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  1. Walkerooni

    Gradient Graphs for Camino Frances

    Bless your heart for putting all this work into this project. So forgive me for saying that the seemingly random elevation scales in no way reflect any degree of difficulty I have encountered on my Caminos. Brierley guide, gronze website, and a thread on here showing charts for all stages (to...
  2. Walkerooni

    Will the Protest Against Tourists in Barcelona Come to Santiago?

    One of my favourite songs ever! The Last Resort.
  3. Walkerooni

    One month out…this is getting real!

    "I’m including some pics of myself this morning. Let me know if you see anything glaring that I should know or think about." If the pictures you posted are an accurate depiction of how you are holding your poles, I recommend going to the store where you purchased them, and getting a lesson in...
  4. Walkerooni

    Low-hanging fruit

    Several times an older couple picking fruit in their fields waved me over to their fence and pushed fresh-picked cherries or grapes into my hands. Offers to pay for same were rejected, so I graciously accepted their generosity. The thought of taking something that appeared to be someone's crop...
  5. Walkerooni

    Your most valuable stamp

    My most valuable stamp was the first one. It meant I was finally there, about to begin what became an incredible memory!
  6. Walkerooni

    Terminal switch in Madrid

    There is a great YouTube video by Tony Galvez about the Madrid airport which gives great info about navigating in and between each terminal. It's long, but I am confident that somewhere in there will lie your answers.
  7. Walkerooni

    getting sick

    Sadly, it appears many have learned nothing from COVID. If people around us are clearly sick and unwilling to protect those around them by masking, it becomes 100% incumbent on us to protect ourselves by masking. And to think someone else is responsible to keep us safe is now just proving naive.
  8. Walkerooni

    Who owned this Albergue?

    Stayed in 2018 and 2023. Great place. Lovely veggie paella. Almost empty both times.
  9. Walkerooni

    E-bike charging on the camino - Contributing to cost

    I spoke to hospitaleros at a lovely donativo in Rabanal last year. They were struggling with this question--what to charge for e-bike charging when riders assumed they should pay nothing? When one considers most people on the CF take 35-ish days to walk it--that would translate to a pedestrian...
  10. Walkerooni

    Tibial fracture after 600 km on French Camino

    An easy and effective way to build up supportive muscles that can help avoid shin splints (and it can be done while sitting on your duff while watching a movie or while reading the Camino Forum!): Sit on a chair, feet flat on floor, knees at 90 degrees. Keeping heel on ground, raise and lower...
  11. Walkerooni

    Best app to accurately record distances, elevation and descent per day

    Google "Gronze available in English". Not an app, but it's there.
  12. Walkerooni

    want solitude

    Also an introvert, have walked SJPdP to Santiago starting late May, and Burgos to Muxia starting late August. Except for a few days on each, I walked alone as per my preference. Do not worry, over 800km you will have no problem finding solitude. I did enjoy sereptitiously running into someone...
  13. Walkerooni

    Poles or No Poles?

    Used properly, poles (2 of them) can not only take 25%+ of strain off your lower body, but also keep you symmetrical, and help maintain proper posture. Big yes from me.
  14. Walkerooni

    What do you wish you had worried less about?

    The only thing that really concerned me the first time were the logistics of getting to the "start line". Friends had told me that after that, everything would just unfold as it should. They were right.
  15. Walkerooni

    Sun Sleeves?

    I don't typically use them as sun-sleeves, but use them for cool mornings, pulling them off as the day warms up. Available at most running or cycling shops, available in different sizes and different weights/thicknesses. Likely many brands available, but I get the MEC sleeves in Canada. The US...
  16. Walkerooni

    What exercises to do to strengthen lower back?

    "My leg strength is not as issue as I regularly ride 500-600km a week with 2000 to 4000m of climbing." That is fine if you are cycling the Camino, but with only 6 weeks until you start, make sure you train for actual walking. Other than adding to your general strength and fitness, cycling and...
  17. Walkerooni

    Rethinking my CF-ish route after Burgos (and I start in 7 days!)

    As a self-professed "solo newbie", referring to the magical Meseta as a "slog", it means you heard that from someone else. On my first Camino, I ran into several people who planned to skip it because they HEARD it was boring. Likely from others who had never done it themselves because they too...
  18. Walkerooni

    Hitchhiking on the Camino?

    "In another instance we had a pilgrim who had fallen in the mud on a rainy day and was lying by the road wrapped in his poncho. A car pulled up, the driver rolled down his window and shouted "Peregrino?". He popped the trunk and the pilgrim climbed in drenched and muddy and he was transported to...
  19. Walkerooni

    The Way: how do you feel about THE movie?

    To be fair, in the movie he learned of the death of his son, and a few days later was in SJPdP to collect his remains, only thereafter deciding to walk the Camino himself to honor his son. I think in the same circumstances, most of us would not have decided on the flight over to sign up for...
  20. Walkerooni

    Breast Cancer & Oral Chemo

    I am a recently retired oncology pharmacist. I can certainly help. I will send you a private note.

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