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    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to t2andreo's post in the thread Camino by skateboard? with Like Like.
      Aside from this being, overall, a colossally bad idea for the reasons mentioned in the thread above, and assuming that this young person will do what he pleases, my advice is the MAKE SURE HE HAS insurance cover for when he ends up in hospital...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to CWBuff's post in the thread Camino by skateboard? with Like Like.
      What will they think of next? A Hovercraft? Nimbus 2024? Icarus Wings? I'm sorry but I believe I'm leaving towards a "no" I think someone on another totally unrelated thread said something to the fact Just because one can does not mean that one...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to mochilaverde's post in the thread Camino by skateboard? with Like Like.
      For many people, including me, part of the point of walking the camino was to talk to other people walking along the way. If you blaze past people on a skateboard (or a bike), you miss opportunities for leisurely conversations. I get around by...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to Kirkie's post in the thread Camino by skateboard? with Like Like.
      Please, excuse me. I am not sure I have read correctly: will he have to lie to get his compostela. What am I not understanding? To lie? To get a compostela? I think I need to go and lie down...we are talking here about a pilgrimage? Or not...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to henrythedog's post in the thread Camino by skateboard? with Haha Haha.
      I think you’re overestimating the 20%, but he could stick to the road in some sections. There is a solid white central line which indicates the skateboard lane. In Spain it’s traditional for car drivers to sound their horn and shout a greeting...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to andonius's post in the thread Three days on any Northern Camino with Like Like.
      For your requirements, Camino Lebaniego from San Vicente de la Barquera to the monastery of Santo Toribio de Liebana may be a good choice: 1- It's very near Santander, you can go from Santander to San Vicente (the beggining) in just 1 hour train...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to Bedspring's post in the thread Three days on any Northern Camino with Like Like.
      I have recently completed the Camino Frances, which I did Solo. My intention was to walk to Santiago, and it was only whilst walking my Camino, that the idea of continuing to Finisterre and Muxia became highlighted. I hatched a plan to return...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to VNwalking's post in the thread the poetry of Mary Oliver with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      That's one of my favorites. Here's another, a prose poem: I OWN A HOUSE I own a house, small but comfortable. In it is a bed, a desk, a kitchen, a closet, a telephone. And so forth—you know how it is: things collect. Outside the summer...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to rainswift's post in the thread the poetry of Mary Oliver with Like Like.
      The Journey One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice -- though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old tug at your ankles. "Mend my life!" each voice cried...
    • isobelmtl
      isobelmtl reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread the poetry of Mary Oliver with Like Like.
      I always loved this stanza from The Summer Day: "Tell me, what is it you plan to do. With your one wild and precious life?"
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