Well, there is a way to go through both Oña and Trespaderne, if you follow @WestKirsty’s tracks. She went, I think, from Quintana Martín Galíndez to Oña via Frias and Tobera (see her wikiloc tracks with the title Camino Viejo (Alternativa)...
Oh, another possible route!! 😲
What we planned on this thread is the route that goes from Trespaderne direct to Aguilar de Campoo.
What Ender seems to be doing is the way that goes from Oña to a bit South of AdC. Here's from one of the photos...
I know this is a planning thread done during Covid confinement, but I think it still has a huge amount of useful information.
I wanted to update to say that Ender wrote to me that he is currently walking the Viejo and has just reached Irurtzun...
I have seen mention of this refuge, but wasn't sure if it's still operating. good to know.
I'm not sure if I am already at a point where I can sleep comfortably without the safery of a house or a camping (and the shower and the toilet 😜)...
that is absolutely uncontestably true.
my climb up from gabas to ayous, up to pic d'ayous, up to col de moines will always be one of my most top favourite days on any camino.
I got my fill of chemin de la mature in 2009 as a detour from borce...
It was open a couple of weeks ago. Reinforcing the message that it might be wiser not to attempt when rainy.
There was a post here on the Forum to report that the Chemin de Mature has been closed ( this was long before the present landslides). I can't find it now though. I was sorry to see that - that way looks fantastic, and a viable but challenging...
The GR10 (Chemin de la Mâture) carries on up the Gave d'Aspe on the Etsaut side of the river, not the Borce side. This is the view of the Fort du Portalet from the Mâture:
You turn off the GR10 onto the HRP at the refuge d'Ayous. This is...
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