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    • trecile
      trecile reacted to OTH86's post in the thread Are you a hiker or a walker? with Like Like.
      Having climbed Mount St Helen's in the Cascades before it blew its top as well as McCartney Peak in the Olympics (Washington State), I confess to having walked over the Pyrenees four times... but it can be a strenuous walk...😉
    • trecile
      trecile replied to the thread San Fermin Txikito.
      All that I've found so far is this list of festivals in Spain on the Rick Steves website which shows the date as being September 25th this year. https://www.ricksteves.com/europe/spain/festivals
    • trecile
      trecile reacted to Lynn McCoy's post in the thread Camino Portugese v Camino Frances with Like Like.
      Walked Lisbon to Porto in 2019. Not many peregrinos, was alone walking several days, but that was fine. Beautiful scenery especially a day or two out of Lisbon through the 'Market Garden of Portugal. The local folk couldn't have been more...
    • trecile
      Thanks for reporting this to the police. Yes, walk with others in sight until you feel more comfortable!
    • trecile
      trecile reacted to C clearly's post in the thread Are you a hiker or a walker? with Like Like.
      This is a fair enough comment, but @trecile points out how the discussion is connected. We tolerate and even enjoy some diversion, to some degree. I don't understand how you can speak for the rest of the world! That generalization is simply an...
    • trecile
      It’s not in any way harmless, so thank you for going through the process of a formal report. I hope you have a great Camino from here on and this rare experience is in the past.
    • trecile
      trecile reacted to SabsP's post in the thread Are you a hiker or a walker? with Thank you Thank you.
      Gosh @alexwalker why so harsh? This thread is under miscellaneous topics afterall. IMHO the discussion about walking/ hiking is very interesting and I remember we also discussed this in other threads about European trails. Great thing about...
    • trecile
      trecile reacted to alexwalker's post in the thread Are you a hiker or a walker? with Like Like.
      No. This forum is dedicated to pilgrims walking to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
    • trecile
      trecile replied to the thread Are you a hiker or a walker?.
      A. You can opt out of reading any thread on the forum that you want. 😉 B. This thread is about the concept of walking vs hiking, and for many people where they are doing the activity makes a difference. People are just giving examples.
    • trecile
      trecile reacted to Damien Reynolds's post in the thread Are you a hiker or a walker? with Like Like.
      So while on the PCT I tend to bring the camino up at lunch when a group of randoms meets around a water source, each of us filtering our water, and eating like tortillas with salami and cheese and nutritional bars that we had to carry. I say...
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