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  • October the 12th 2004 I posted the first post here on this forum. 20 years have passed. Thank you for being such a good group of people and for hanging around. More here in this thread. All the best from Santiago, Ivar

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      Seawind replied to the thread Baamonde to Boimil.
      Hi Moriahsdavis! I’m currently at A Roxica and plan to take that route after tomorrow. Will arrive in Boimorto tomorrow and then the norther option to stear clear of the Frances joining path. I’ll then head SW to reconnect at Brea. It look pretty...
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      Seawind replied to the thread Types of Compostela Certificates.
      After reading all of the posts in regards to the “medal”. It looks like my Camino(Irun to Santiago) would not qualify??
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      Seawind replied to the thread Types of Compostela Certificates.
      As true to form, your expertise is appreciated and very helpful. Thank all of you who replied AND so timely. As you have earlier advised me, I will start acquiring 2 stamps per day at Baamonde going forward to Santiago with my origination being...
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      Six days out from Santiago on the Norte and have been talking with experienced pilgrims on the Certificates upon arriving in Santiago. I came back to this Forum to see if the answers were here and found that there is only one Certificate called...
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      Yes, you will. The second one, the welcome certificate, isn't given out anymore. It's compostelas for all nowadays.
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      Seawind replied to the thread Credential Stamp Requirements.
      Thanks to both of you. I’ll make a note to do such starting at Baamonde which “should” be this coming Friday! And yes….I’m on foot and first Camino! Thanks for your compliment on the photos! It’s easy when you have this landscape! Sunset over...
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      Hi All! I’m on Day 26 from starting in Irún and have gathered a stamp each day. Tomorrow, I’ll be passing into Galicia and final 8-9 days to Santiago. Will I need to gather 2 stamps per day during the last 200 km to qualify for the certification...
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      Seawind replied to the thread Camino del Norte Forum.
      Dimdog….i wasn’t able to view the picture. Not sure why. I’m on Day 17 of “who knows how many”. Currently, just East of Ribadesella.
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      Seawind replied to the thread Camino del Norte Forum.
      THANK YOU! I have found it and now have made it my “watched” forum. You guys are great.
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      I’m fairly new to this forum and it has been VERY helpful preparing me and answering a multitude of questions prior to my 1st Camino. Currently, I have just completed Day 14 of the Norte which started in Irun. The plan is to make it to Santiago...
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