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    • ChrisAP
      ChrisAP reacted to ShoshTrvls's post in the thread The Camino Provides - Law Edition with Like Like.
      Just had to share this --- I am a litigation attorney in the US. The opposing party in one of my cases filed a motion to extend a deadline such that I would have to draft and file a brief in mid-August. I filed a response that I would be...
    • ChrisAP
      ChrisAP reacted to J Willhaus's post in the thread Albergue Etiquette with Like Like.
      Lessons and tips: 1. Don't converse in the bunk room. Take your conversations to the common area even when it isn't quiet hours. 2. In the morning gather all your things in the middle of your sleeping bag and carry it and your backpack to the...
    • ChrisAP
      ChrisAP reacted to Juspassinthru's post in the thread Albergue Etiquette with Like Like.
      I've seen a lot of posts about etiquette generally and after 3 Camino's I've spent a fair number of nights in albergues so, I'd like to focus on light/noise etiquette in albergues. Remembering that these rooms are shared spaces, it's...
    • ChrisAP
      ChrisAP reacted to ivar's post in the thread The forum, 20 years on. with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Thank you for this... and to all of you that makes this a good place to be. I always say that it is all of you that make this forum what it is... Here is my first post on the forum from October 2004. I was user #1, all alone... it was a forum...
    • ChrisAP
      ChrisAP reacted to Kirkie's post in the thread The forum, 20 years on. with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      I can imagine that Ivar might wonder how the years have galloped by since he devised the project that 20 years ago became the Forum. It is of course a tribute to original values and ensuing adaptations that the standards have been maintained and...
    • ChrisAP
      Just finished Ourense to Santiago de Compostela. You will have a great walk
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