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    • kelleymac
      You can usually stay in private albergues for more than one night, as has already been written here. But be aware, you should know that you still usually have to leave the albergue at 8 a.m. so that it can be cleaned and you can only go back in...
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac reacted to blathercamino's post in the thread Popped blister help with Like Like.
      Lambswool (no donut) taped around the toe worked to get me from O Porrino to Redondela with not too much pain, no worsening issues, but some funky pains in feet and legs from walking funny (despite my best efforts not to.) Once in Redondela we...
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac reacted to blathercamino's post in the thread Popped blister help with Like Like.
      Did this today!
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac reacted to Bradypus's post in the thread Popped blister help with Like Like.
      That might be an overreaction to what looks like a very straightforward blister with no visible signs of infection. I think that the goodwill and professionalism of the Spanish health care services would soon be strained if pilgrims regularly...
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac reacted to obinjatoo's post in the thread Popped blister help with Like Like.
      Go see a doctor. An online community forum is not the best place to seek medical advice. Doctors are inexpensive in Spain. If it gets infected, it could get really bad. Keep it clean and keep it covered UNTIL you seek a medical professional...
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac reacted to Camino Chrissy's post in the thread Popped blister help with Like Like.
      Hindsight now for the OP, but the very best suggestion going forward...for everyone!
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac replied to the thread Popped blister help.
      That toe is rubbing up against the shoe. Your shoe is the wrong shape for your foot. One danger of making a doughnut of mole skin or lambswool, is that the foot is then pushed over and your foot may get a blister elsewhere from your shoe. (I...
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac reacted to David's post in the thread Popped blister help with Like Like.
      Replace footwear. Trekking sandals or good trail runners.
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac reacted to Grousedoctor's post in the thread Popped blister help with Like Like.
      Open up your blister so it can drain. Make sure the opening is large enough, like a slit, so it won’t close right up. Keep it clean so as not to get infected. Go to a pharmacy and purchase paper pharmaceutical tape . When not walking, keep the...
    • kelleymac
      kelleymac reacted to trecile's post in the thread Health Impact of Camino walk... with Like Like.
      I met a guy this year that told me his strategy for steep hills was to count each step with his right foot up to 25 before looking up to see how far he'd gotten. I tried it, and the focus on counting steps helped on steep hills. Most of my life...
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