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    • Saranger
      Saranger reacted to Kirkie's post in the thread Camino fatigue? with Like Like.
      Hi, Luka. I am not surprised to read your post. You were not in the best of health, from what you posted. Now you are home and probably need time to get your oomph back! Give it time. Take a little time to just stop, and breathe. Your last...
    • Saranger
      Saranger replied to the thread How to Volunteer in SdC?.
      American Pilgrims has links for contacting the Pilgrim’s Office, as well as other opportunities to volunteer in Spain. They’re a great organization for helping pilgrims prepare for a Camino as well as assisting with returning from the Camino...
    • Saranger
      Saranger reacted to Bristle Boy's post in the thread Coffee with Like Like.
      Spain doesn't serve coffee on a Monday. You might have to wait until tomorrow.
    • Saranger
      Saranger replied to the thread How to Volunteer in SdC?.
      You might also check the American Pilgrims website for information on the Pilgrim’s Office and other opportunities in Spain: https://americanpilgrims.org/volunteer-opportunities/
    • Saranger
      Saranger reacted to Jan Jones's post in the thread Sanabres- Downhill to Ponte Ulla! with Like Like.
      Yes, the zigzag is a great technique. I used it on the climb up out of Ourense last month - to the amusement of some Spanish pilgrims - but it makes the steep climbs so much less challenge.
    • Saranger
      Saranger replied to the thread Dual Pilgrimage.
      It's most important to pre-book your accommodations. This isn't like the Camino where you can walk and book a day before or just show up. For information on accommodations (all budgets) go to https://www.kumano-travel.com/en I highly recommend...
    • Saranger
      Saranger reacted to Richard Smith's post in the thread Dual Pilgrimage with Like Like.
      This is the best website https://www.tb-kumano.jp/en/kumano-kodo/
    • Saranger
      Devilish downhill indeed! Just walked that section on 04 May 2024 (arrived Santiago on 05 May) and it was killer on my knees. Ended up changing my plans for the next week because of my last two days of the Sanabrés, with asphalt, mud, rain...
    • Saranger
      Saranger reacted to Elle Bieling's post in the thread Sanabres- Downhill to Ponte Ulla! with Like Like.
      If you are on FB, I posted there: The plan is to do a write up on pilgrimagetraveler.com too. Before that happens, I also just rewalked the Lisbon to Porto route and need a month or so to update that first, before starting a new project!
    • Saranger
      I have had some knee problems on several caminos, @Camino Chrissy, and I was very careful going down to Ponte Ulla this year. In addition to slowing down, one technique that reduces the steepness is to make your own switchbacks. Just weave from...
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