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    • vwzoo
      vwzoo replied to the thread Health Impact of Camino walk....
      I walked Camino Frances in Sept 2018. I had lost over 100 lbs over several years and had progressively trained to get ready for about 2 yrs leading up to going on the Camino. To lose the weight I ate about 1300 cals a day and increased walking...
    • vwzoo
      vwzoo reacted to falconbrother's post in the thread Health Impact of Camino walk... with Like Like.
      One memory from the Camino is the few times when I had been walking for hours and still had a long hill to climb. I'd look up that hill and think, "I can't make this right now." Then I'd just keep walking and not looking up the hill and soon...
    • vwzoo
      vwzoo reacted to BrianLCrabtree's post in the thread the poetry of Mary Oliver with Like Like.
      As I prepare for my third trip to the Way, departing from Arles on 9 August 2024, I've enjoyed a few of Mary Oliver's poems. She was an American poet who loved walking in the outdoors, in nature. She experienced heartbreak and trauma early in...
    • vwzoo
      vwzoo reacted to falconbrother's post in the thread Overthinking this thing. with Like Like.
      My wife and I are on the Frances. We’re taking a rest day in Sarria. Before we left the US we read and watched videos, etc.. It occurs to me that a lot of us overthink this thing. On the night before we walked out of St Jean PDP we stopped...
    • vwzoo
      vwzoo reacted to Bogong's post in the thread Under the moon and stars with Like Like.
      Exactly my experience winter 2014. Pre-dawn walking day after day alone. The Meseta in particular was magnificent. Crystal clear days not a cloud in the sky, and I prayed and sang. Six days of this. Most of the rest of the trip it rained sleeted...
    • vwzoo
      vwzoo reacted to Blister Bill's post in the thread Under the moon and stars with Like Like.
      There is something magical about an early morning walk watching the sunrise or a city waken from its slumber. Similarly watching the sunset and transition to night sitting under the stars with a vino and still being back in the albergue before...
    • vwzoo
      vwzoo reacted to Saint Mike II's post in the thread Under the moon and stars with Like Like.
      Yes there is something "spiritual" about an early morning walk whether it is on the Camino or in your own locality. Of course the rural areas of the Camino do provide the opportunity to commune with ones spiritual guider. Best wishes for a very...
    • vwzoo
      vwzoo reacted to MesaWalker's post in the thread Under the moon and stars with Like Like.
      Last fall we walked south to north, Gibraltar to Santiago. For the first month it was clear and hot. We would get up early early each day and walk 2+ hours in darkness before the sun would start to appear in the ast. During that time, the Big...
    • vwzoo
      I walked Camino Frances in Sept 2018 and hope to walk it one more time this November and December as my retirement gift to myself. One of the things that made it so very special for me was walking each morning, predawn, under the stars and moon...
    • vwzoo
      Wow, thanks for letting me know. I absolutely loved the book. One of my favourites! That book is the reason why I started walking the Camino. The book made me feel called to do it, but secretly maybe I felt I'd experience it exactly the way Paulo...
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