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  1. renegadepilgrim

    How much money should I need for the entire pilgrimage?

    First off, never buy currency. Get it at the ATM at the airport when you land. You get a better exchange rate. Second, my budget of 30€ a day did not include alcohol other than the bottle of wine you get at dinner with the menu del dia. Beer is probably going to run 2-3€ a pint.
  2. renegadepilgrim

    Spanish Language

    It's stuff like aseo or servicio vs baño for bathroom. Nothing too wild. You'll be fine. Didn't realize DuoLingo used LA Spanish. I love that program!
  3. renegadepilgrim

    How do you manage to get out of work for 5 weeks?

    I work in healthcare in the US. I get at least four weeks every year, more if I don't call in sick. I try to take month off each fall and go walking. I also take a couple weeks to volunteer adult mentor teaching kids backcountry skills, as well as a big backpacking trip with friends too. It's...
  4. renegadepilgrim

    It's Different This Year

    Annie, I'm sorry to hear of all of your difficulties this year on the Camino. Having walked in 2010, 2012 and serving as a hospitalera in 2011, I noticed a difference too. And of course, so was I. I think after I do the Norte in 2015, I will be done...there are other paths to walk (Lycian...
  5. renegadepilgrim

    The Best Song To represent The Camino

    Current fave is: Wake Me Up by Avicii Reminds me of the Camino...and many of my other adventures too.
  6. renegadepilgrim

    New guide book review: Hiking The Camino de Santiago

    Enjoy getting lost with JB!!!
  7. renegadepilgrim

    New guide book review: Hiking The Camino de Santiago

    You will NOT be disappointed...Buen Camino!
  8. renegadepilgrim

    Want to buy a nice albergue?

    Yep. I remember walking through there. Felt like a ghost town but with a nice golf course! :)
  9. renegadepilgrim

    Want to buy a nice albergue?

    In theory it's a great idea. In reality it's like herding cats. ;)
  10. renegadepilgrim

    Want to buy a nice albergue?

    Well, if you are a retiree with 160,000 Euros (I think I'm off on the number, but it's a lot) to invest in a piece of property or a house then the Spanish government is welcoming you with open arms!
  11. renegadepilgrim

    Want to buy a nice albergue?

    Nothing happened...although the economy is worst now than it was a few years ago, so you might be able to get in on some cheap property along the Camino and start your own albergue.
  12. renegadepilgrim

    Great Website for Writing a Web Journal of Your Camino

    Joe use Feedly to add the TJ pas an RSS feed and then you won't have to do that. New entries will come to you! Although after experimenting with TJs RSS option it's not very good either.
  13. renegadepilgrim

    Great Website for Writing a Web Journal of Your Camino

    If it works for you. The only people reading your journal are other Trail Journals users. I've noticed a shift of thru-hikers starting their own blogs and not posting on Trail Journals anymore. There may be a generational difference there too. It's Web 1.0 and we are in a Web 2.0 era. The UI is...
  14. renegadepilgrim

    New guide book review: Hiking The Camino de Santiago

    My review is here: http://www.renegadepilgrim.com I love this new guidebook. That's all I'm going to say.
  15. renegadepilgrim

    Great Website for Writing a Web Journal of Your Camino

    TrailJournals is not that great,it's really designed for backpackers, not pilgrims....you'd be better off using WordPress or Blogger, both of which have mobile versions for blogging from your phone or tablet and are very easy to use. But then again, most pilgrims start blogging for a few days...
  16. renegadepilgrim

    I would have done someting different than the Camino.

    If you focused more on the mean-spirited posts and less on "other" stuff, you'd get less criticism. IMHO.
  17. renegadepilgrim

    I would have done someting different than the Camino.

    Sounds like you and Francis Tapon are two peas in a pod! :) Can one of the mods change the all CAPS? My eyes hurt looking at that!
  18. renegadepilgrim

    Eurail passes

    Stay the hell away from Ryanair! I have flown Vueling (the best IMO), EasyJet (not bad), and Ryanair (the worst!) in Spain/Portugal, most recently the last two. EasyJet I will fly again...Ryanair, not on your life, even if it's the cheapest. They nickle and dime you to death not to mention if...
  19. renegadepilgrim

    Eurail passes

    Eurail passes are a waste of money. You can fly cheaper...or book point to point trains cheaper.
  20. renegadepilgrim

    John Brierley

    The Brierley guide is to the Camino as Lonely Planet is to "backpackers". Here is what I found the JB guide useful for: *finding english speakers, especially Canadians and Americans *finding people who are lost, because inevitably I would some poor sap looking at the not-to-scale maps trying...

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