Especially if you are a hiker, pilgrim, want to be Pilgrim, anybody that really enjoys the outdoors and hiking PLEASE heed the following...
I am a soon to be 77-year-old male, healthy and in decent shape. I was hiking the Camino Baztan and all...
Hola! Not quite 'live' yet, but 43 hours after walking out my front door I arrived in Valencia a couple of hours ago. Had a shower, then a nice meal and a beer in a bar across the road. Now ready for some sleep, but must share one thing first...
My thought: If it's something you really care
about, leave it home. If you don't really care about it, give it a try. Too mamy variables at every point along the way to be sure it would make it to Spain and back. Walking sticks, whether metal...
I think it’s the ‘five foot long’ and feigning disability parts of the question which are the more problematic.
Once you’ve ‘backed off’ and thought about it, have another go.
Other that the practical matter of fitting a five foot stick in a...
My professional musician friends tend to buy a seat for their instruments. I'm not friends with the Rolling Stones who, naturally, just buy the whole bl**dy airplane ;)
I would suggest that posting on an open and publicly-accessible forum that you are going to do something to "fool" TSA is not a good strategy in general. (And if you think it will never come back to haunt you, as an attorney who has hired...
Honestly I hope you leave it home because I hope TSA would not allow it. I would not feel very good if I saw someone walk on a plane these days with a 5 foot stick. With all the incidents that happen on planes and the general level of insanity...
I don't read the TSAs own website ( which I posted above) as hiking poles. They list those separately as "hiking poles."
Bottom line. It's up to the TSA agent. If he/she approves of your stick as a mobility device at both checkpoints, you'll...
I think this post still applies, but I wouldn't hazard a guess on whether your pole will be allowed. If you do take it or attempt to do so, I hope you will come back and report here on your experience.
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