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Hot off the presses — Guide 2019


Staff member
Ender is at it again, here is a guide to the Olvidado. I have no doubt it will have the same effect on this camino as his work on the Salvador did about ten years ago. Go now to beat the crowds! It is in Spanish, but lots of the information is easy to decipher. I will be translating it into English soon and will post the link when it is done.

Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Wow, looks magnificent. I guess you going to do that one next - maybe?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hi again! My (Spanish) wife is a translator and I am sure she’d be willing to help if there were any bits of the Spanish you wanted a second opinion on. Just an offer in case.
Thank you Laurie, for this link...
This camino looks even more wonderful than I have imagined.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Just an update to say I have finished the translation and Ender now has the fun task of putting it into the guide format. But if anyone is planning to walk the Olvidado before the product is finished, I am happy to send the translation to you.

I’m hoping to be back on the Olvidado in June, and it would be great to see others. When I walked it in 2014 (?) I never met another pilgrim. Based on all of Ender’s promotion, I am hoping that will be different this time. Buen camino, Laurie
Oh, got my attention
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
This sounds brilliant. Another time saving guide from the community. How can I get hold of a pre-finished-version, please? May well end up on this route in about 4 weeks time.
This sounds brilliant. Another time saving guide from the community. How can I get hold of a pre-finished-version, please? May well end up on this route in about 4 weeks time.
Hi, Undermanager, send me your email address in a PM and I will send it to you. I think we missed each other by a few days on the Mozárabe last year, and maybe we will coincide on the Olvidado. I am going to start walking on the Vasco on June 4, and then bus to Aguilar to walk the rest of the Olvidado. At least those are my hopes!

Buen camino, Laurie

I saw your post on the Aragones sub-forum about this alternative route from Pamplona. I’m starting in Somport on September 4th and now have this on my radar screen and will be looking forward to your translation. Do you have any comments on the relative difficulty of this vs. the CA or CF?

Many thanks,

€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Looking good. To me the only missing bit is something to explain why there are routes As and Bs - that is what is the advantage/disadvantage of each altnerative/why is there an alternative. I am still planning to go in mid Sept 19.

Hi Laurie:

I’m new to this forum, wished had known it before I walked the CF last September. Really enjoy all comments and advices posted here and for sure will be great addition to prepare for next one (CP) on 2021.

If you need any help in the translation, I’ll be glad to help. I’m fluent in Castellano (aka Spanish) and English.

Buen Camino,

3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
It's going to be difficult not to detour off the Camino del Norte when I start next week. Thanks for posting. How beautiful.
Hi Peregrina2000,

I definitely want to. I have already begun semi-planning for it. I wish you the best journey and will hope to hear about it in the forum.

Thanks for all the info on the alternative routes. I hope to take all or some. Weather isn't looking nice for the mountain climb when I arrive, but rain is beautiful too.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I am considering the Olvidado for next year’s camino so I’m sure this guide will be a godsend if I do choose it! Many thanks to everyone involved.
Thank you so much for this account
I've watched a few from the Olvidado...wonderful photos ...I have to stop thinking of the Olvidado even before we walk the Invierno though!!
I watched all the videos of the San Salvidor...brought back some wonderful memories ...
Only thing's a shame that the distances were not given re the Olvidado ...but I presume that this will happen when Enders PDF is translated by your good self Laurie.
Many thanks for this thread
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
My flight is now booked for my next camino and I arrive in Bilbao 18 Sep. Amazing how much extra info there is now compared to when I first planned to do this camino last year!
Hello, Gronze mentions a Viejo Camino. Is this the same as the Olvidado? I can't find much about the Viejo on this forum so wondered if they are the same? What would it be like to walk in August? Thanks.
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Congratulations and well done to those who contributed to putting this together.

Now I'm wondering, is there a feeder trail that connects Pamplona to this route, perhaps near Medina de Pomar?
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Hello, Gronze mentions a Viejo Camino. Is the same as this the Olvidado? I can't find much about the Viejo on this forum so wondered if they are the same? What would it be like to walk in August? Thanks.

There has been a lot of discussion about the name — should it be Viejo Camino, Camino Olvidado, Camino de la Montaña? All of those names have been used. So, in true democratic fashion, every municipality through which the route passes got one vote, and the vote came out in favor of using Camino Olvidado. There are still a few outliers who insist on using the name Viejo Camino, but I think that will dissipate with time. Anyway...

I think August would be a beautiful month, but my hesitation would be that since it is a beautiful mountainous part of Spain, it will be filled with tourists and accommodation will be hard to come by. This past June, I slept in some albergues turísticos and other private accommodations that will likely be filled with higher paying customers in August. There are a few places dedicated to pilgrims exclusively, like Fasgar, Vegarienza, and la Magdalena, but in others you will have to be competing with groups of young people in the albergues turísticos, and with regular tourists in the other private places. But I’ll bet the weather is great!
Congratulations and well done to those who contributed to putting this together.

Now I'm wondering, is there a feeder trail that connects Pamplona to this route, perhaps near Medina de Pomar?

Yes, there is, and I think @caminka or @Sheffield James may have walked it. I know that this is one of the things on Ender’s “to do” list, but I don’t think it’s marked yet. I’ll bet there are GPS tracks, though.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Congratulations and well done to those who contributed to putting this together.

Now I'm wondering, is there a feeder trail that connects Pamplona to this route, perhaps near Medina de Pomar?

I’m also interested in this and @caminka posted this helpful information about a route she took. I’m hoping more people reply to your thread with route options from Pamplona to connect to the Olvidado.