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Starting Point in Sarria

Hi all, am doing the entire Camino next year but couldn't wait so am off to start in Sarria in July, am staying at the Monestario de Magdelena and have no clue where the trail starts. Will the Brierley guide tell me or will I easily find a way marker..?
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
They can point the way at the albergue. You probably will have seen the markers by the time you have walked around Sarria a bit. The Brierley guide is always handy, but not necessary to find the route. It is best for finding accommodations.
There is a cemetery facing the Monasterio de la Magdalena. Go to main gate, and you will see the yellow arrows.
Anyway, in July there will be tons of people walking from Sarriá to Compostela. And the Camino is clearly signposted, all the way.
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hello everyone ........ I also am only able to do Sarria - Santiago this year. My daughter and I will be arriving late into Santiago from Canada. We have decided to stay there the night and recover from jet lag, etc. We plan to take bus(es) to Sarria as early as possible the next morning and start our walk noonish. I have read on other threads that one must have a stamp in their credential from the albergue/refugio /hostel in which one stayed. The second stamp can be from church/restaurant/etc. Is this true? We will not be able to do this. Will the Monastery de Magdalena or other hostel provide us with the necessary stamp (even though we will not have stayed there the night?). It is important to me to receive the Compostella, and this may be my last opportunity to do so. I do not want to inadvertently NOT comply with the requirements. Any definitive knowledge on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
The monastery also issue pilgrim passports so I think you'll be ok. You can pick up sellas or pilgrim stamps from lots of places along the way, churches, cafés, bars, hostels.. We leave Sarria on 23 July. Buen Camino..!!!!
Wake up in the morning, stand in the street and watch 200 people walk by with backpacks headed west. Follow them.
That reminds me of the scene in the movie "The Way," when Martin Sheen stepped out the door of his hotel on the first morning and turned left...a few seconds later he came back by in the other direction, following a crowd of people wearing backpacks.

The place that issues you your credential will stamp it with their sello when they issue it to you. So, you just need to obtain your credential in Sarria to begin your journey. I don't where you can obtain credentials in Sarria, but since tens of thousands pilgrims start their Camino in Sarria each year, I am sure you can easily find out the answer when you arrive in Sarria. Many aspects to the Camino are so simple it boggles the mind. When in doubt, follow or ask others.

Regarding the two stamp per day rule, I don't know if this is Camino legend or not. But, it is simple to collect two sellos a day. Virtually every café along the Camino has a stamp for your credential. You could easily get 10 a day if you wanted to collect them.

Enjoy your trip and Buen Camino!
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A selection of Camino Jewellery
Regarding the two stamp per day rule, I don't know if this is Camino legend or not.
It is a requirement in the last 100km (200km on bicycle).

The Credencial issued by the Cathedral is printed on card and consists of 14 panels which open out for ease of use. Above is an illustration of the first and last pages. The first page functions as a letter of recommendation and should be filled in with the pilgrim’s details by the organisation issuing it.

The Credencial also clearly states that pilgrims should obtain at least two sellos per day. You must ensure that you do this at least in the last 100 kms from the Cathedral of Santiago if you are walking or on horseback and 200 kms if you are travelling by bicycle.

There is a special space for the final stamp of the Cathedral on arrival in Santiago.

The Credencial then has panels with boxes in which sellos should be collected. These are usually collected by pilgrims in the place where they sleep such as an albergue. They can also be obtained in Churches, hostales, ayuntamientos and many other places along the routes to Santiago.

Finally, one of the pages contains the following directions for use:

  • This Credencial is only intended for use by those pilgrims who will walk, go on horseback or cycle and who desire to make the pilgrimage with a Christian motivation or at least in the spirit of searching. It is intended to identify the pilgrim. Therefore the issuing organisation must be a parish, a confraternity, Association of the Amigos of the Camino to Santiago and the like. The Credencial bestows no rights on the pilgrim. It has two practical purposes: admission to those albergues which offer Christian hospitality along the way; and to obtain the Compostela from the Cathedral in Santiago which certifies the pilgrimage has been completed.
  • The Compostela is only issued to those who have made the pilgrimage with a Christian motivation: devotonis affectul vel voti pietatis causa – motivated by devotion, a vow or piety.
  • The Compostela is also only issued to those who arrive at the Tomb of the Apostle having travelled on foot or on horseback the last 100kms, or 200kms by bicycle.
  • The Pilgrim Credencial can only be issued by the Church through its own structures: Dioceses, parishes, confraternities or other bodies authorised by the Church. This is the only way the Credencial can be obtained from the S.A.M.I. Cathedral of Santiago (Jornadas sobre el Año Santo: noviembre 1993).
  • Albergues provide simple accommodation. They do not receive grants for their upkeep and need to be sustained, cleaned and maintained. This is achieved through the contributions of pilgrims.
  • Organised groups with a support vehicle or on bicycles are asked to find alternative accommodation from the pilgrim albergues.
  • The bearer of the Credencial accepts these conditions.
Just to clarify a point: if for any particular reason the walker cannot obtained a credential, he/she could get a personal diary/notes stamped and that will be accepted when issuing the Compostela. For many years pilgrims would give a small donation when obtaining a stamp. That has gone a bit by the wayside and donations only remain a part of public albergues.
From what I can find you can get a Credential from the Church of Santa Marina which people report opens at 7am or from the Municipal albergue in sarria which should open at 1pm. I have never done this myself so cannot vouch for the accuracy of this information. Most private albergues seem to open before one.
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I am starting the camino from Sarria on Saturday 5th July 2014. I cant wait. This forum is so addictive and so helpful. Thanks a million to everyone who has contributed to that. I look forward to meeting lots of people and making new friends next July. I feel so lucky to have the chance to walk part of the camino (hope this doesnt sound corny).

Buen camino everyone!

Glad that now you've decided on your route! I have always enjoyed staying in the smaller albergues of the Xunta de Galicia on this stretch; Hospital de la Cruz, and Arzúa are two of my favorites. Both are handsome renovations. Very well maintained and with original details, interesting roofs/ceilings, good heat in winter and new showers that are spacious, hot and spray you and not the walls! At 6€ per bunk they are a GREAT bargain.

Buen Camino,

Margaret Meredith

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