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dick bird

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    • dick bird
      Why would a Galician wear a kilt?
    • dick bird
      I guess it depends on what one sees as the destination. Traditionally, the destination was the relics of St. James in the cathedral. The city of Santiago de Compostela was just the city where the relics happened to reside. If you stopped in the...
    • dick bird
      dick bird replied to the thread Walking back.
      This is veering dangerously close to what is or is not a pilgrim. Every albergue and every hospitalero (I´ve been one too) has the right/responsibility to decide whether or not to admit anyone who asks to stay. There are no universal rules.
    • dick bird
      dick bird reacted to Bert45's post in the thread Burgos Cathedral with Thank you Thank you.
      I'm pretty sure it's labelled somewhere in the church as being The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, the soon-to-be mother of John the Baptist. The scroll above them says: "Et unde hoc mihi ut veniat mater Domini mei ad me?" [And why is this...
    • dick bird
      dick bird replied to the thread Walking back.
      Technically speaking, this is correct. Starting from Santiago is not the same as walking to Santiago and then walking back to your home or your starting point. I doubt if many albergues will refuse admission though, and all the reports seem to be...
    • dick bird
      dick bird replied to the thread Burgos Cathedral.
      I´ve always wondered about the lower panel in this tableau, in the church of Sau Bento, Santiago. Ss Anne and Joachim make sense as they are the parents of Mary who is depicted in the Nativity above. I don´t know the date but it looks early Gothic.
      • DSC04855.webp
    • dick bird
      dick bird reacted to John Cook's post in the thread For Interest with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Looking on OS map 30, it's at the end of a footpath just before the entrance to the woods about 1/2 km east of Preston-under-scar. I had just come down from the Leyburn Shawl
    • dick bird
      dick bird reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread 447,704 and still counting! with Like Like.
      I think Kurtz may have summarised the situation though in a different context
    • dick bird
      dick bird replied to the thread 447,704 and still counting!.
      Joseph Conrad is reckoned as one of the greatest novelists in the English Language. But once again, let´s return to the topic of the thread.
    • dick bird
      dick bird replied to the thread 447,704 and still counting!.
      Can we now return to the topic of the thread?
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