Bit hard to share advice and experience without knowing what it is.
And unless qualified heath professionals, who have examined you. we shouldn't.
Have you had a diagnosis from a health professional?
I have knee problems due to arthritis...
My knee started acting up in Portugal last April, but only at night. 7 months later, had an arthroscopy OP done on it, plus a Hyaluron shot in it. It still is not as well as expected, so don't know if a new knee is in my near future or not...
Is this your first Camino?
Be aware of your visa requirements, including the new requirements for the EU.
Enjoy your trip as much as you can! Enjoy Le Puy and Paris, the spiritual growth, and all the wonderful towns and villages between home and...
A very good question @Robo. I walked my first Camino at mid-60 (Francés) and my 3rd, (Aragonés/Francés) last year at 67.
The days were a bit longer, I walked a bit slower, top bunks were a bit less desirable and ache/pains lasted a bit longer...
Thank you all for both the reinforcement that we're still able and with helpful hints. I'm 75 and will start the Camino Frances in April, having done it in 2013. I know I'm slower and my daily range is less, I do need to remind myself of that...
Thanks to everyone who has posted, it's been so interesting reading about different experiences with aging. I walked my first Camino at 64 (1000 km) and walking my next this Spring at 66 (also about 1000 km). In the back of my mind is the...
Hello. I just finished the CF, my fourth, and I am 68. The last Camino I walked was when I was 60. My journey this time was very difficult, indifferent from my previous three Camino when I was in my 50’s. I barely made. I’m in great health, very...
Planning our first in 2025 - 65 and 68. This is a wonderful thread for us newbies. We hike 3~5miles on all terrain most days for years now. But this will be the first walking venture. If it helps, our motto is "we have nothing to prove to...
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