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    • gml
      gml replied to the thread Merino Wool Shirt Sheep Smell.
      When my Icebreaker merino shirts were new, they exuded a very noticeable woolly lanolin smell while being washed (I wash by hand with liquid laundry detergent), but as soon as they were dry they smelled fine. Now that they've been washed many...
    • gml
      gml reacted to mgnswaus's post in the thread Demographics of Le Puy with Like Like.
      I walked the GR65 in 2012 en route to Muxia and 2019 to SJPP. At the Le Puy cathedral pilgrim mass/blessing, a large number of walkers were going to Conques, some to SJPP and only a handful to SdC. The majority of people you meet will be on...
    • gml
      gml reacted to Bradypus's post in the thread Demographics of Le Puy with Like Like.
      Apparently I was an especially solemn and pompous child. My mother once told me that I was born aged 40 and got even older every day from then on....
    • gml
      gml reacted to trecile's post in the thread Making the most out of Inglés with Like Like.
      Three marathons!
    • gml
      gml replied to the thread Shin splints!.
      When I got shin splints on the camino (my first and only experience of them), I shortened my days to 10-15 km instead of 20-25 km and took ibuprofen. But the thing that helped the most was changing the way I walked. My typical way of walking was...
    • gml
      gml reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread Pilgrim attacked by bird of prey with Like Like.
      Hi @slewis, welcome to the forum. It might help if you could tell us where you heard this rumour. Whether you were under the influence at the time or ever voted Reform.
    • gml
      gml reacted to Tortilla's post in the thread refusing disposable sheets in albergues? with Like Like.
      Every time I handwash my disposable sheets and hang them to dry in the sun, people look at me like I'm Borat or Crocodile Dundee. I suspect their ecological awareness has a lot of room for improvement. Edit: The hand washing part was a joke...
    • gml
      gml reacted to dick bird's post in the thread refusing disposable sheets in albergues? with Like Like.
      The problem with the disposable sheets is that they are totally useless. They detach themselves from the mattress in about 5 seconds so fail completely to perform the function for which they are intended.They are designed for examination couches...
    • gml
      Has anyone tried refusing disposable sheets in albergues? (Or thought about it?) Eucalyptus isn't native to Spain and growing eucalyptus requires a lot of water and wrecks the soil for indigenous trees in Galicia. Eucalyptus forests are also a...
    • gml
      Thanks, Peter. I hoped there would be lots of places listed, but not so for the towns along the North Wales Way. I was informed by someone at that organization that accommodation near the trail is sparse in many areas and some of the B&Bs that...
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