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Martin 888

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    • Martin 888
      Martin 888 reacted to dougfitz's post in the thread 4 and 5 star hotels with Like Like.
      None of the routes I have walked offer that level of accommodation outside of major cities.
    • Martin 888
      Martin 888 replied to the thread Cycling from Gijón.
      I think you may be confused between the Via de la Plata and the Camino del Norte……the route and towns you describe are on the Camino del Norte which heads east to west. No problem with using a credential to stay in Albergues if you are on a...
    • Martin 888
      If your objective is to provide your wife with a true ‘sample’ experience, I would consider walking three days south from Ribadeo on the Camino del Norte through Mondonedo (gorgeous) and Vilalba. I would then grab a cab to Arzua where the Norte...
    • Martin 888
      Martin 888 replied to the thread Vegetarian restaurant?.
      Ooop’s sorry…..just spotted it’s closed on Monday’s. Alter your timing plans…..it’s worth it !
    • Martin 888
      Martin 888 replied to the thread Vegetarian restaurant?.
      Take a look at A Corre Vexeta……absolutely divine! Less than a kilometre from the cathedral on the main CF route into town. Best veggie food I’ve had in a long time!
    • Martin 888
      Martin 888 replied to the thread Beyond the Way.
      YouTube……and it’s brilliant…..watch season two first
    • Martin 888
      I finished the Norte last Saturday, and want to post a few thoughts. Some may be of use to those thinking of walking the Norte in future. I’ve been on a bit of a Camino blitz this year - Portugues from Porto, Invierno, and Sarria-Santiago whilst...
    • Martin 888
      Definitely ‘Polarsteps’……I’m using it every day right now for the first time to track/follow a friend of mine who is walking the CF at the moment. It’s terrific and very easy to use. Buen Camino !
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