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    • Fishtail
      @Rita Flower, your pictures are glorious with the beautiful sunshine! I always walk in the popular spring and fall months of what is usually called the "shoulder season", although it has become busier and busier. I am apprehensive to choose...
    • Fishtail
      Hi all. I’m sitting in the sun on this spectacular day in the Pyrenees at the statue of Mary and Jesus. A glorious day. Thank you to all the weather Gods. Perhaps June / July are the best walking months - at least this year. There are people...
    • Fishtail
      Fishtail reacted to ivar's post in the thread Forum Introduction with Like Like.
      Hi and Welcome! This discussion board is meant to be a forum where past visitors (pilgrims?) and future visitors can meet and share their experiences related to Santiago de Compostela. There are mainly two groups of people that travel to...
    • Fishtail
      Fishtail reacted to ivar's post in the thread The forum, 20 years on. with Like Like.
      Thank you for this... and to all of you that makes this a good place to be. I always say that it is all of you that make this forum what it is... Here is my first post on the forum from October 2004. I was user #1, all alone... it was a forum...
    • Fishtail
      Fishtail reacted to dougfitz's post in the thread Unsolicited Camino Prep Ideas with Like Like.
      What a thoughtful, well balanced contribution. Thank you.
    • Fishtail
      Fishtail reacted to davebugg's post in the thread Unsolicited Camino Prep Ideas with Like Like.
      I appreciated your spending the time to write down your thoughts based on what you've experienced and learned. Thank you.
    • Fishtail
      Fishtail reacted to maxsdyke's post in the thread Unsolicited Camino Prep Ideas with Like Like.
      Thank you for sharing your prep guidelines! I am now officially one week into my first Camino and I definitely agree with everything you said! Booking ahead especially makes life so much easier as you just don’t have to worry about rushing there...
    • Fishtail
      Fishtail reacted to rogersoncharles1951's post in the thread Albergue Etiquette with Like Like.
      Yes just finished doing my Camino this year 20 th time and honestly no rules or conditions respected now what a difference from 15 years ago when curfews were respected and nearly all pilgrims obeyed and respected unwritten rules law .sign of the...
    • Fishtail
      Fishtail reacted to Pafayac's post in the thread Camino by Coach with Like Like.
      That's the magical of the Camino: - We all walk toward something doubtful. - Sometimes we even are not christians. - We came from different origins, for different reasons... However we are happy to be there together.
    • Fishtail
      Fishtail reacted to Grousedoctor's post in the thread Camino by Coach with Like Like.
      I think @Bradypus hits the nail firmly on the head. The Camino, particularly in Galicia, is a business that brings a great deal of money into this area of Spain. Changes regarding overcrowding in the last 100km or tour groups will not change...
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