Yes, both a good lawyer AND a good tax accountant would be needed. Buying a place in another country and renting it out/AirBnB'ing it, would generate income in Spain on which you'd be taxed. I agree with another poster--you'd be much better off...
I agree, and the figures bear that out. Looking at the descent into Zubiri, it is about 4.7 km long and drops 355m, with a maximum downhill slope of -21.5%. Going down into Molinaseca from the top of the ridge after Manjarin to the start of the...
Actually, no. The math says if you leave Burgos beginning of June you would be joining the exact same wave that started mid-May from SJPdP that you are stating you want to avoid!
You've done CF just last year, so you are aware of how busy it can be in May/June. Again, if you start in Burgos beginning of May, you will be a few weeks ahead of that rush. Having done a spring and a fall CF, I can tell you this--they look...
If @JustJack starts from Burgos at the same time he will be about two weeks ahead of the big wave starting from SJPDP. If he starts later in the month he will be right in the thick of that wave.
The first two weeks of September have historically been two of the busiest weeks of the year for pilgrims starting from SJPDP. If you start from Burgos at the same time you will be a couple of weeks ahead of the big wave.
I walked SJPdP to Santiago May/June 2018. Last year Burgos to Muxia starting last week of August, thinking that would put me ahead of the September wave from SJPdP. It did. Only encountered 4-6 people a day while waking, and a few more in...
Amen. Unless you don't care about your kidneys. But seriously. Kidney failure is no laughing matter and it's a risk with high doses of NSAIDs. I cringe when people talk about 'Vitamin I.' 😬
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