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    • stewinyvr
      stewinyvr reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread Bear near Cadavo Baleira with Like Like.
      Manch, you are right, it is only a matter of time before a pilgrim gets attacked. An extrapolation of the current probabilities suggests once in the next one thousand years. Unless there is a significant increase in the number of pilgrims dressed...
    • stewinyvr
      I know B.com is a controversial topic and sometimes for good reason. But let me gently push back on "rips off". I worked at an understaffed frequently booked solid Alb. When I was the sole person on duty for the day I had to - Serve breakfast...
    • stewinyvr
      — The exhibition A viking life opens to the public on Friday, July 12, starting at 4 p.m., after its institutional opening ceremony, which will take place that same day in the morning — Curated by: Irene García Losquiño — Entrance free of...
    • stewinyvr
      stewinyvr reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread Orisson with Like Like.
      Valcarlos. Run down and dirty. Run down and dirty? What’s that got to do with anything? I got the impression you were looking for a bed for the night. The Albergue has comfortable beds, adequate hygiene facilities, and, last time I was there (...
    • stewinyvr
      I haven’t done the VDLP but I have walked the first stage (totally forgotten about it) when I was in Sevilla for a birthday event last year. No problems at all! It was during the festival and whilst leaving Sevilla at around 6am and crossing the...
    • stewinyvr
      I'm in Chicago tonight, having crossed into Illinois earlier today and then taking a train from Matteson into the city to visit friends for a couple days. This means I've now crossed Indiana twice, following first the southern branch and now the...
    • stewinyvr
      It may have been this article..I saw it in a few places.. Australian setting up fake flight wifi
    • stewinyvr
      Joking, partly. Talk to the person next to you instead of to your phone. I am old school, I know. I understand. Speaking as a long-time (+40 years) IT engineer, I would be very careful using WiFi networks, especially those open ones. Lots of...
    • stewinyvr
      stewinyvr reacted to Pafayac's post in the thread Tipping? with Like Like.
      EU rules states that the prices should be service included. But if you want to leave a tip, there will be no offense !
    • stewinyvr
      stewinyvr reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread Pilgrim attacked by bird of prey with Haha Haha.
      Hi @slewis, welcome to the forum. It might help if you could tell us where you heard this rumour. Whether you were under the influence at the time or ever voted Reform.
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