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Reflections on my journey of a lifetime….


Veteran Member
Time of past OR future Camino
I apologize if I have this in the wrong place, but tried to find a thread that dealt with this here goes…

Arrived home in BC, Canada Nov 3 after walking the CF from St. Jean Sept 25.

From the onset, starting with this forum, there was help everywhere for this newbie. So many helped in different ways, from the practical to the personal, offering tips galore, advice, encouragement and humour. In a recent post, I had stated that I was glad that I made the journey when I did, because ‘I could see the writing on the wall’.

I commented on the creeping commercialism and cyclists’ behavior (not ALL cyclists). I would like to retract this and restate it, simply because I was numb with exhaustion and never should have approached my keyboard so soon. I made this journey almost the whole way with an acute case of bronchitis, having to stop both in Astorga and Tricastella for medical assistance, both facilities were kind, courteous and supplied me with what I needed… But the condition did drain me of my usually high energy. I definitely came close to my physical limit a couple of times, but I would do it again. Yes there are signs of commercialism, but who am I to judge this? Ultimately, everyone is choosing to do their own Camino in their own manner. As for the cyclists, that will grow even more I think. It is after all, the ultimate trail for them. In rethinking my irritation with the few who fell short of their consideration of walkers, I realized that as a biker, there are certainly challenging parts of the trail where they simply must stay focused, so it appears they are totally oblivious to others. My journey got off to a beautiful start with the fabulous folks from Corazon Puro, a communal dinner at Beilari and perfect weather conditions starting out. Yes I was doing this journey for my 80th, but it was definitely a walk in gratitude that increased even more because of so many kindnesses along the way and the close relationships that were formed, not to mention my Camino angels. Walking into Santiago de Compostela on Oct 31st, I found myself a bit sad that it had come to an end. But then came the birthday celebration Nov 2 – it started with champagne at the Parador with several friends, brunch with more friends, dinner with another friend, a birthday cake provided by Faith & Nate at the Pilgrin House and small visits in between into the night with those I had acquainted along the way – then, all the lovely birthday wishes from forum members. So in hindsight, it was truly the most meaningful gift I could have received for my 80th. Sorry to be so wordy…you got off easy, because there is much more. I will be participating in a workshop here in Victoria on Nov 14, put on by the Victoria chapter of Canadian Assoc. of Pilgrims. This is to bring together those who have walked the trail and those who are planning their first walk. You can trust my first suggestion will be to get themselves on to the fourum. Cheers…. Maggie
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
You are an inspiration, I hope I see 80 and I hope I'll be healthy to take on a challenge like the Camino.
Best wishes and a belated Happy Birthday :)
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I apologize if I have this in the wrong place, but tried to find a thread that dealt with this here goes…

Arrived home in BC, Canada Nov 3 after walking the CF from St. Jean Sept 25.

From the onset, starting with this forum, there was help everywhere for this newbie. So many helped in different ways, from the practical to the personal, offering tips galore, advice, encouragement and humour. In a recent post, I had stated that I was glad that I made the journey when I did, because ‘I could see the writing on the wall’.

I commented on the creeping commercialism and cyclists’ behavior (not ALL cyclists). I would like to retract this and restate it, simply because I was numb with exhaustion and never should have approached my keyboard so soon. I made this journey almost the whole way with an acute case of bronchitis, having to stop both in Astorga and Tricastella for medical assistance, both facilities were kind, courteous and supplied me with what I needed… But the condition did drain me of my usually high energy. I definitely came close to my physical limit a couple of times, but I would do it again. Yes there are signs of commercialism, but who am I to judge this? Ultimately, everyone is choosing to do their own Camino in their own manner. As for the cyclists, that will grow even more I think. It is after all, the ultimate trail for them. In rethinking my irritation with the few who fell short of their consideration of walkers, I realized that as a biker, there are certainly challenging parts of the trail where they simply must stay focused, so it appears they are totally oblivious to others. My journey got off to a beautiful start with the fabulous folks from Corazon Puro, a communal dinner at Beilari and perfect weather conditions starting out. Yes I was doing this journey for my 80th, but it was definitely a walk in gratitude that increased even more because of so many kindnesses along the way and the close relationships that were formed, not to mention my Camino angels. Walking into Santiago de Compostela on Oct 31st, I found myself a bit sad that it had come to an end. But then came the birthday celebration Nov 2 – it started with champagne at the Parador with several friends, brunch with more friends, dinner with another friend, a birthday cake provided by Faith & Nate at the Pilgrin House and small visits in between into the night with those I had acquainted along the way – then, all the lovely birthday wishes from forum members. So in hindsight, it was truly the most meaningful gift I could have received for my 80th. Sorry to be so wordy…you got off easy, because there is much more. I will be participating in a workshop here in Victoria on Nov 14, put on by the Victoria chapter of Canadian Assoc. of Pilgrims. This is to bring together those who have walked the trail and those who are planning their first walk. You can trust my first suggestion will be to get themselves on to the fourum. Cheers….e
Congratulations,if only one could bottle or package your enthusiasm, your physical and mental determination,and your all round niceness,oldies like me could buy some and hope to come close to your achievements.God Bless.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I apologize if I have this in the wrong place, but tried to find a thread that dealt with this here goes…

Arrived home in BC, Canada Nov 3 after walking the CF from St. Jean Sept 25.

From the onset, starting with this forum, there was help everywhere for this newbie. So many helped in different ways, from the practical to the personal, offering tips galore, advice, encouragement and humour. In a recent post, I had stated that I was glad that I made the journey when I did, because ‘I could see the writing on the wall’.

I commented on the creeping commercialism and cyclists’ behavior (not ALL cyclists). I would like to retract this and restate it, simply because I was numb with exhaustion and never should have approached my keyboard so soon. I made this journey almost the whole way with an acute case of bronchitis, having to stop both in Astorga and Tricastella for medical assistance, both facilities were kind, courteous and supplied me with what I needed… But the condition did drain me of my usually high energy. I definitely came close to my physical limit a couple of times, but I would do it again. Yes there are signs of commercialism, but who am I to judge this? Ultimately, everyone is choosing to do their own Camino in their own manner. As for the cyclists, that will grow even more I think. It is after all, the ultimate trail for them. In rethinking my irritation with the few who fell short of their consideration of walkers, I realized that as a biker, there are certainly challenging parts of the trail where they simply must stay focused, so it appears they are totally oblivious to others. My journey got off to a beautiful start with the fabulous folks from Corazon Puro, a communal dinner at Beilari and perfect weather conditions starting out. Yes I was doing this journey for my 80th, but it was definitely a walk in gratitude that increased even more because of so many kindnesses along the way and the close relationships that were formed, not to mention my Camino angels. Walking into Santiago de Compostela on Oct 31st, I found myself a bit sad that it had come to an end. But then came the birthday celebration Nov 2 – it started with champagne at the Parador with several friends, brunch with more friends, dinner with another friend, a birthday cake provided by Faith & Nate at the Pilgrin House and small visits in between into the night with those I had acquainted along the way – then, all the lovely birthday wishes from forum members. So in hindsight, it was truly the most meaningful gift I could have received for my 80th. Sorry to be so wordy…you got off easy, because there is much more. I will be participating in a workshop here in Victoria on Nov 14, put on by the Victoria chapter of Canadian Assoc. of Pilgrims. This is to bring together those who have walked the trail and those who are planning their first walk. You can trust my first suggestion will be to get themselves on to the fourum. Cheers…. Maggie

Belated Happy Birthday! and Congratulations on your amazing Journey! Thanks for sharing your beautiful and thoughtful post! Buen Camino

Muchas Gracias

Happy birthday. What a wonderful post. I hope you have fully recovered and have regaled your Pilgrim Company with the stories of your Camino.
Happy 80th Birthday.
I walked the Camino for my 70th this year, and your example provides hopeful encouragement for the future.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
Congratulations Maggie and happy 80th!! What an inspiration!!
Maggie: I walked the Salvador-Primitivo arriving in Santiago on October 31st. I know you arrived the same day. I am sorry I didn't get to meet you. I did have the pleasure of walking with different people on and off for the last two days as I joined the CF into Santiago. A 28 year old French-Canadian woman on one day and a 34 year old German woman on another day. Both of them mentioned this wonderful amazing 80 year old woman that they met walking the Camino (they both mentioned you had bronchitis). I didn't realize it was you until I got home and read your posts! I thought you would be happy to know what an impression you made on the younger became a legend:)! Happy, happy birthday. You are my inspiration...I am hoping to be able to walk at 80 if my health holds up!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Maggie: I walked the Salvador-Primitivo arriving in Santiago on October 31st. I know you arrived the same day. I am sorry I didn't get to meet you. I did have the pleasure of walking with different people on and off for the last two days as I joined the CF into Santiago. A 28 year old French-Canadian woman on one day and a 34 year old German woman on another day. Both of them mentioned this wonderful amazing 80 year old woman that they met walking the Camino (they both mentioned you had bronchitis). I didn't realize it was you until I got home and read your posts! I thought you would be happy to know what an impression you made on the younger became a legend:)! Happy, happy birthday. You are my inspiration...I am hoping to be able to walk at 80 if my health holds up!
I'm sure it will Laura; thank you for these kind words. I do feel I was the one on the receiving side. I've told so many about all the wonderful younger folks on the Camino I had the good fortune to meet, walk with, talk with, laugh with and share a San Miguel with. One lovely young lady, I didn't get her name, was in the bunk beside me in one of the Albergues. It was one of my horrid nights of my constant coughing. There was nowhere for me to go. In the morning, did she complain? Not in the least; she first asked if I was okay, then she offered my some alternative medicine capsules to be put in boiling water to inhale. She thought it might ease the cough. She was genuinely concerned. I would guess she was about 18/19. Please stay healthy.
Maggie, what a gorgeous post!
For you clearly 80 is the new 60. And who says we get more rigid and closed-minded as we age? Clearly not you.
I am SO glad you are still fit and having fun--and hope the bronchitis has eased off.
Sending more and many heartfelt 'Long may you be well, fit, and happy!' wishes.
You're a gem and such an inspiration.
Maggie, what a gorgeous post!
For you clearly 80 is the new 60. And who says we get more rigid and closed-minded as we age? Clearly not you.
I am SO glad you are still fit and having fun--and hope the bronchitis has eased off.
Sending more and many heartfelt 'Long may you be well, fit, and happy!' wishes.
You're a gem and such an inspiration.
Thank you Viranani, you are most generous with your words. I am indeed blessed to have the health that I have and yes, the bronchitis is history. Next Autumn, considering walking one of the trails in Scotland (ancestral home), perhaps the John Muir Trail. But would definitely return to the Camino…different trail?
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Arrived home in BC, Canada Nov 3 after walking the CF from St. Jean Sept 25.

Cheers…. Maggie

Cheers is right Maggie. 3 cheers !
Well done ! and you slogged on even with Bronchitis.
You impress and inspire us all. Especially those of us 'getting up there'.
I hadn't read these posts before - so also, a very belated happy 80th birthday from me !
I'm glad you came home having experienced the wonderful camaraderie of both the young and the not so young. There is such a beautiful mix on the Camino, no matter how many times you walk it .
I agree with previous posters too - you are a legend but I suppose you have been that to your family always
Keep walking Maggie
And Buen Camino
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Cheers is right Maggie. 3 cheers !
Well done ! and you slogged on even with Bronchitis.
You impress and inspire us all. Especially those of us 'getting up there'.
I hadn't read these posts before - so also, a very belated happy 80th birthday from me !
I'm glad you came home having experienced the wonderful camaraderie of both the young and the not so young. There is such a beautiful mix on the Camino, no matter how many times you walk it .
I agree with previous posters too - you are a legend but I suppose you have been that to your family always
Keep walking Maggie
And Buen Camino
Annie thank you so much; and many of those wonderful folks on the trail that I shared time with are from Australia!
Maggie, what a lovely and gracious post.
And astonishment and amazement, with your bronchial problems, to have made the complete pilgrimage journey.
An encouragement and an examplar for the rest of us.
Many congratulations.
So there's hope for me yet! Each year, I think that this year's Camino might be the last one, due to the age factor. At 73, I had begun to get a bit worried! Well done, Maggie!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
"...and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."

from Ulysses, by Alfred, Lord Tenneyson
Congratulations, Maggie! I was out there on the camino at the same time as you, and heard about you many times from other pilgrims. You were legendary! What a wonderful way to celebrate your 80th birthday. Sorry we didn't meet along the way. Belated happy birthday!
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Me t
Congratulations, Maggie! I was out there on the camino at the same time as you, and heard about you many times from other pilgrims. You were legendary! What a wonderful way to celebrate your 80th birthday. Sorry we didn't meet along the way. Belated happy birthday!
Me too Joanneking....
Dear Maggie,

May I add my congratulations on both your remarkable achievements! Having completed your camino whilst attaining 80 is double glory. Like many of your digital friends I regret that we have not yet met along the way and look forward to reading more of your camino insights and memories.

Best wishes for many more "movin" years,

Margaret Meredith
Last year we met a 79 year old American, Hanna, while walking the Camino Frances. This year she joined us for our Le Puy Camino. She was incredible. Well done Movinmaggie, age is not a barrier.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Dear Maggie,

May I add my congratulations on both your remarkable achievements! Having completed your camino whilst attaining 80 is double glory. Like many of your digital friends I regret that we have not yet met along the way and look forward to reading more of your camino insights and memories.

Best wishes for many more "movin" years,

Margaret Meredith
Margaret thank you…I have been quite a fan of yours since I joined the forum. Your posts reveal much insight, wisdom and a helpful heart.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc

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