine left behind.

Sadly, perhaps we are preaching to the choir?
You don’t even need a ziplock. Regular dog poop bags are light, small and often biodegradable. You can use yhem as a glove as well should you decide to pick up.

In addition to leaving tp on the trail, I have noticed that many of the womens toilets have had their tp rolls taken, leaving the stall paperless. Signs are starting to pop up asking women not to take the tp and be considerate of the next pilgrim who needs it.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
We made it to Pamplona today.
I have a question about all the tissue paper all over the place along the trail and in the bushes! Some of it is obvious as to why it’s there, disgustingly obvious!!! Some of it is hanging in the bushes and trees and a lot more is just lying on the side of the trail.
What is going on?!
Thoroughly agree. I am ashamed as a women to admit that it is often left by the “ fairer sex,,,,”
What is wrong with taking it away in a plastic bag and sorting it at the end of the day.
What is the answer -to educate .
Ah well, I stand corrected.
In my experience, ‘nature calls’ suddenly when something has gone wrong ie you’ve eaten something that doesn’t agree with you or you’ve got a bug or whatever... That can’t be helped.
But - and please correct me if you think I’m wrong - normally, adults can manage four hours, can’t they??? Between leaving the albergue/hostal in the morning to the next stop?

Yes, agree, normally, but one is assuming, then that one did their “duty” so to speak when one first got up?!My system does not operate like clockwork...some times my first clue is after being out for two hours?!Do you really go the same time every day?
Yes, agree, normally, but one is assuming, then that one did their “duty” so to speak when one first got up?!My system does not operate like clockwork...some times my first clue is after being out for two hours?!Do you really go the same time every day?
:D Well said. But, apparently, some people do.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Thoroughly agree. I am ashamed as a women to admit that it is often left by the “ fairer sex,,,,”
What is wrong with taking it away in a plastic bag and sorting it at the end of the day.
What is the answer -to educate .
I am not ashamed that we, as females, must "squat and wipe". It's not our fault that our bodies are designed that way. The problem of course is being willing to deal with the removal of the tp, which is why I prefer panty liners. One can make you feel dry all day, then just toss.
I went the added step of burning the paper over the 'stuff' using the small BIC lighter I always carry in my belt pocket.
Can I add that the use of fire in the woods is very dangerous and many times not legal. As I live in "fire country" I can tell you it does not take much for a fire to get out of control and then disaster and death are soon to follow. I commend your efforts and it sounds as though you are experienced and very careful. Not everyone posses those traits and fire is dangerous at any level, even burning a tissue.

I am not trying to sound like a reprimand or in any way negative, just cautious and a word to the wise for other's thinking of using that method.
Actually, I think it's the 'squatters' who splash on the toilet seat. At least that is what I have deduced from the other thread 'The Proper Way to Go.'
I think you're right!!

Agree. It's mostly women - it's not just toilet paper that gets left behind there's quite a bit of plastic in modern sanitary products. If you try to wild camp along the camino and want to find a quiet spot just off the trail you have to often have to navigate through a human toilet first. It's also not exactly off the trail in many cases, I nipped behind a pilgrim shelter near Rabanal [?] to change into my shorts one day and quickly stepped back when I realised it was basically an open toilet. I am surprised the people living locally don't complain a lot more (or perhaps they do but we don't hear about it). It won't be the people on this forum causing the problem so I guess the only thing to do is donate to to help undo some of the damage that the pilgrim influx creates?
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Regular dog poop bags are light, small and often biodegradable
And easy to find..... at least here in US. We buy biodegradable potato starch bags for our dogs waste and they last about one year before being disintegrated (after use). They cost less than a nickel each and weigh next to nothing.

We see this same tissue issue on trails where we live and none of our trails are more than a few hours long. I understand not being able or willing to hold it all that time but the unwillingness to pack out is sad and makes you want to see those offenders given a suspension from being allowed to use the trails.
I used the left pocket, right pocket process. I had enough TP for two incidents, mostly pee. I kept a super lightweight doggie bag in my right pocket to pick up larger waste, or put my used tp into. If my tissues got used, they were in my right pocket and went into the waste basket or toilet (tissue only) at next stop. I saw a lot of tissue waste that I feel wasn’t used, or was used for nose blowing. I think often these fall out of jacket or pack pockets. I think at least 40% of this litter could be eliminated if people were willing to just hold onto their pee tissue and put it in a pocket, and make sure your nose tissue goes into a pocket. Look behind and make sure it didn’t fall down.
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Yes, agree, normally, but one is assuming, then that one did their “duty” so to speak when one first got up?!My system does not operate like clockwork...some times my first clue is after being out for two hours?!Do you really go the same time every day?
Well this ‘conversation’ has been enlightening! :D
Do you all do the same when you walk at home, too?
Well this ‘conversation’ has been enlightening! :D
Do you all do the same when you walk at home, too?

I respond to my body when it signals... what alternate is there? ...and yes, If I am walking in a state park where I live and I cannot make it to a rest station, which happens occasionally, I do exactly the same. I carry poop bags here as well! I have done the same for 40 many hiking settings in the French, Swiss and Austrian alps, Colorado and Canadian Rockies, ..walking in England....No descrimination here! When The body finally calls, I answer!
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
So do I , of course, but that does not mean, the mind and body are synchronized! I guess some folks have all the luck!
I have twice had to go in the woods as an emergency - because I had some sort of stomach upset..... and I reckon I have walked roughly 10000 km on pilgrimages now.
So yes, some folks have all the luck :D;)
What amazes me is this is not a wilderness walk....most often there is not a toilet far away. Buying a drink in the bar so you can use the toilet, aids the economy and adds to the enjoyment of experiencing local culture.
No-one needs to ‘poop’ in the wild on the CF! There are enough places to stop, between leaving the albergue and arriving! (unless you are suddenly taken ill of course. )
Surely adults can last more than an hour or so without going to the loo???? How do people manage when they’re at work???
Peeing is a different matter, especially with the amounts of water we drink.... But TAKE your tissue with you!!! ;)
Or “drip dry,” ☺️
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
What amazes me is this is not a wilderness walk....most often there is not a toilet far away. Buying a drink in the bar so you can use the toilet, aids the economy and adds to the enjoyment of experiencing local culture.

Again...A lot depends upon what time of year one is walking. I have gotten off a planned route and gone into a town in the winter looking for a bar that was supposed to be open only to find out the owners closed because the weather was poor. Nothing was open....And in bad weather and high winds we were only averaging 3 to 3.5 km per hour! I, as we all , I imagine, would likely prefer
to go inside into a relatively warm and dry space to take care of ourselves! But it is not always available. If you can hit a bar every hour or so wonderful...good for you!
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Again...A lot depends upon what time of year one is walking. I have gotten off a planned route and gone into a town in the winter looking for a bar that was supposed to be open only to find out the owners close because the weather was poor. Nothing was open....And in bad weather and high winds we were only averaging 3 to 3.5 km per hour! I, as we all , I imagine, would likely prefer
to go inside into a relatively warm and dry space to take care of ourselves! But it is not always available. If you can hit a bar every hour or so wonderful...good for you!
I don’t think anyone has a quarrel with you because I seem to remember you mentioned not leaving any paper behind :cool: it is the ones who leave the mess the OP mentioned that need to be addressed but apparently, none on this forum :cool:
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Yes, agree, normally, but one is assuming, then that one did their “duty” so to speak when one first got up?!My system does not operate like clockwork...some times my first clue is after being out for two hours?!Do you really go the same time every day?
Of course, I trained myself. But then, I'm half-German...
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
so what do you expect people to do when nature calls? Give some advice? Go back to SJPP?
I think the people who don't like the sight of TP or tissues expect people to bring plastic bags for the waste paper and take it with them rather than leave it by the trail. At least, that's what I've been reading.
I much prefer the ease and privacy of going inside, however surgery on my digestive system means I am very easily caught short. When I need to go I need to go. I visit every cafe & bar I can, but often a nature stop is necessary, sometimes with much less privacy than is my preference ..... I would value some understanding about this.

However, I completely agree about being prepared so that packing out all paper & plastic products is standard practice for all of us
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I’m SORRY I brought this up! I did NOT intend it to be a battle of the sexes!
I think maybe print out an etiquette list for using the trail when the society that issues the official credencial sends it out or when someone buys one at the various pilgrim’s offices.
Great idea!
I think the people who don't like the sight of TP or tissues expect people to bring plastic bags for the waste paper and take it with them rather than leave it by the trail. At least, that's what I've been reading.
It sure seems like if if you can carry TP in you can carry it out. Pretty standard stuff for any "hike" or walk or Camino. As others point out the distance between towns or services is not so vast that carrying your own garbage for an hour or two is that much to ask.

As I continue my prep for CP in the Spring I have now added a handful of "doggie bags" just in case. Since I work away form home and am often stuck for hours on a job with no facility nearby I am used to "holding it", even at age 60, but I will be prepared for the times I can not.

Man, women or beast we all need to police our own waste please. If it were a real hardship to carry a bag and remove the offending trash maybe I could understand why it is as prevalent as this thread implies.

It is not hard to do, is quite sanitary if done correctly and the weight of the trash will be no more than the weight your body just shed creating that trash ;)
We made it to Pamplona today.
I have a question about all the tissue paper all over the place along the trail and in the bushes! Some of it is obvious as to why it’s there, disgustingly obvious!!! Some of it is hanging in the bushes and trees and a lot more is just lying on the side of the trail.
What is going on?![/QUOTE

THERE IS NO ACCEPTABLE ANSWER. Trash scattered along the Camino is unacceptable. Camino trade groups and associations should make PACKING OUT ones trash an educational point, especially for those preparing to walk the Camino for the first time.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Yesterday my bladder got bananas and I had to pee 8 times. Of course I jump of the track and find a place where people will not go for the same reason as me. The TP I put in a ziplock bag in my pocket. Easy as that. But today the wind took my dripping nose paper when I pulled my guide out of the pocket. Didn't see where it went. So some TP is accidentally but unfortunately a lot of people leave their TP behind :-(
How many men do you know that wipe their parts when they pee?
I've watched countless women squat and pee on the Camino, and leave their paper laying on the ground.
It's women... sadly.
I witnesed a lady discarding a tissue on the ground in front of me and as I walked past her I asked her if she owned a dog, she said yes and I suggested she never picked up his business in a bag either, the look she gave me was pure gold
I studied this Forum before I left Adelaide and came prepared with a roll of our dog's poo bags. I have definitely had to find "private " spots behind bushes/trees since starting my walk on 1 September, but I have taken anything produced or used away with me for later disposal. But, all evidence shows that I've been the exception, sadly. For the record, women or men, it's not always possible to predict or "train" our bodies to behave. And, I'm a slow walker, so there were many times when I was far away from any services or WC. Nature called but I've done my best to respect Her.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
... but I have taken anything produced or used away with me for later disposal. But, all evidence shows that I've been the exception, sadly....
You do not need to be the exception.
There are so many pilgrims... if 9 of 10 pilgrims take anything with them you will still have a real mess.

Maybe more posters like this one in an albergue in Jaca would help a little bit ('un paso limpio')...
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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I walked the CF this year and also noticed the tissue/tiolet paper trail and was disgusted. I never saw a woman drop or leave behind the tissues. I somehow walked for 5 weeks without once having to hide behind a bush. I found a tiolet in a bar or park and used it. I also asked one woman that I walked with, from Denmark< whether she took out the tissue paper in a plastic bag. She hadn't but thought that was a great idea and would in future. So my point is, perhaps a poster in different languages should be placed in all the tiolets in albergues, notice boards as a simple solution. Just an idea.
Start a pee-poop tax for all walkers. Charge little more for the passport. The have someone police the worse areas.

Make it mandatory to buy small baggies when you buy passport.

When caught littering hit with hefty fine.

Educate all NOT to liter the trail.

When those preverts are caught (the flashers) make them do 30 day of picking up trash, tissue, TP, on the trail.

Bring “proof “ to show for each day they picked up stuff.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
I always carry several old fashioned cotton handkerchiefs (children's sizes) for my nose. Washed at night and they are ready the next day.

@nathanael I have been walking the various caminos since 2001 (including the Via de la Plata) and I have never, ever, left paper on the ground. There are a number of ways of preventing it.

1. For starters, do what our mothers always told us - go to the toilet before you leave the albergue or accommodation or bar (well, they weren't usually talking about bars! but you get my drift). Many of us are able to train our bodies to a timetable for serious business. That usually fixes half the problem.

2. Always carry a few ziplock plastic bags and remove your own waste, throw in a bin when you reach town.

3. If you are a woman use panty liners and change them as needed when you reach a toilet, or use the cotton handkerchief (mentioned above) in a ziplock plastic bag and rinse it out at night, or use a Pibella or similar so there is no need to wipe.
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We made it to Pamplona today.
I have a question about all the tissue paper all over the place along the trail and in the bushes! Some of it is obvious as to why it’s there, disgustingly obvious!!! Some of it is hanging in the bushes and trees and a lot more is just lying on the side of the trail.
What is going on?!
well if you have an alternative solution it would be beneficial. As I stated before when nature calls nature calls. I tend to try and bury whatever it is.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

well if you have an alternative solution it would be beneficial. As I stated before when nature calls nature calls. I tend to try and bury whatever it is.
I think Kanga provided the alternative solutions in the previous post (#85).

Perhaps "when nature calls, nature calls" but nature is able to listen to "hold on a bit, I'm busy now". That's why most of us aren't wearing diapers. We generally have the muscular control to "hold it in" for at least a little while. I certainly had to use that to the limit once or twice when I walked the Camino Frances, but I managed.

As Kanga says, it helps to go before you leave the albergue and perhaps again when you stop for breakfast or coffee. Nature's calls are not entirely random. They tend to come at predictable intervals after eating or drinking. We can also use that to manage longer stretches. And, if worst comes to worst, it is possible to bring a plastic bag (like people bring when walking their dogs) and remove one's own waste. It may be distasteful to you to carry it until finding a trash can, but it is just as distasteful to others to encounter it if you leave it behind.
I think Kanga provided the alternative solutions in the previous post (#85).

Perhaps "when nature calls, nature calls" but nature is able to listen to "hold on a bit, I'm busy now". That's why most of us aren't wearing diapers. We generally have the muscular control to "hold it in" for at least a little while. I certainly had to use that to the limit once or twice when I walked the Camino Frances, but I managed.

As Kanga says, it helps to go before you leave the albergue and perhaps again when you stop for breakfast or coffee. Nature's calls are not entirely random. They tend to come at predictable intervals after eating or drinking. We can also use that to manage longer stretches. And, if worst comes to worst, it is possible to bring a plastic bag (like people bring when walking their dogs) and remove one's own waste. It may be distasteful to you to carry it until finding a trash can, but it is just as distasteful to others to encounter it if you leave it behind.

Good comments David!

Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
@nathanael packing out the trash/evidence is the considerate thing to do. We are pilgrims and it is a small thing we can do to leave the path like we found it. If everyone just acted like an adult then this wouldn't be a topic. I'm confused how you could miss the discussion where your question was asked and answered.

It does help to read the threads before commenting on them. 😇 This one is old but the information is still the same; someone just resurrected the topic. But that's a good thing because now new people know what to do yourself included.

When I walk, I will take my tootsie rolls with me if I cant wait but I'm not touching someone else's tootsie roll. I will take my paper and any other paper I see. It's gross yes but it can be a real problem that someone else will have to do eventually because it doesn't break down like you think.

It takes a long time for feces to decompose. I know because I often step in my neighbor's dog poo when they decide to not pick up off my lawn when it's time to cut it. I know who they are because I watch them from my front yard and the repeat offenders, I drag my dogs quickly to their immaculate manicured lawns when they're at work. It's not very nice of me and definitely not the correct interpretation of "Do unto others" so I don't mind a little penance.
This is not a new problem.
What is new is lack of respect by people today!

People went, yep really did, years ago.

Before butt soft tissues, used newspaper. Growing up in Spain I remember that was used in many places.

Years ago never heard of the disrespect that see today.

Few people together going on someone’s driveway/property. Trashing places. No covering it up.

Buien Camino.

I don’t believe I will ever do the Frances again.
well if you have an alternative solution it would be beneficial. As I stated before when nature calls nature calls. I tend to try and bury whatever it is.
I’ve been on many wilderness trips; mountain biking, kayaking, hiking...Moab Utah, Yellow Knife, Whitehorse. Some of these were organized guided tours, others were just me and friends. In ALL cases it was preached to all members of the expedition “if you pack it in, pack it out!” “Leave no trace!” And yes this includes “poop”. I fear that if the practice of leaving garbage and human waste along the trail then the adjacent landowners who LIVE THERE will petition to shut it down or like so little of what is left of the “free” world, will limit the numbers and/or charge high fees!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.

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