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    • Ivan_Prada
      Customer service shout out! They found my wedding band left behind in their bathroom, called/messaged me within hours of my departure, and returned it to me in person in Pontevedra this evening. They went above and beyond to try to find us at 10...
    • Ivan_Prada
      My tarte de Santiago is in the oven. We will celebrate quietly at home tonight and be thankful for our many blessing. May peace and joy find you where ever you are!
    • Ivan_Prada
      Ivan_Prada reacted to eils's post in the thread St. James, who? with Like Like.
      Yes, he is mentioned a few times in the Gospels and also wrote one of the New Testament epistles (the epistle of James). Chapter 12 of the book of Acts is the place to go to for facts about his death. I wish more people would read (and re-read)...
    • Ivan_Prada
      Ivan_Prada reacted to dfox's post in the thread St. James, who? with Thank you Thank you.
      The article below may provide some information: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/saint/st-james-547
    • Ivan_Prada
      Memories Stay Sometimes it shined so bright Everything felt warm and right And sometimes the clouds were grey When you had to go away All the times we woke up late The two of us just tempting fate Always had you by my side Even on the darkest...
    • Ivan_Prada
      I like the song Damien - could you put the lyrics up here? Well produced with good images.
    • Ivan_Prada
      Ivan_Prada reacted to peterott's post in the thread new hiker from Germany says Buen Camino with Buen Camino! Buen Camino!.
      Hello, this is Peter here. I am new in this forum as I've registered due to an adventure I am planning for next year. I don't want to hike a full camino, but rather make a round-trip around Santander. * Santander => San Vicente de la Barquera...
    • Ivan_Prada
      Ivan_Prada reacted to El Cascayal's post in the thread Ruta de las Peregrinaciones with Thank you Thank you.
      Oviedo to Santuario de Covadonga. There is an old thread from 2014 on the Forum. I am interested in this route and have been unsuccessful in finding details and lodging. I wrote to the Asturias tourism & Culture board and this was their very...
    • Ivan_Prada
      Ivan_Prada reacted to roisin431's post in the thread Cheating with Like Like.
      I noticed this too but I thought it was a good gesture to give discounts to locals. Often when you live in a place filled with tourists of any kind the increase in prices push the locals out. We are simple passing through while locals are...
    • Ivan_Prada
      Ivan_Prada reacted to cubanisimo's post in the thread Cheating with Like Like.
      It's happened to me, so I have to vigilant. If you feel cheated, speak up and if it's not resolved, walk out. I speak Spanish (cuban) so I see through their little scams. Not everyone does it. Let it go and chalk it up to inexperience...
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