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  • Users: D74
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  1. D74

    Zubiri or Larrasoana?

    If you like a swimming pool, Zubiri has a large municipal pool open to the public - over the bridge to the main road, turn right and walk for about 5 minus and you'll see it
  2. D74

    Zubiri or Larrasoana?

    I do love a bit of Zubiri, especially in the summer when you can take a dip in the river. Albergue El Palo De Avellano was nice when I stayed there in 2022, I remember it being a little bit more expensive, but it was clean and the communal meal was great for meeting other pilgrims. Albergue...
  3. D74

    Is the Ingles Social or Solitary?

    So many great and helpful things have been written above about the Ingles. I will add that the Camino spirit and sense of community is very much alive on this short route, it was a welcome surprise when I walked it in early June last year. It's a lovely one week Camino. I added on Finisterre at...
  4. D74

    Too soon to second Camino?

    The Camino is calling you. If you have the time and the money, why the hell not! :p
  5. D74

    Express Bourricot

    I made a short video on how to navigate their website, which might help -
  6. D74

    2024 - albergue trends... or non-trends

    Thanks @wisepilgrim for the update, keep up the great work.
  7. D74

    Dog from Hell ?

    There were a few dogs on the last stage of the Baztan, not far out from Pamplona, that looked ready to eat my ankles and weren't afraid to let me know it. Thankfully, the aforementioned hounds were chained up, but had they not been I would have probably ruined a perfectly good pair of...
  8. D74

    Effectively Avoiding Blisters

    totally, I would often see people with a massive blister that had formed under the compeed that they then couldn't get at.
  9. D74

    Effectively Avoiding Blisters

    ha ha, I'm glad I'm not on my own with my views on Compeed. Some of the damage I've seen them do is certainly isn't something I want to see again.
  10. D74

    Effectively Avoiding Blisters

    I started out walking my first few Caminos using vaseline, but have since found choosing the right socks, shoes and different preventative measures to be best at keeping me blister free. I've made a video on blister prevention, which may help some of you -
  11. D74

    Anyone "Gut Train" with Kimchi/Sauerkraut pre-Camino?

    Fermented foods contain live bacteria, which when consumed can increase healthy bacteria in gut, improving your body's response to unfriendly bacteria and other such delights https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-benefits-of-probiotics
  12. D74

    Anyone "Gut Train" with Kimchi/Sauerkraut pre-Camino?

    I've never had food poisoning on the Camino, but do find the change in diet and the sugary breakfast can be challenging. What works for me is taking OptiBack tablets, which help my tum and staves off acid reflux
  13. D74

    Starting from Bayonne - getting a credential

    Hi Kevin, I hope you don’t mind, but I had a couple of Baztan questions for you. Did you have to book ahead or can you find accommodation easily enough on the day? Did you see many other pilgrims walking whilst you were there? I plan to walk it on April 1st.
  14. D74

    Is the Albergue in Roncesvalles a “must”?

    Id recommend staying there and signing up to the meal. It’s a great way of meeting your fellow pilgrims, most of whom have just started their journey so are keen to say hello and connect. If you’re walking from St Jean, it’s a long day and your feet will thank you for stopping at Roncesvalles...
  15. D74

    The Invierno is gaining in popularity

    thank you
  16. D74

    The Invierno is gaining in popularity

    That's helpful to know, thanks @VNwalking
  17. D74

    The Invierno is gaining in popularity

    This is super helpful, thanks for taking the time to reply and let me know what your experience was like on the Invierno. I know what you mean about company, you can be perfectly happy walking on your own and then after meeting someone and chatting you realise how much you've missed having a...
  18. D74

    The Invierno is gaining in popularity

    Can any of you comment on how solitary the Invierno is? I like the idea of walking alone, but then enjoy talking with pilgrims at the end of the day in a cafe, bar or albergue. I get the impression this may not be possible on this route. I arrive in santiago on the afternoon of the 11th, and...
  19. D74

    The Invierno is gaining in popularity

    Glad to hear it. Thanks, I shall take a look at your handy link.
  20. D74

    The Invierno is gaining in popularity

    I'm starting the Invierno early next week, here's hoping I meet a few other pilgrims along the way. Did you all enjoy the route? Any places to look out for?

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