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    • M2ME
      M2ME replied to the thread Returned.
      Some stages after Cáceres can be a bit challenging between distance and accommodation. I used Gerald Kelley’s “Via” app and found it very useful. The monastery at Oseira was a wonderful experience. I took a rest day in Cáceres which was well...
    • M2ME
      This website may help also with accommodations and other info. https://www.centrogarabandal.org
    • M2ME
      This may help. A bus from Santander to nearest village Cosio Mon to Friday the company is ALSA. Then taxi to the Garabandal. Desde la Estación de Autobuses de Santander a Cosío-Garabandal: Hay un autobús de lunes a viernes (excepto festivos)...
    • M2ME
      Checkout Rome2Rio app it has details of buses.
    • M2ME
      M2ME replied to the thread Shin splints!.
      I had shin splints on VdLP. I used compression socks at days end, ibuprofen and a topical anti inflammatory cream purchased from a pharmacy on the way. Stretching before walking also helped. Advice I heard from someone who had through hiked the...
    • M2ME
      M2ME replied to the thread Should I replace my Hokas now?.
      I have worn Hokas and La Sportivas. In my experience they’re good for 1000 kms. If yours are showing signs of wear replace them before you start your Camino. As others have said trail runners don’t need to be broken in they’re ready to go out of...
    • M2ME
      M2ME replied to the thread Pilgrim attacked by bird of prey.
      I’m sure it’s not at all fantastical.
      • 1720391612838.png
    • M2ME
      M2ME reacted to jsalt's post in the thread private albergues cancelling reservations with Like Like.
      Hi, yes, I was leading a group of 14 people when I got a whatsapp one morning, from our next overnight accommodation . . . his young daughter had been killed in a car accident after school the previous evening, and he couldn’t accommodate us that...
    • M2ME
      M2ME replied to the thread Oh to be young!.
      Carreras, gritos y banderas: julio arranca de nuevo con la entrada descontrolada de peregrinos en Santiago Vecinos de Compostela, que inmortalizan la llegada de un numeroso grupo al Obradoiro, protestan en las redes: «Todo ten un límite» Llegada...
    • M2ME
      https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/santiago/vivir-santiago/2024/07/02/carreras-gritos-banderas-julio-arranca-nuevo-llegada-descontrolada-peregrinos-santiago/00031719914457269695302.htm I realise this is annoying for the residents but I am a...
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