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  • October the 12th 2004 I posted the first post here on this forum. 20 years have passed. Thank you for being such a good group of people and for hanging around. More here in this thread. All the best from Santiago, Ivar

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    • M
      Yes, I have some ice and even as I write this I'm stretching. I did ignore it initially in the foolish hope it would go away...I know better but...🙂
    • M
      You may already know this — STRETCH those muscles before it gets worse! Ice also might help. The minute I feel the tiniest hint of a shin splint, I start the classic stretches, 30 seconds at a pop, during the walk. Then, if I can remember it...
    • M
      Hola from Astorga. An easy 25k from La Baneza Sunshine and a slight cool breeze made for an enjoyable walk. I also met my first native English speaking pilgrim on the outskirts of town! An American walking the VDLP down to Granja and then the...
    • M
      A quick note from Benavente. The last couple of days from Zamora have been wet and cool. topped off this morning leaving Granja de Mourela at 0800 in the dark, pouring rain and a thunderstorm. Flooded tracks and thick mud made the first few...
    • M
      Thank you Lindsay for all your information. As it is 'live' it is very interesting for our association in Valencia. And the 'pilgrim flow' continues, this week we have seen at the association 4 french people, all seniors, a lady alone, a man...
    • M
      I finished the Levante in Zamora in late 2015 having spent thirty days walking there from Valencia. I was obliged to return home immediately and was regretful at that moment not to continue all the way to SdeC. However, some weeks later I was...
    • M
      Here am I tucked up nicely in the excellent muncipal albergue in Villalazan, watching the rain spatter on the windows. Left Toro at 0700 for a short 20k to Villalazan rather than push the whole 37k to Zamora. Just after leaving town the arrows...
    • M
      Hola from Zamora! 17ks from Villalazan across the flat farmland and I arrived at 1115 this morning. I have booked a hostal for two nights as I want to explore Zamora, however I stopped in at the albergue to get a stamp. I had practised my...
    • M
      Hi, GingerRob, I moved your post into this thread (you had posted it as a separate thread, but it goes better here in your live thread). WOO HOO - I remember the moment when we left the asphalt, it was such a wonderful feeling! When I slept in...
    • M
      Left Siete Iglesias at 0630, promptly got lost in the dark on the farm tracks outside town. After some wasted time and kilometres I found the right route and carried on over the hilly farmland. Stopped at a cafe in Villafranca de Duro where...
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