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      Camo reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread St. James, who? with Like Like.
      Where does the actually come in? I’ve never seen it suggested that St James the Great wrote anything that is in current publication. He scarcely had time before his head came off. The Epistle got his in quick before the rocks came raining down...
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      Camo replied to the thread Gradient Graphs for Camino Frances.
      Nice work Rick but very time consuming considering Google Maps simply does it FOR you by hitting "show gradient profile" AND it has the satellite map so you can see where the "bumps" are. But LenB (and others) seemed more concerned with the...
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      Camo replied to the thread Gradient Graphs for Camino Frances.
      North is NOT always down eg (pun intended) on The North Downs Way we are going East so North will be up. To explain the starting point is the Google AI/macro/script/boundscript/flowchart (or whatever you may want to call it) has decided (in the...
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      Camo replied to the thread Gradient Graphs for Camino Frances.
      Thanks for your reply and I will try to explain. The very first selection is "All" which shows the whole route elevation with map on top in green so the idea is to view that first to get an overall idea of "where the big bumps are". As for...
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      Camo reacted to Orford girl's post in the thread Douro Valley with Like Like.
      Visiting the wineries is a definite part of history and seeing beautiful country and learn about the topography. Doesn’t mean you are obligated to drink or buy wine. It is beautiful country with so much history. One also learns how the...
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      This is an extract from my Web-App (under construction) for Camino Frances and shows the gradient graphs (with maps) for the combined as well as 32 individual walks. Select walks (in groups of 5 to 7) at the base and use scroll bar to view...
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      Camo replied to the thread Reverse way marking.
      As a matter of interest are you going to use the "new" Reading to Southampton Camino to get to Spain? (and back home)
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      Camo reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread Douro Valley with Like Like.
      Fond as I am of landscapes, vistas and all those pretty or pretty spectacular views that a trip up the Douro might provide if you're not going for the wine you may as well stay on the beach at Matosinhos. Plenty to look at and nobody trying to...
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      Camo replied to the thread Douro Valley.
      I am surprised nobody has mentioned the Camino possibilities passing through Regua, one going via Villa Real which was the home of the once famous Mateus Rose wine. Also the train trip is unique as a rare case of Google bolting a Street View...
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      Camo reacted to peregrina2000's post in the thread Douro Valley with Like Like.
      I think most would agree that the prettiest parts of the Douro Valley are east from Peso da Régua to Pocinho (end of the train line). From Régua to Pinhão there are roads alongside the river, but from Pinhão eastwards there are no roads, just a...
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