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    • simply B
      simply B reacted to laurenligreci's post in the thread Pilgrim attacked by bird of prey with Like Like.
      Maybe it was a goose or swan? They’re dicks 🤣
    • simply B
      Is there a short flight available from Bilbao to Biarritz? It is a one hour taxi from the airport to SJPdP. My normal practice is to find three other Peregrinos leaving the airport and ask if they would share a taxi, which I have already...
    • simply B
      simply B reacted to Bradypus's post in the thread Getting to St Jean Pied de Port with Like Like.
      You are unlikely to reach Pamplona in time for the 12:00 bus. I would take a bus from the airport to Donostia, walk across the river to Amara station, take the Euskotren to Hendaye and then SNCF to Bayonne and finally SJPDP.
    • simply B
      simply B reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread Kilometre markers with Haha Haha.
      They are known as Mojones: not a far step in the evolution of language from Mahone as in pogue mahone. Their actual purpose escapes me but I guess they’re an excellent method of using up an embarrassing surplus of faux marble and scrap bronze...
    • simply B
      simply B replied to the thread Coffee.
      Even when I was learning how to roast green coffee, my worst experiments were STILL better than that asphalt-flavored brew.
    • simply B
      simply B reacted to SBurgess's post in the thread Coffee with Like Like.
      Recently I visited Azerbaijan where I met a women from the Netherlands. She told me of the time she visited her son now living in Seattle, Washington (US). He took her to see the original Starbucks Coffee Shop and for a cup of Starbucks finest...
    • simply B
      simply B reacted to Jeff Crawley's post in the thread Coffee with Like Like.
      So you've been to Starbucks too!
    • simply B
      simply B reacted to SlowCamino2024's post in the thread Coffee with Like Like.
      Hey Jeff, Humor is ALWAYS appreciated! However, given the volatile, socio-politically correct times we are in, it is sometimes even hard for a sarcastic old timer like me to discern what is humor and what is righteousness LOL! Glad to hear it...
    • simply B
      simply B reacted to SBurgess's post in the thread Coffee with Like Like.
      As someone who has tasted less than 1/2 cup of coffee in my entire life--it is the most godawful taste imaginable--I posted my comment to throw a bit of humor into the conversation. The 🤣 was deliberately left out as I was curious to see if...
    • simply B
      simply B reacted to Jeff Crawley's post in the thread Coffee with Like Like.
      That seems to have gone straight over somebody's head without slowing down much. Strange, love from Jeffrey ;)
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