I guess that with this definition I must be a success because I am still alive, however, it follows that ultimately I will fail.
At a more detailed level it would appear that I am highly successful because I have always done things. I might not...
I don't know with Orange, check their website. I did just check the Vodafone website about this a couple of days ago and with Vodafone they will keep your account active for 6 months since your last recharge (depositing money into your account)...
Most of us try not to carry a lot on our back. For those who carry their belongings rather than have them shipped, this often provides on of the major lessons on the Camino - how little you really need not only to survive but to thrive. Many...
Like all Caminos, the Camino de Madrid starts where you want it to start. Most of the pilgrims I talked to on my Camino de Madrid (including myself) were starting from their front door.
That said, the traditional start is often considered to be...
I have arrived to Alcarràs! Can Peixan is one of the friendliest places I’ve stayed this Camino. As usual, it’s a very anticlimactic end.
The river walk out of Lleida was a great way to end this one. SO MANY WATER FOWL AND STORKS! I’ll pick up...
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