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Jagdev D.

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    • Jagdev D.
      Jagdev D. reacted to SabsP's post in the thread Tipping? with Like Like.
      I never visited the USA or Canada and I will most likely never travel to these countries. But I travelled through alot of European countries. Being a waiter is in most European countries a proper job with a proper wage and decent social security...
    • Jagdev D.
      Jagdev D. replied to the thread Tipping?.
      @Robo, I live next to the most tipped/tipping etc.. etc.. country, I maybe the only person , who believe and abhor tipping in any form or shape, fine leave the change for the round up, But, here in these parts of the wold the tipping is...
    • Jagdev D.
      Jagdev D. reacted to Robo's post in the thread Tipping? with Like Like.
      I don't think the tipping culture like in the US exists anywhere else. In that it forms a large part of the staff income as I understand? (correct me if I'm wrong, but in 30-40 countries I have never come across it) In Spain, as elsewhere. I...
    • Jagdev D.
      Jagdev D. reacted to Saint Mike II's post in the thread Tipping? with Like Like.
      Hola, as mentioned above, thankfully restaurants/bars in Spain do not expect a tip, especially from pilgrims. I go with the "rounding up" philosophy. Or if the coffee and snack was E4.00 and I pay with a E5 note I might indicate to keep the...
    • Jagdev D.
      Jagdev D. reacted to TravellingMan22's post in the thread Tipping? with Like Like.
      as @Molly Cassidy says above. The whole tipping thing has gone out of control in the US but you don’t need to worry about it in Spain.
    • Jagdev D.
      Jagdev D. reacted to Molly Cassidy's post in the thread Tipping? with Like Like.
      No, you do not need to tip. If you want to leave something, it's usual to round up the bill to a whole euro.
    • Jagdev D.
      Jagdev D. reacted to trecile's post in the thread Drive through Logroño with Like Like.
      Logroño is one of my favorite places on the Francés. It would be a shame to miss it entirely.
    • Jagdev D.
      Jagdev D. reacted to Grousedoctor's post in the thread Blistered to bits-need help! with Like Like.
      I can’t help you identify a podiatrist, but I would suggest that you stop into a pharmacy. In my experience in both Spain and Portugal, pharmacists are very knowledgeable when it comes to maladies suffered by pilgrims. On my first Camino, I was...
    • Jagdev D.
      I’ve been the Albergue San Roque twice and it was amazing. The hospitality, cleanses, community food, donation based…all 12 out of 10, and it’s empty. No one’d like to walk in to check the availability because they don’t accept reservation?
    • Jagdev D.
      I know you didn't ask this, and you might already know, but... It is perfectly OK to start your Camino to Santiago from Roncesvalles (or even Pamplona). Most Spaniards consider Roncesvalles to be the starting point of the Camino Frances. The...
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