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  1. redpomegranates

    What do guys sleep in

    ha ha! ahaha. Br. David...
  2. redpomegranates

    Weight loss - or gain?

    4mm? Certainly, excercise will have a certain amount of influence on bones, increasing calcium absorption (due to pulling of tendons on bones and pressure) but not on nails, as far as I know. If it was your toenails, maybe it had to do with the walking (?) A fungal infection? Nails are...
  3. redpomegranates

    Confessions in English?

    Peter Robins wrote: 'so, yes, it does seem you can get a plenary indulgence on those 3 dates, a partial one on other dates, and a plenary one if you die en route. Perhaps it only applies to Spanish-speakers?? ' I wrote this facetiously, but now I'm wondering whether in fact outside holy...
  4. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    amen! causa finita est. such an interesting dialogue that I've even forgotten my initial question...
  5. redpomegranates

    drinking water

    hence the "non-potability" part of the non-potable water :)
  6. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    Latin is RAMPANT and unstoppable on this forum! :P ps. Br David: 50-100 years max! ha ha
  7. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    quite a handful there, Br David! :-) This calls for tea, a few hours, and a couple of rocks to sit on, on the Camino. Anyway, its difficult to explain one's bond with one's Faith. To me it is true love...it IS a love relationship...I love the Church like I love my mother...and therefore I...
  8. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    Ah, I did see that letter before, but I think it is applicable only to the Jubilee Year, and this year is not one of them. As for intentions... The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It is is very tricky thing to prefer your own interpretation to that of church tradition. Too...
  9. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    hmmm...I am not sure of the value of insisting upon this long-debated question. Why must we chose one over the other? What will we gain by doing so? It seems to me that without God's grace we cannot even exist, we cannot breathe, think,...we cannot do good works, and we certainly cannot be...
  10. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    :) smiley face continued from end of previous message... there really ARE vipers around the Camino, I have documented myself. As for Purgatory, I wont take any chances. :shock:
  11. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    Rabies isnt endemic to a particular region, I would not think, and wonder therefore, how an entire country can be safely said to have no rabies. ?? All the better if it is true, since abdominal shots are very painful! Ulysses...)
  12. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    yes Michael, that is exactly what I'm going for :-) Purgatory is not on my top ten list of places to visit... And now that I know a plenary indulgence is given if you succumb to the ills and perils on the Camino, I shall be much less afraid of deadly vipers and rabid dogs :) pax et bonum
  13. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    This is what I was going off of, and simply wondered if anyone could confirm: "The plenary indulgence - never, as far as we know, a printed document - is still granted to those who visit the Cathedral and the tomb of the Apostle at any time during a Holy Year, make their confession, attend...
  14. redpomegranates

    Nailclippers? Deodorant? Floss?

    :D haha! yes, yes, and yes again!
  15. redpomegranates

    Nailclippers? Deodorant? Floss?

    Brother David, things seem to burn down all around you! :) Fascinating story, and I suspect you of many an inner revelation,...as must be after a lifetime of wandering and struggling. Hesse is on the list of "authors of my heart," right after Mann; the contrast of N-Goldmund is an old theme...
  16. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    one third, you say? WHICH third, would be the next logical question...hopefully the "really bad" third :) to be human is to be normal, but who wants to be normal??! we must strive to be perfect (blah blah) :)
  17. redpomegranates

    Plenary Indulgence, July 25th?

    To my fellow Catholics out there (and others who might know), rumor has it pilgrims arriving at Santiago on July 25 (+ Mass and Confession) receive a plenary indulgence. Is this true? I could really use a plenary indulgence. :) The partial ones would never be able to cover for all my previous...
  18. redpomegranates

    Nailclippers? Deodorant? Floss?

    Brother David, my heartfelt gratefulness for your kind reply, and such a valiant and appreciated attempt at Romanian! Your story could well be the foundation for a wonderful and meaningful book. Such an experience. What a way to be torn away from the baubles of life (vanitas vanitatis! :) and...
  19. redpomegranates

    Nailclippers? Deodorant? Floss?

    priceless replies. thank you Ulysses, for a dose of reality. As for stripping off your softened nails after a day of walking in boots...I dunno if I have the heart for it... Plus, in going in sandals myself. You see, the Camino for me will be an exercise in minimalism and austerity. I want...
  20. redpomegranates

    Nailclippers? Deodorant? Floss?

    ah, someone is already rolling their eyes at me i see :) Am I real? Yes, my ignorance is reality indeed! I would think that even cutting nails to the flesh before leaving,they would still grow considerably in 4-6 weeks and would become a hygene health hazard with all the dirt that accumulates...

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