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    LIVE from the Camino The Camino Needs You.

    Claire,your post pretty much echoes my thoughts at present.The Camino seems to get further away for me with new variants,increasing cases etc not withstanding the fact I have had both vaccinations.I personally am not prepared to travel unless the situation becomes a lot clearer and the risk of a...
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    Camino Baztan still possible this September?

    Thank you for your kind words. My new plan is to walk the Camino del Baztan before picking up the Camino Frances in Pamplona. I have reconciled my decision with the fact that I have enjoyed the planning over the last two years so I have another two years planning to look forward to!...every...
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    Camino Baztan still possible this September?

    Thank you Chrissy, I am sure I am in good company in sharing my disappointment with many others who have regrettably come to the same decision. Always helps to keep a sense of perspective though and I am sure I will make it and already making plans for next year may be too busy if...
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    Camino Baztan still possible this September?

    Unfortunately I have decided that rather than prolong the uncertainty,I have cancelled my accommodation options and put any thoughts of completing any sort of Camino this year firmly out of my mind for the foreseeable future. It is of course purely a personal decision based on the information...
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    Camino Baztan still possible this September?

    Thank you for the confirmation,I will investigate what other accommodation options are available and may have to make some revisions to my previously planned stages
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    Camino Baztan still possible this September?

    Thank you Ferdinand, if I make the trip I will be sure to let you know. thank you for your kind wishes
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    Camino Baztan still possible this September?

    Thank you for your reply. It is a good suggestion so will continue to investigate further
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    Camino Baztan still possible this September?

    Thanks Fleur, I recall reading that this route is limited In terms of available facilities so with the Covid pandemic anticipate this will be even more restricted. Will take up your suggestion and make further enquires before I decide whether I go as I still have several weeks to continue to...
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    Camino Baztan still possible this September?

    Unfortunately my plan to walk the Camino Frances in September and October this year has been shelved because of the Coronavirus pandemic. I still have a flight booked to Biarritz and a flight back from Santiago I am sure I could rearrange so I am seriously considering whether I might still...
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    Baztán Guide

    On recommendations of others,I also decided to purchase the guide.Compact and lightweight certainly but loads of relevant,useful information and looking forward to using on the route later this year.
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    First Camino 2020

    Thank you for your advice,I have discussed with my brother, who is joining me for the first week and we have agreed that the Camino Baztan definitely appeals. So revised plan is for us to walk the Baztan from Bayonne to Pamplona starting 7th of September ,he will then return back to the UK and I...
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    Equipment guidance

    Good thinking,my brother will be returning back to the UK when we reach Pamplona so I can always land him with any gear I want to keep,but the wear and discard approach definitely appeals
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    Equipment guidance

    Thank you for the detailed response Much appreciated
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    Equipment guidance

    Fleur, Did you buy them when you arrived?
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    Equipment guidance

    Thank you for your very comprehensive reply and sound advice
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    Equipment guidance

    That’s what I was hoping to hear Thank you
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    Equipment guidance

    Good luck Muddy-Mama,I am sure you will do it and maybe our paths will cross. I hope it isn’t too muddy though!
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    Equipment guidance

    I am planning to walk the Camino del Baztan starting in early September next year before joining the Camino Frances to hopefully complete in Mid October. Any advice regarding any differences in equipment/clothing etc? Thank you
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    6 days walking the beautiful Baztan

    More good advice.....even better if I put it in his rucksack when he isn’t looking!
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    6 days walking the beautiful Baztan

    Fleur, Thank you for the reassurance,I will try and convince my brother but he is going to a long way out of his normal comfort zone,when it is all part of the appeal for me. I’m sure I am not alone in thinking why more pilgrims do not take this route to join the Camino Frances. From what I...