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  1. David Bedlow

    Tinned fish talk!

    'I always bought a tin of sardines in olive oil as a backup meal, mashed over fresh bread . . .' Mashing sardines is cruelty. It is almost as bad as mashing potatoes. Even if you have no teeth left you should be able to eat sardines (and potatoes) using your gums only!
  2. David Bedlow

    Interactive Map

    Much thanks for your advice. I did not have Mapy when walking caminos, but I do find it interesting when walking in the Wicklow and Dublin mountains, and I was concerned last week when the full battery did not last the day. I do not normally need to check my position but it is interesting to...
  3. David Bedlow

    Interactive Map

    I have been using Mapy.cz on my mobile telephone for some time. However I find the battery life has reduced significantly. Has anyone else experienced this?
  4. David Bedlow

    Portuguese camino coastal route September.

    I did it in Spring 2023. Very busy when it came to finding accommodation. My account is attached: you may find it useful
  5. David Bedlow

    The Camino walker and the biker. 🤣

    'On your left' is meaningless and I have never heard anyone say it before. To me it also sounds rude. A complete sentence might be preferable. 'I am coming along behind you on your left'? What about a bell, the meaning of which would be more readily understood?
  6. David Bedlow

    Pack Cover Failure

    I should have explained better. The drybag I use is called a Podsac Drysac AS-KP-15-M Rucksacliner. It is much the same size as a trash compactor but much lighter and very flexible.
  7. David Bedlow

    Pack Cover Failure

    Forget about a cover for your rucksack. Buy a large dry bag the same size and put it inside your rucksack, then pack all your stuff into it. I did this on every camino since 2011. I also had an Altus poncho which went over my rucksack anyway. On the Portuguese Camino in 2013 it rained non stop...
  8. David Bedlow

    Calling all new and seasoned pilgrims - Documentary recommendation

    Interesting film. However, it is a pity that the music is not more appropriate, for example music from the Codex Calixtinus. And organ music played on the unique Spanish organs with their horizontal trumpets and divided keyboards.
  9. David Bedlow

    Starting the Camino in Bayonne

    I walked the Baztán (Bayonne to Pamplona) and then continued on the Frances to Santiago in 2019. Here is my account. You will see I had a few mishaps but nothing to serious. It is indeed very beautiful. At the time there was no printed guidebook available and I do not do advanced technology, so...
  10. David Bedlow

    OK guys, what underwear?

    'Having recently robbed a bank I invested in a pair of ex-officio’s finest' Be careful. The elastic on Ex Officio perishes if washed or dried at too high a temperature.
  11. David Bedlow

    The BEST Videos showing the Camino I've ever watched!

    But the music is dreadful - D
  12. David Bedlow

    Menu del dia - options to customize?

    In my experience you are likely to be charged (a lot) more if you try to vary the Menu del Dia or d Perigrino. But I always asked for carajillo instead of postre and was seldom disappointed - D
  13. David Bedlow

    How to wash a back pack?

    In my experience it is better not to rinse after using NikWax as doing so rinses the waterproofing away - D
  14. David Bedlow

    Some experiences on Camino Portugues Costa

    Many thanks for your account of the Portuguese Coastal (litoral?) Camino. I walked it last April and May and attach my account. I found it much more crowded than any camino I have walked previously, and most of the places I had intended to stay in were booked out; so I had to use booking.com. I...
  15. David Bedlow

    Limited beds in Albergues

    I walked the Portuguese senda litoral/coastal in April & May. It was my fifth camino (previously Frances, Portuguese central/Fistera-Muxía, Primitivo, Baztán/Frances, always arriving at Santiago) and it was very different. On previous caminos I rarely booked ahead, as this forces you to arrive...
  16. David Bedlow

    In Porto now and already lost

    Yes, there is nothing like paper and a pencil
  17. David Bedlow

    Am I packing too much?

    As I mentioned before 20 feet is a good length. I have run a clothes line outside the windows of a pension in a town where all albergues were full - D
  18. David Bedlow

    Am I packing too much?

    Why does everyone else bring a knife? I never have - D
  19. David Bedlow

    Am I packing too much?

    I always bring a 20 ft clothes line. As suggested it is more likely to be used in hotels, pensions or B&Bs. Also a universal bath/basin plug is indespensible - David
  20. David Bedlow

    Pamplona or Bayonne for an arrival rest day?

    I suggest starting in Bayonne and walking the Camino Baztán route which ends in Pamplona. This is a very beautiful camino which goes through the Basque regions to Pamplona. From there you can continue on the Camino Frances. And take plenty of rest days anywhere you find interesting.

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