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      Katykay reacted to Pafayac's post in the thread Demographics of Le Puy with Like Like.
      Many young pilgrims start walking on Podiensis, but it is so difficult that they become old within a few days. I have in my mind the example of this 25-years old guy. Reaching St Privat (the first step) he was looking like a 40-years old pilgrim...
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      Katykay reacted to mgnswaus's post in the thread Demographics of Le Puy with Like Like.
      I walked the GR65 in 2012 en route to Muxia and 2019 to SJPP. At the Le Puy cathedral pilgrim mass/blessing, a large number of walkers were going to Conques, some to SJPP and only a handful to SdC. The majority of people you meet will be on...
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      Katykay reacted to Marcus-UK's post in the thread The Camino Provides - Law Edition with Like Like.
      A common joke is that God can never litigate since he cannot find any lawyers in heaven. They all seem to end up in the other place. However with people like Sir Thomas Moore likely to have been allowed through the pearly gates, there must be a...
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      “All pilgrims are bums but not all bums are pilgrims” If you’re a bit short of a school, a health centre, a care centre or any other facility that a poor rural population might find useful then €X million on signposts, turning the school you...
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      Katykay reacted to Bedspring's post in the thread The price of items in bars and cafes with Like Like.
      I have just risked it and bought a beer without asking the price in Santander, €2.50. On a serious note, I am extremely fortunate and am currently traveling the world, and getting a grip on prices in different places and currencies can be...
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      I can confirm dual pricing on at least one occasion. Whilst consoling myself after an abandoned first attempt on the C. Madrid some years ago with a flare-up of plantar fasciitis I regrettably took @Tincatinker s advice and embarked on orujo with...
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      Katykay reacted to blind fool's post in the thread The price of items in bars and cafes with Like Like.
      ....and quite possibly she had a shed load in the bank but wanted to budget all the same. her Camino, her choice.
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      Katykay reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread Pilgrim attacked by bird of prey with Like Like.
      Hi @slewis, welcome to the forum. It might help if you could tell us where you heard this rumour. Whether you were under the influence at the time or ever voted Reform.
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      Katykay reacted to Bumpa's post in the thread PTSD on the Camino with Like Like.
      Why am I crying? Sometimes, Tincatinker, it is difficult to explain that to myself let alone to anyone else. I have to take solace in the idea that my body/mind connection moves beyond my surface cognitions into a better place. I usually feel...
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      Katykay reacted to stevepjq's post in the thread Do you attract pilgrims? with Like Like.
      My last Camino was 2 1/2 years ago ( I depart Sept 6 for my next one and will be accompanied by my wife once again). About 6 months after completing my last one, I was walking a short hike in Maui and was hailed by a couple who saw my Camino...
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